


His grip on my hand tightens as if he's keeping me from escaping. /"It means they want to meet you as soon as possible. I couldn't let them find out from anyone else. I had to do it./"

/"When?/" I ask, not freaking out all to show no fear.

/"Immediately. I've come to get you, to bring you to them./" This time I stop walking. My eyes stay glued to him. /"Wrenley, they can't do anything. My father has already formally stepped down. The ceremony is in days./"

/"So what? They can't hold the Alpha position above your head? They can't hold it against you if you don't leave me?/"

/"I am going to be Alpha. No one else can take the position,/" he tells me. /"When I'm Alpha, I can protect us. I can protect you. They won't have any power over me./"

I shake my head. /"I don't want to see them. They're going to hate me. They're going to blame everything on me./"