
Summoning More Waifus

Adam woke up to find another pussy on his face. This time it didn't belong to Raven, instead it belonged to Yuno. Unlike last time he wasn't receiving a blowjob either, Yuno simply was lying on him with her pussy in his face. Adam rose and Yuno quickly jumped off, she wore a beautiful smile, it was obvious how happy she was. They both rose from their sleep and had found everyone else absorbed in their own hobbies.

He didn't feel the need to wear pants around the girls and therefore didn't go upstairs, he simply took a seat at the dining table and waited for Mamako to make some breakfast. He sat down for a while and got bored so he decided to have some fun with Mamako. He approached behind her and groped her giant ass. This shocked her for a second until she realized that it was her beloved. She went back to her cooking, allowing Adam to do what he wanted.

He unbuttoned her pants and dropped them to the floor, Mamako took no notice and continued cooking. Adam was now face to face with a beautiful pussy and two large asscheeks. He decided that he'd train her ass for some anal later and stuck a finger up her ass. Adam already knew that all of the girls cleansed themselves to be prepared for any type of play at any time so he wasn't worried.

His finger went far up her ass. Mamako began clenching her ass in response to the intruders but didn't change her attention from the food in front of her. Adam took this as a sign of challenge and inserted another finger. Her legs began to wobble, it was obvious she had never tried anal before but she definitely wasn't complaining. Adam thrust his fingers in and out of her asshole, her ass held on as tight as it could so his fingers couldn't leave.

Soon, Mamako's panties were filled with her own cum but she never took her attention off of the stove. Adam gave her a kiss on the cheek and sat back down at the dining table. He was about to have some fun with the other girls before he realized that he had yet to summon again, something that he wanted to do 2 or so days ago.

(A.N. That's a little preview of small smuts that'll be present from now on.)

He opened the system and was greeted with his 100 dream stones. Adam found the summon page and got ready. He prayed to the god that sent him here to get some good rolls. The button was pressed and a familiar golden hue covered the screen, this was nothing uncommon, the highest level of summon would be the hue shown and Adam's luck was now 225.

The first couple were always trash 4-star weapons, he skipped past them. Finally a character showed up, she was covered in gold. The darkness finally disappeared to reveal Raikou the ultimate beautiful mom. Adam pondered for a while, 'How will she get along with Mamako? Will they fight for the spot or will they bond over it?'. Observing her a little more he found that she was in her stage 2 form. (I'll link it.)

Adam continued his pulls, the next important summon was also a gold. The silhouette revealed Grayfia. This also forced Adam to ponder, what would happen if he got a character that already existed in this world? He'd receive his answer soon.

He tapped again and received another golden character. It was revealed to be Vados. This was definitely one he was excited about, an attractive overpowered alien was definitely someone Adam wanted to bed. The blue skin didn't decrease the quality of the woman at all, if anything that made Adam was to explore her body even more.

Wiping away the saliva from his mouth he tapped the board again, he had already received 3 golden characters and didn't expect anything else. His expectations were soon betrayed when another golden flash enveloped the screen. The character revealed herself to be the Sword Saint from Goblin Slayer. Adam was excited from this summon, she was summoned from an alternate universe.

In that universe she was attacked by goblins and taken to their dungeon, she had one last spell slot and used it to protect her body from being defiled but it was still open to be maimed. She watched as her comrades were killed and raped, until finally her vision was taken from her. It wasn't as tragic as the original but she still held a deep hatred for goblins and hid a depressed interior with a light-hearted and caring outer personality. She's basically guaranteed to fall in love with the main character if he regularly kills goblins.

Adam told the rest of the family that they'd be getting new members and would have to put on some clothes until they joined the harem. They were understandably annoyed by this but still agreed. Raven was secretly the most annoyed, she had a lot of plans to get Adam to play with her ass. Yumeko was in a close second, she had a plan to get everyone in a game of poker that would end in an orgy.

The girls retreated and got dressed while Adam received a message on his phone. Actually there were two, from two different people. One was from Meiko.

"I know it hasn't been long since our last date, but I thought it'd be nice to go on another tomorrow on Monday? Only if you want to of course." She texted. Adam thought it was quite cute to see the normally dominant Meiko become so bashful. He then turned his attention to the second text which was from Mikasa.

"May I stay over on Tuesday?" Was all Mikasa said. Adam already knew that Eve had given her his number but didn't expect a text so soon. He agreed to both and went to get dressed.

After 10mins or so, everyone was dressed and ready to accept the new family members. There was no reason to worry about lack of sex, Adam copied a sound skill a while ago so they could have sex without anyone hearing. (That surprise tool is quite useful!)

Adam set up everything to prepare for the summon, the girl were having fun downstairs and Adam was ready to use his charisma to seduce more women. He decided to summon Vados first, she was the one that would be the least head-ache inducing as she didn't have any reason not to get along with the rest of the girls. He tapped on the blue woman with a golden border.

A familiar golden light appeared in the room and a blue skinned alien with a staff stepped out of it. The game dictated that this Vados was depressed at how useless her god of destruction was. She is then summoned and declares that the player's waifu's are worthy of teaching and joins, not as a fighter but as a teacher. If the player is able to seduce her, then she becomes both a fighter and a teacher.

Vados stared at the human and waited for an explanation on why she's here. His said his normal speech, but Vados interrupted half way through.

"I will not become your slave. However, you have some potential with those eyes of yours, those girls downstairs aren't half bad either. I'll teach you as long as I'm fed well." She offered. Adam did his best to restrain himself in front of the sexy alien. She had a similar body structure to Tsunade but had a completely different atmosphere, which was one of authority.

"Well, with that out of the way, I should tell you about the girls downstairs, they're all my women." Adam didn't feel the need to beat around the bush with this woman. She nodded at his words.

"And I suppose you plan to add me to this harem of yours?" She said. Vados didn't sound disappointed or mad, if anything she sounded excited. Vados was one of the few characters he never got in the game so he didn't really know her architype. From her tone, it sounded as if she was happy to finally be recognized as a woman no doubt something Champa was too stupid to do.


Vados' Affection Increased

Neutral ---> Interested


He knew that she would most likely be the last woman he'd acquire from this multi-summon but he didn't rule out the possibility of being pleasantly surprised. Adam took her down to meet the rest of the girls, no doubt they were surprised that an alien had joined but they already had Albedo so it wasn't much of a surprise. They welcomed her with open arms especially LD who latched to her wide hips.

Vados was happy to see her new family accept her so openly. She instantly realized that Mamako was the authority amongst the girls and as a teacher she decided to wrestle for power. They took turns doing their best to threaten and intimidate the other. Until both retracted their terrifying auras at the same time and started to hold each other's hands in joy.

"I think we'll get along." Said Vados. Her eyes sparkled after finding someone just like her.

"I believe so." Mamako replied. At this time, Raven approached Vados.

"I'm looking forward to seeing you fall to his charms" She said to Vados. The rest of the girls nodded their heads. Vados felt a sweat drop fall down her head. Regardless she ignored their words and asked to be taught about the technology.

Adam went back upstairs to summon the next waifu.