

(A.N. Sorry if this first part is bad. I'm writing it when I'm half asleep and have nothing to do.)

Adam awoke back in his cell. Meiko was watching him wake up.

"You have work to do, wake up." She said as she banged her baton on the cell bars. Adam groggily rose from his bed, his clothes in utter disarray. He fixed his clothes and got ready for the day ahead.

"Shall we go to the cafeteria for lunch?" Meiko suggested. Adam simply shook his head and summoned his trusty apple. She was surprised at the fact that he was able to summon apples but wasn't completely blown away, it's not like summoning an apple would be very useful in a combat situation.

Meiko led him to another work site, once again away from the other inmates. It seems he was being intentionally segregated in order to lower the chance of escapes. Adam was fine with this of course, it meant that he could quickly finish his work without being questioned.

The work was soon done and he turned to find Meiko watching him with a stunned expression. Although she knew he was good, she didn't watch last time and therefore didn't know specifically how strong Adam was. He was holding many logs at once, in a brisk jog without breaking a sweat. After finishing, he found a soft patch of grass and slept on it. There were a few animals passing by, a rabbit, some insects, even a snake, but all passed him without issue.

Meiko became even more astonished, 'Not only could he summon, and was strong, he could also charm animals?' She pondered. However, for some reason, she didn't want to report this to Mari. Had she become attached?

Meiko found herself staring at the young man in astonishment, not many were able to be so lucky with their awakenings. Adam felt her stare and returned it, observing her curves. Surprisingly, she didn't feel disgusted from this, instead, she found herself moving her hands out of the way of his stare so he could get a better look. Meiko soon snapped out of this before he could begin observing her breasts and ass, but nevertheless, instead of getting angry at him like she'd do to the other inmates, she simply walked away.

Now free, Adam waltzed back to his cell, on the way grabbing a book to read.

In an office far away was a silver-haired attractive young woman with a business outfit. She was surrounded in a semi-circle by 8 women of varying sizes, ages and craziness. She had a confused expression on her face.

(A.N. This is non-success obsessive Sae.)

"So you're telling me, that you all collectively share a boyfriend who was thrown into jail by bullshit allegations?" She massaged her head. This would mean a massive controversy for the whole of the police force. But they weren't done just yet.

"Ah yes, here is some documentation of proof on how he was unjustly imprisoned." Mamako said. She handed over the piece of paper that the yandere force had killed many for. Sae received the paper and her eyes widened.

"How did you get your hands on this? This should be the most hidden object of the scum that did this!" She exclaimed. This single piece of paper was basically the only thing that needed to be presented, as long as it could be identified, it could single-handedly win the case. The yandere group lightly giggled.

"We just asked really nicely." A red light shone through the eyes of Albedo and Yuno. Esdeath was daydreaming about killing monsters with Adam so she wasn't listening. The bastard behind this had already been tortured and killed by the yandere trio, now the girls were only fighting in order to clear Adam's name. Sae became terrified after these words, the implications behind them were clear as day. Nevertheless, she began typing on her computer, scheduling a court session for the young man.

Natasha was currently walking towards Adam's house, her objective was to stalk and observe the young man before making her move. She saw his house in the distance, it was completely empty. She has received reports that many women lived with him, therefore the chance of the house being completely empty was quite small. Natasha decided to simply wait and observe the house for a day, if they still hadn't come back by then, then she would ask for his location from S.H.I.E.L.D.

A day passed and there was no sign of them, she sucked up her pride and notified Nick Fury of their absence.

"You stupid bitch! Why'd you wait till now to tell us?" A voice screamed through her phone. This was the exact reason she didn't want to notify him. Because of the contract she has signed, she wasn't allowed to leave for another 2 years or she would be fined $5,000,000.

"I assumed they were out on a family gathering or outing sir." She responded.

"Damn, you're stupid woman. Whatever, I'll find where they are." Nick said. Natasha could hear some keys being pressed through the phone. Suddenly, a loud roar came through the phone.

"YOU STUPID MOTHERFUCKER!" A shouted rung through her head.

"The boy has been arrested while you were sat on your ass doing nothing!" He continued. She was extremely confused, how would someone that strong even be arrested in the first place?

"What's worse is that the charges were complete bullshit! There was no evidence collected, no court trial, just a big-shot forcing him into prison!" He complained.

"Understood sir, shall I break him out? Or use my authority to pressure them into letting him out?" She asked.

"Just break the young man out, it'll take too long if we pressure them." He said. With that the phone hung up and Natasha sighed. She stood up and got to work.

I'll upload another chapter or two today since this was a smol one.

BillNyeThePGGuycreators' thoughts