
Chapter 24

|3rd POV|

Lucretia looks at the prince in shock and says.

"Are you sure?"

The prince holds the picture and says.

"Yeah. I know him. Lyon, Georg, and Aunty Sialeeds also know about him."

Lucretia looks at the prince's companion and sees them nodding their heads. Sialeeds walks forward and says.

"He is a great person. I know he will help us as long as we explain what happened to him."

Lucretia nods her head and says.

"Then I leave it to you. If we can recruit him, we will get the army we need. I know a mercenary that we can recruit to fight this battle and some people who are willing to help us."

Frejadour nods his head and says.

"Leave it to us. We will recruit him."

"Good. Let's go"

"Wait! You are coming with us?"

"Of course. I need to talk directly to Admiral Raja. You will talk to this Gerrald while we are talking about how to fight with the incoming fleet."

"I see. Very well. We will depart now."

Freyjadour and his companion walk to the dock, taking a boat to the north and arriving in Raftfleet.

"We are here."

Lucretia leaves the boat and looks around for a few seconds before her eyes land on the Dahak, the biggest river ship in the entire Queendom, and also the mansion where Admiral Raja lives.

"I will be going now. Please ensure Gerrald agrees to join us or at least help us."


With that, they split. Georg and Lucretia go to the Dahak to meet with Admiral Raja to discuss the incoming fight. While Frejadour, Sialeeds, and Lyon walk to the inn searching for Gerrald. Lucky for them, when they open the door to the inn, they see a group of people devouring food as if they have not eaten for a week.

"Oi! Can't you guys slow down? Leave some of the food for me!"

"Leave the food for you?! You already ate a plate of chicken!"

"Because I'm his bodyguard, and I deserve that plate!"

"Bullshit! Oi, kid! Take me with you! If you let your group eat like this, I want some of that!"

Freyjadour and his companion can see Gerrald walk out of the kitchen with stack upon stack of food in his hand. He put the food on the table, which quickly got devoured by the people in the inn. After putting the food on the table, his eyes land on Freyjadour and his companion.

"Oh, Frey! Take a seat! I will give you some food."

Freyjadour looks at his companion and decides to take a seat at the nearby table. After waiting for a few seconds, Gerrald returned with another stack of food.

"Here you go. So! What can I do for you three?"

Sialeeds leans over and says.

"Why do you think we need something from you?"

"Well, first thing first, you are looking for me. When you enter the inn, your eyes look around the room, and the prince sighs when he sees me. A relief sigh, not the tired kind of sigh."

Frejadour looks away with a blush on his cheek.

"Secondly, I know the situation you guys are currently in. The people of Raftfleet have ears around the queendom. We know the situation in Sol-Falena, the capital city, is not good. The only reason you are coming here is because of me, but that is something I don't understand. Why? I'm just a simple merchant who wants to explore this part of the world."

Freyjadour hesitates, so Sialeeds decides to take the lead and says.

"Because we want you to help us. While Lord Barrows is rich, he cannot handle all of the expenses in this war, especially to equip our army with weapons and armor."

"I see. So you want my money. Well, I don't mind helping you guys."

The prince perks up and releases a happy face.

"However! I'm a merchant, so I want assurance that your cause is right. Can you win this war, my prince? Can you assure me that I will get profit from helping you? Can you assure me that your cause is the one for the people?"

Gerrald ignores Sialeeds and looks directly at the prince. Freyjadour looks hesitant for a few seconds before fire appears inside his eyes—a fire of determination.

"Yes. I assure you that I will bring peace to this queendom! I promise you that I will fight for the good of the people. I promise you that I will fix the injustice that happened in the past! I swear in the name of Falena!"

Gerrald looked at him for a few seconds before chuckling.

"Very well. I'm in. How about twenty million Potch sounds?"

"T-Twenty million?!"

Freyjadour cannot help but scream at that number. Twenty million is a huge number for him and his companion. That amount is like the entire money of some noble house, but here, a single person can throw that amount as if it is a loose change.

"Thank you!"

Gerrald smiles and says.

"Ah, before I give you the money… here."

Gerrald takes his company stamp and puts it on the table.

"This is a stamp that lets my family know if I die or something. However, instead of notifying them to get revenge on me, I want them to know that you are not to blame. I want to join this mess and will be responsible for my life if I die."

Gerrald takes the stamp and looks at Freyjadour.

"Do you still want my help? Even though it will let them know I'm responsible for my actions, some still want revenge and will blame it on you. Do you still want my help?"

"Of course! Please stamp me."

"Oh well. I have warned you. Where do you want me to stamp you?"

Freyjadour takes his gloves and points to his palm. Gerrald nods and stamps him. When he can feel a connection, Gerrald nods his head.

"Me too!"

He looks to the side and sees Lyon, the prince's bodyguard, lean forward.

"I will not let the prince get that burden alone! Stamp me as well."

"Lyon! No"

Lyon looks at her prince and says.

"My prince! It is my duty also to share your burden. Please, my prince. Let me share some of your burden."

"Fufufufu~ Lyon is right, Frey. Let us share your burden. You did not need to be blamed for someone's life alone."

"Aunt, you…"

He can only sigh and nod after looking at them for a few seconds.

"Very well. Thank you."

The two women smile and look at Gerrald.

"Stamp us too."

Gerrald holds back his smile and nods his head.

"Very well."

He stamps both Lyon and Sialeeds on their palms. After a few seconds, he can feel two more connections inside his head. When the connection is formed, Gerrald takes out all the money he gets from gambling at the Sacred Games and exchanges some of his monthly income from the company.

Two stacks of money appear on the table.

"These twenty million, as promised."

Freyjadour looks at the money in a daze and shakes his head.

"Thank you so much. With this, we can buy a new weapon, armor, and ship and hire a mercenary."

Gerrald nods and is about to say something. However, before he can do that, a large man walks toward their table and puts his hand on Gerrald's head.

"I hear you need to hire a mercenary. What about hiring my company? The Lindwurm Mercenary Brigade."

If you want to read more, you can visit my P@treon (P@treon.com/luxvondeux) or my Ko-Fi (ko-fi.com/luxvondeux)

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