
Chapter 4: This World

Mrs. Ackerman "I'll always love you" looking at me.

Military police "hey, what's going on?!" Walking up to the group, a fairly tall man, black hair, green eyes, the symbol on his chest for the military police.

Grisha "Marcus, these people were hitting my patient, as well as his mother" looking at us.

Marcus "what, why are you people..." before I look up meeting his eyes.

Mrs. Ackerman "what, will you judge my child too?" Looking as he's face changed too fear/disgust, holding me.

"It is fine mother" picking up the blindfold and putting it on.

Mr. Ackerman "what is wrong with these people, even the military?" Shaking his head.

Marcus "just get this freak out of here, now!" Looking at those who defended me.

Mikasa "shut up! My brothers fine!" Getting up to stand infront of me.

Grisha "yet you did nor said anything to the people, who did this" speaking his thoughts.

Marcus "what did you say girl?!, and grisha I understand if he is your patient but this monster must go, it is disturbing people" getting angry.

Mikasa "say that again.." before I cover her mouth.

"I said it's fine, mikasa, mama, papa let's go" getting up.

Marcus "tch, now disperse the problem is dealt with" looking at our leaving backs.

'It is said ignorance is a gift that all humans possess, believing things they can't understand are evil/dangerous, yet most people don't know how storms are made, but happy when it brings rain'

'As all living things feel they deserve the right to live, humans feels that this right is more for them, then others, even those of there race, you do not punish the hunter for killing a deer, yet kill the wolf who kills the hunter'

-quotes of humanity.

While walking to grisha home, no one could see me look back, with a sickening grin on my face.

Mikasa "mama why did they do that to Rama" holding her hand.

Mrs. Ackerman "do not worry about it Mikasa, they are just scared" looking down at Mikasa.

Mikasa "but brother is not scary" going to grab my arm.

Eren "yes he is, he looks like a...." getting hit on the back of the head by grisha, after he walked up to our group.

"Haha" looking at him, while he rubs his head.

Grisha "enough, eren let's go home" walking to the house at the end of this road.

Mr. Ackerman "if only I got there sooner" looking at mother's face.

Mrs. Ackerman "they you would be in jail or worse" looking at him with love.

Grisha "she's right you know Paul haha, knowing you" as we make it the door opening it.

Carla "you guys are back so....oh my gosh Marika what happen to you !" Saying something before rushing to my mother.

Marika "I'm fine Carla haha" looking at her turn into a mother hen.

Paul "she's not, she was hit by a rock from these ignorant people" gripping his fist.

Grisha "not now Paul" looking at the kids.

Marika "go clean up, we will cook dinner right, Carla ?" Looking at erens mom.

Carla "yes we will have a big dinner hehe" lookin at all of us.

Eren "I want to stay here" hugging his moms leg.

Carla "go eren, you need to wash up" patting his head.

"Let's go Mikasa" grabbing her hand, going up stairs.

Grisha "go eren" looking at him not moving.

Eren "fine I will" running up stairs.

Meanwhile down stairs.

Carla "they did this to a child, even if they do not know they, it does not excuse there actions" getting angry.

Grisha "calm yourself Carla" patting her hand.

Carla "what if it was eren?! , he is a boy grisha" looking at him seriously.

Grisha "I know they just *sigh I can not understand either" taking his glasses off.

Marika "my son is not what they say he is, he has a kind heart, if the senju where still around...." about to say.

Carla "so he is a senju, after meeting him, me and grisha searched through every book, only finding two vague stories of them" Looking at Marika.

Paul "you didn't tell her, everything grisha?" Shaking his head.

Grisha "would you tell your wife, her beloved friends, child's people are said to bring cities to there knees" understand Paul's questions.

Marika "there just old stories, from a time long ago, his parents must have hid, had him and had to abandon him for some reason, as he said he was wondering alone, it does not change anything he is my child!" Not caring for only a few pages passed down, that no one was even around to confirm.

Carla "there is barely anything said, just they were skilled and there treats" looking at grisha.

Paul "doesn't matter, it is from a history far from this city" knowing from the stories grisha and my mother told, it wasn't from

This land.

Grisha "from the story, only a small group came here, it is not said how they came nor Anything about there down fall" hiding some of what he knows.

Marika "does not matter, grisha speaking up, helped in making them believe it is a illness, I don't know how the higher families will take this, Paul I told you we shouldn't have come into this city!.." almost crying.

Paul "calm yourself love" trying too calm her.

Grisha "I will come up with something, let's leave this conversation for another time" looking at eren come down.

Carla "yes, marika help me" understand her pain.

Marika "yes I will" wiping her tears.

Mikasa "mama are you ok, don't cry I will protect brother!" rubbing her face.

"Mama I will be ok, you guys are all that matter to me" smiling at her.

Eren "yeah, I guess he's not so bad haha" after making him laugh at a few jokes up stairs.

Marika "haha yes my strong mikasa will" rubbing our cheeks going to help Carla.

Grisha "want to go grab some sweets for the kids with me?" Getting up.

Paul "yes, it would be better this way" getting up following grisha.

Carla/marika "be careful you two" smiling.

Carla "Rama in our house you do not need to wear that" smiling petting my long hair.

"Thank you" taking my blindfold off.

Mikasa "see! There so pretty!" Looking in my eyes.

Marika/Carla "your right, unique and beautiful" smiling going in the kitchen.

(A.N so if they have names I couldn't find them, so that's there name as for his clan that will be explained a while from now, so as for lovers mikasa and Annie too me that's enough, hope you enjoy it will pick up soon, don't hate me)