
Chapter 5: Pieces Of The Past

[Glimpse of the past]

Three tall figures could be seen on a hill over looking a village, with armor similar to samurai.

Unknown "we will help there people no more" the one in the middle says.

Unknown 2 "scared of our power, yet ask us to protect them" shaking her head.

Unknown 3 "it matters not, crushing them is not our concern, let the beast that plague this land do so" looking over at dead titans, outside the village.

Unknown " even if I can't stand it, we must do what we can for that child to be born, he will see our clan flourish, we may be gone but as long as our blood runs through the child our clan will live on" rubbing his chin.

Unknown 2 "my daughter is willing, I have spoken to her" as her long black hair blew in the wind.

Unknown1/unknown 3 "we are sorry that this must fall on to your child" bowing lightly.

Unknown 2 "she knows her fate, and so does her husband, think nothing of it" waving her hand, looking at the sky.

Unknown "*sigh...it is settled, we will pour the clans collective life force, into them and when the time comes the child should be born" knowing that his clan would understand.

Unknown 3"......tell the people to meet in the, formation of life, we will live on and the child will make us anew, I have grown tried of war" remembering the bloodshed, as he wipes his sword.

Soon people of all senju could be seen, three things stood out, tall, markers on there face and back eyes with grey pupils.

A young women sat at the center, her stomach had a weird symbol on it, a picture of the a giant tree, could be seen carved in stone underneath her.

The women from the hill walked up to her, rubbing her face.

Unknown 2 "I am sorry my yui, I wish it could be another way" tears falling as she caressed her cheek.

Yui "mother it is ok, it is for our people, they will come for us, the war will not end" crying as she looks at her mother.

Unknown 2"yui, I have and always will love you" putting her forehead on hers.

Unknown 1 "I am truly sorry miako , begin" with a heavy heart but hope.

While the people stood in a circle they all understood smiling, as they slammed there hands together and slam the ground.

Every senju "soul manipulation-Gift of life!"

As a invisible weird force came off them, with flickers of goldish light could be seen, if you saw it from the sky it looked as if a giant tree had appeared.

The tree rushed into yui stomach seal, the people's marks and eyes had gone and changed back as they aged then stopped.

Meanwhile outside of the large sealed build, a man in black stood waiting, after a few hours he saw them come out the eyes and marks gone, as there hair had turned white.

Slipping out of the clans base, he rushed back to a fairly large army too the north.

Walked into a tent of some kind.

Lord "what news do you have for me?, will they comply". Before being interrupted.

General "they will not, they decimate humans and Titans alike" before being silenced.

Lord "enough!, speak" looking at the general with a serious gaze, then looking at the man in black.

Black "I did not get the chance too, they had lock themselves in a large structure at the center of the settlement, I could not get in, when they emerged i dont know what they had done but they were aged and the markers and eyes were no more my lord" bowing.

Lord "haha, a fortunate opportunity, if they will not fall under my rule we will wipe them out, my generals mobilize the troops, we will take them tonight" with a large grin.

Everyone "lord!" All bowing.

Little did they know the man had not seen two who had not been aged or lost there traits.

[later on]

Miako "run yui! You must live!" Looking at the fire, that burned everywhere.

Yui "mother we can fight!" Looking at her husband.

Miako"no you must go!" helping her daughter up, pushing her after kissing her forehead.

While her husband picked her up and rushed away at fast speeds.

Yui "mother!" hearing the war cry's of her people, tears falling from her eyes.

Back in the settlement, senju slaughtered all manner of soldiers, as some were cut down, the three senju leaders with cuts and stabs blood all over them, stood infront of there people.

Lord "it could have been so...." getting interrupted.

Miako "we do not care for your words, we helped yet you wanted to rule us so be it, show them our answer!" Looking at her bloody people.

Every senju "we are the senju! We do No not fall so easily!" Rushing forward.

Soon the mother was alone, using her sword to hold herself up.

Miako "I am Miako senju, and my clan will not end with me!" Slamming her sword in the ground as it crack the earth, scaring the solider.

Lord ".....take there bodies" looking at all the soldiers they killed even weak.

But like it was planned the bodies turned to dust, scattered in the wind.

Lord "....." walking away, as the village burned.

A single sword sticking from the ground, no bodies no armor nothing.

Over time yui and her husband traveled, for a very long time, staying hidden, hunting, watched as the world changed and they built there walls and the Titans ran amok. Until.

Baby " waaaaa!" A Baby was born, a beautiful boy, unlike the others his eyes were golden.

Husband "I must leave you now yui, I love you, he will live on for us" tears in his eyes.

Yui "I know ichiro, I love you to, he is our future" kissing the babies forehead, and the mans lips.

Ichiro "how I wish it could last forever, I wish to see him grow old, even if it would take a long long time." before putting all his life force in the child, with a smile passing away.

Yui "ahhhhhh!!!....goodbye.....my love" crying her heart out, looking at his armor and then her baby, as rain started to fall.

Yui "our future.....you will be hashirama, hashirama senju" kissing the child, with a smile, and tears remembering the sacrifices that were made, for the sake of her and her child.

Over time the boy grew, and she loved him until she felt was time, with tears and a heavy heart.

Yui "hashirama!" Yelling outside the house far from anything, with her arms wide open.

Hashirama "mothe...." before being put to sleep hugging his mom.

Yui "it will be hard but I know you can carry this burden" walking for along time carrying him.

Coming to a place at the edge of the forest, her eyes glowed, seeing a man hunting she placed her child, believing it was time.

Yui "they will hate you for your looks, love you for your heart and try to use you for your strength, I love you....my sweet little hashi I always will" placing her hand on his stomach, giving her everything, disappearing in the wind.

"I'm sorry child we all, love you" many voices like ghost spoke as she passed.

[end glimpse]


"Mother ! ! Noo ! Please don't leave me !" In my sleep.

Marika " shhh..I am here, I will never leave you" caressing my cheek, as she looks at grisha, Carla, my father and grisha with a worried look.