
Chapter 13: Talks

Looking at mikasa, who looked into my eyes.

*dumdum my heart beat, as if I the weights around my heart were lifted.

"I didn't think you'd miss me that much" leaning up.

Mikasa "it's been 2 years, but seeing you makes it feel like yesterday" a small smile on her face.

"It feels better, on my journey the farther away I got, the more my heart wanted me to go back, *sigh but tell me Mikasa why are you in the soon to me Trainee part of the camp? You plan to fight Titans" looking at her.

Mikasa " all of us planned to join, If I joined the scouts, I could go outside the wall, too.....too find you" looking up.

"Don't think of doing something that stupid again!" Thinking it was dumb.

Mikasa "no rama.....if it meant I could see you again, it didn't matter" pulling my scarf to her face.

"*sigh no Mikasa, you need to think if I came back and you were dead, my reason to live would die too, here take these" shaking my head, giving a outfit like the others, but this was a dark grey.

Mikasa "I would fight all the Titans if I had too.....drag you back here haha" the first laugh I heard out her lips, felt sweet.

"Stupid girl haha, I would probably do the same, looks like I'll be joining you, on your little mission....I can understand you and armin too a certain extent but eren is too reckless" throwing my head back.

Mikasa "after the fall, of wall Maria, watching mrs. Yeager die, he went on and on about killing all the Titans, knowing this idiot would only end up getting himself killed we made a promise too join him" reaching over touching my face.

"Don't tell me you, fell in love with ere...uh" getting hit in my chest.

Mikasa "as a brother I would protect him, even from himself, I made a promise to his mother, but my heart does not move for him in that way." looking at me, a serious look on her face.

"I was joking Mikasa, I know what you mean, still eren, he has always been..... impulsive if he can not keep it in check....he would get himself killed" putting my hands to my eyes closing them.

Mikasa "with you here, I'm sure you'd have a better chance too stop him from that happening" laying on my chest.

Unbuttoning my top, ask Mikasa to move for a second, I got down to my white shirt, taking my black boots off, as Mikasa just got down to her shirt and shorts, getting close to me latching on again, through the night as I laid on my back looking up, too the window as the snow fell.

Mikasa "take me with you....I know your out there I can feel you.....I'll run too you.....Please just don't leave me" seeing her shaking and talking in her sleep I pulled her to lay on my chest, as I let the sleep take me.

Morning came as the night, passed, opening my eyes to see the sky was clear, before getting up, even as Mikasa felt me trying too grip me harder.

"It's ok Mikasa, just the bathroom" rubbing her head, as she slowly let go.

Getting up to use the bathroom, I come out too see her sleep, gripping the sheets beside her, her beautiful black hair over the side of her face, her pretty face, like a angel.

'Fuck she's beautiful, If I have left in my old life, I'd be a dumb ass *sigh' in my mind.

Looking up as I take my shirt off, jumping lightly and gripping on to the support beams. Crossing my legs below me, as I lift myself doing pull ups, just working on my muscle, as they flexed my back muscles popping, my 8 pack compressing as I brought my legs up, too meet my chest, while I closed my eyes.

'Got to train, the three of them, armin body is just naturally weak. eren body isn't bad but needs work, in his human form he's no better then any other run of the mill solider,Mikasa body was made for combat, pushing them at training would help develop this faster, worth 100 regular soldiers my ass, I want her to move better then Levi, this worlds so called, strongest human' coming out of my thoughts, I sense people as I open my eyes, too see armin, eren at the door in there new outfit as Mikasa sat up looking at me, lucky my back was to Mikasa, as she was the only one too see the giant tree as well as the name at the center.

Armin " what Exactly were you doing for 2 years? Your muscular make up is like you trained every day none stop?" Looking at me who dropped down.

Eren "rama, you really our age haha" looking at me scratching the back of his head.

"Haha yes, it's just from training" as Mikasa helped me putting on my shirt, comin in front of me her eyes full of questions.

'I understand her look, but what I told them was a lie my body changed in the inheritance, changing to match the strain, that using wood style putting on the body, I'm 13 but I'm 6'0 and ripped I would question someone too' thinking while giving a knowing look too Mikasa.

Armin "here" handing my me the black overcoat back.

Eren "thanks Rama, want to go eat?" Giving me back his too.

Mikasa/mc "food the first thing that you think about" looking at him.

Armin "well we haven't been eating anything, stale military rations, the soldiers won't even eat" shaking his head.

"Sure go change Mikasa...we can find a better place to eat then that" patting her head.

Mikasa "I'll be back, wait" I guess needing to know she'd be back taking her clothes.

Eren "you plan on joining us?, or you going to stay out of the military Rama?" Walking too the bed.

Armin "if he doesn't want to fight, fighting these things, after seeing them up close I can't see how we can win against them" getting worked up.

"Calm down armin" patting his shoulder.

Eren "we need to fight them, they all need too die, even if it cost me my life..." as I punch him lightly.

"Shut up eren, it's not just your life you need too protect" looking at him as I put on my long sleeve button over, and my boots.

Eren "they killed my mother Rama!!, they all deserve to die!, every last one of them!" Getting more worked up.

Armin "eren, I understand, but rushing them with out regard to your life won't do anything" looking at the crazy eyed eren.

Eren "I will kill..." being looking at me as I spoke.

"And humans killed my mother my father and tried to kill Mikasa, does it look like it going on a suicide Mission, killing all of the people in these fucking walls, so shut up save it till you have the power to do so!" My voice deep and my eyes glowing.

Mikasa "enough, let's just go eat, shut up eren, Rama calm down" coming out in her outfit with the overcoat.

Eren "tch....i understand what you mean Rama.....im still hungry let's eat" turning his head.

Armin "when food is in it haha" looking at eren, who changed fast.

Mikasa "ready?" Helping put my overcoat on my shoulders, letting the sleeves fall over the sides.

"Yeah let's go there, there's a lot we have to talk about" walking too the door as Mikasa followed, then armin and that pouting eren.