The snow fell, covering the field, 4 figures stood, ad the sound of crying could be heard, through the whipping winds.
Standing for a while holding Mikasa, rubbing her head, as she cried, echoing through the snowy field.
Mikasa "carry..." in a soft Voice, looking up into my eyes.
"Sure, anything you want" as turned around, I could feel as she climbed on my back.
Eren "where have you been, there was times we had to stop Mikasa from, running home to look for you". Coming next to me.
"That can wait, here armin,eren" throwing them the same black jacket as me.
Armin "thanks Rama, I am curious too, it's been 2 years, are cabin is not far from here, we can talk there" putting the long coat on.
"Your Curiosity is still insatiable, but not here and not at these shitty cabins" walking forward, looking at my back at the silent Mikasa.
Eren "where can we go, the officers.."
"Forget the officers, not like they care much about you anyway" walking.
Armin "this, we are going into the city?" Looking at the Direction we walked in the markers that were on the path.
"Yes, I won't make you sit in this camp lucky I have a few coins" throwing the bag to armin.
Armin "a few?!" Feeling the bag.
Eren "finally, we can get out of this shit hole" jumping up, trying to grab the bag.
Mc/armin "no!...haha" as armin snatched the bag away.
Walking, thinking of the things I missed, as I looked over my shoulder.
"Better" lifting her up higher.
Mikasa "yes....I thought you'd never..... come back, but my heart knew" gripping on to me.
"I told you, I would come back" smiling at her.
Making it into the city, getting questioned by the guards, who were too lazy to care, ignoring them and walking to a inn.
Eren "a room..." coming too the counter.
Armin "two rooms please" hitting eren in the side, putting the coin for the rooms on the counter.
Clerk "upstairs too the left, last two doors", taking the coin and walking to the back room.
"We will talk in the morning, for now rest" as I walk with mikasa up stairs.
Eren "why aren't we sharing a room..." looking at my back, with mikasa.
Armin "eren let's just go too our room, they need time to talk" shaking his head and walking behind me.
Eren"????" Confused but followed.
'So he was really dense...not surprised' shaking my head.
"Take these", throwing the same outfit as mine but grey with black out lining and black buttons.
Eren "thanks Yama, I want to get out of these dirty clothes" grabbing them.
Armin "they will fit us?, your, you know...big haha" scratching his head.
"They will me" walking into the room.
Going over to the single bed I stood in the center of the room, the sleeping on my back, placing her down, putting the cover over her I was walking away.
Mikasa "no...Rama" a hand lashed out gripping my coat.
"I'm just going too use the bathroom, I'm not going.....anywhere?" Looking at her eyes, 'did I give the girl, separation issues?' Leaning down too one knee.
"Tell me Mikasa, if there is something more tell me" patting her head.
Mikasa "....." her eyes shaking, looking at my face, tears coming out.
"Mikas..." as she sat up, hugging me.
Mikasa "why?....did you just came back to me!, where did you go ?!....why did you leave, do you know how much it hurt not knowing, why does my heart hurt when your away from me?.......Why didn't you take me with you!" Hitting her fist on my chest, hard as she could.
"Mikaaa I had..." her head falling as she hit my chest.
Mikasa "why?! were the only thing I had left?!....father and mother are gone...when I woke up you were gone!? I tried...I tried to look for you??! Running away...armin and eren had to drag me back....when I couldn't they would lock me in my room...I crawled at the door till my fingers bled, just to be a little closer to you, I don't know what it was but I could feel it, the closer I ran too you the less the pain I would feel" looking down as her fist lost is force hitting me.
"..." listening to her words.
[small flashback]
Eren "Mikasa stop!!.... I know it hurts!! Please calm down!" Pushing against the door.
Armin "Mikasa!!.....he said he would come back!!! said it yourself...I don't know where he went but he must have a reason....a reason why...he hasn't come back yet" with his little body, getting smashed back as the door, bent trying to stop Mikasa.
Eren "listen Mikasa!.....we all have lost someone!....isn't that why we protect each other....he wouldn't want you to be like all of us, you and Rama made a promise.....a promise to always protect you!!" As he said the words the door stopped moving.
armin "I don't know what happen that day, I probably will never understand.....but I do trust in Rama....if he says he will come back he will!" Dropping too the ground.
Mikasa "...." crying, could be heard from the other side.
Armin "for my grandfather...." thinking.
Eren "for my mother....." crying.
Mikasa "for Rama...." in a soft voice.
All 3 "we promised them to live....too fight" as armin, eren sat on one side of the door, there heads against the door.
Mikasa sat on the other side, looking at her bloody hands, placing her head back, as she looked at the ceiling.
"Will you come back?...when I run too you, this feeling goes away...." gripping her chest, bringing the scarf too her face.
'Will you really come back too me...Rama'
[end flashback]
"Mikasa...there are no words I can say....too take back the pain I put you through.....if you hate me i understand....but I promise we will never be apart....ever again" putting my head on hers.
Mikasa "I don't care where you go, or what you must do, I will follow, just like you, I will always protect you" gripping my shirt.
"Good because, I always want you by my side" rubbing her head.
Mikasa "nothing will keep me apart from you again" pulling me towards.
"Yes nothing, ever will" falling on the bed, as she held on to me, looking in her beautiful eyes, moving her hair to the side.
"I promise"
- Quote
"It is said that humans were not born as 1 but 2, that we loved each other so much that the gods took notice, jealous they could not feel this, they slip them apart, making them spend eternity look for there other half again, a gift of a curse it could not be said, as we roam the earth, in search of our missing half, regardless of what some may say, it is truly a cruel fate"
- quote of humanity
(A.N not really liking this chapter....don't know might rewrite it let me know..)