
Chapter 5 - His Talent?

The last subject for the morning finally ended and it was already time for lunch. And as he opened his bag, he finally realized why it's a little bit heavy.

"Mother overdid it again." He said with a helpless sigh, nonetheless, a smile still expressed on his face.

His food was too much! And even though Shannah is a heavy eater, he truly admits he can't finish this all even in two days.

Kosaki leaned forward to the inattentive Shannah and asked "It's already lunch, want to eat with us at the cafeteria?" Shannah looked around and to check if there were a few students left. He answered with a smile "I think I'll stay here... You don't have to stay here if you want to eat with your friends."

She got distracted by his beautiful smiled again, still, she dragged her table near him. "I'll eat here with you."

Seeing the food at Shannah's table, Kosaki chuckled. "Aunt Mamako prepared too much... Can you even eat all of that?" A helpless smile appeared on his face. "Surely, I can't... Can you help me?" Kosaki nodded her head merrily "Of course! I love Aunt Mamako's cooking. I'll be happy to help you eat it!"

Unexpectedly, Karen moved towards them, and asked "Can I eat with you guys?". Shannah smiled. "Of course. Here..." Shannah moved a little bit to the middle. Karen and Kosaki are sitting at both his side.

"C-can I also eat with you guys?" Shortly, another one appeared. She asked with her voice faltering while holding her bento. However, her gaze and reddened cheeks didn't escape from the two girls around Shannah.

"Yame, you can sit here." Karen dragged a chair in front of Shannah. She did it on purpose so that they can both see each other.

'She's doing this on purpose!" Yame thought in her mind. Even though she is embarrassed, she still thanked Karen. Not because of the chair, but for the spot she offered.

"Yame... I haven't seen your best friend today." Karen asked. She was referring to Yame's childhood friend, Ranko Honjõ. "Ranko will attend school tomorrow, she told me that their family vacation extended," Yame answered."

All four of them are having an Idle talk. But their main topic is Shannah's life. He told them about how he only attended online classes since he was still 10 years old. How life was in the orphanage. Etc.

While he is still talking. Karen took the opportunity to ask if Shannah is interested in joining her club. The gaming club she opened for gamers.

"Shannah, somehow, are you interested in joining my club? I'm still the only member but I'm already recruiting some students. However, I declined some of the men as they only wanted to join because of..."

"You?" Shannah intercepted and continued."It's to be expected, miss Kendo. You are a beautiful woman, so as a male, they will surely want to join only because of you."

Karen, with her mouth, slightly opened because wanted to say something again. But, Shannah spoke again. "I am not interested in clubs as of now. It's because I might not be here again tomorrow. I wanted to experience what school is, not that I dislike it now, honestly, I'm enjoying being accompanied by you guys. But I promise my mother to become a streamer to the new game. You heard about it, right? World Online."

Karen's eyes shone. She was also playing this game tonight, but recruiting him was a fail. Still, she spoke "If you change your mind... Will you join?" Shannah smiled genuinely, causing their heart to skipped a beat. "Of course. I'm also interested in games like my mother. I will tell you once I want to join."

Despite being not sure if Shannah will join, it still made Karen happy that there is still a slight chance he will agree.

However, Yame, that was happily interested in listening about his life, became sad. It's because when Shannah said he might not be back tomorrow. Not just her, even Kosaki and Karen's expression turned sad. Shannah wasn't dense enough to not notice their reactions.

Back till then, Mamako always tells Shannah that he has the charisma to make people interested in him quickly. She even told him that even if somehow he wasn't handsome, he still has this aura of him that people will want to be with him, not in a relationship, but as a family or a very close friend. However, with his charm plus his looks, women may want to get along with him. Furthermore, the way he talks and the way he interacts with people is evidently mature for his age.

"Hey... Are you three busy later? If you want, I like you guys to meet my mother. I won't force you though..."

Kosaki immediately agreed as they are only neighbors. Karen is the most excited when he invited all of them to meet his mom. Her Idol! And as for Yame, as the first time that she got interested in man, began to think of hilarious things.

'It's too sudden! We just met! He even didn't confess yet!' She thought as her mind is in chaos right now. Yame is known as a cheerful and bold woman. People even heard rumors about her already being in a relationship with many guys. However, the truth is, she hadn't even held a hand of a man except for her father! What more a kiss!

The person who spread the gossips was a student that confessed to her. Yame declined respectfully but instead, the man spread dirty rumors about her. This was stopped when her best friend, Ranko, beat the shit out of the man and let him tell the truth on both social media and school.

Shannah also shared some of the food with the three of them. Karen and Yame are also surprised by Mamako's cooking. It made them more excited because Shannah told them they can eat dinner at their home.

Lunch ended and students returned to their respected classrooms. But the first scene they watch is how Shannah is surrounded by the three beauties on their campus. Yet that is not what they got surprised by. What got their attention is Shannah singing.

"Aunt Mamako said that you know how to sing... But I didn't expect it to be this good." Kosaki muttered as her body swayed while closing her eyes in listening to his voice.

(AN: As you can see. Shannah, our MC is like the MC of My name is Sakamoto. However, [Spoiler Alert] Shannah won't die)