
Vol. 2 Panos Revolution

This Vol. 2 of Panos Galactic War on web-novel Continue reading the Adventures of Xavier fighting to correct the things his household has done in the universe. [2 chapter per week] cover art [made with night cafe] owned by Ark Seikatsu

Ark_Seikatsu · Ciencia y ficción
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11 Chs

Chapter 10 Cutting it Close

After calming down the people,Serenata starts to assign numbers to the people at random. 40 minutes later Serenata finishes giving out number, then has a A.I call a number out at random from a device. The A.I begins picking people at random as they are called they walk to the other side with the children. The silence begins to break as people start to freak out. "Are we seriously going to allow an A.I to chose sheathed we love or die!" Someone shout. "If we don't then we all die including our children which is the future of our people." Another replies saying back.

Only 39 spot remain and suddenly chaos breaks out. People begins fighting. "EVERYONE STOP!!" Serenata yells but they don't stop. Signaling Xavier and the other they begins moving the selected people to the ship while keeping an eye on the rest. "Come one everyone we need to be quick about this, we can't let them find the ship out it's game over for all of us. Transporting the children and the some of the adults they arrive at the ship. "I pen the hanger!" Xavier shouts. The workers on boards open the hanger letting the people on board. "Move move….Hey close this hanger and don't let anyone on that isn't with me Logan, Serenata, Jessica or me." Heading back in Mirfield Xavier suddenly hears an explosion. "!?" Rushing back Xavier arrives to see the people fight with some of them getting ahold of weapons. "IM GETTING OFF THIS PLANET!"

Fighting amongst themselves seeing that some people have took Serenata hostage, Putting everyone at a standstill. "DROP THE BLASTER!! Don't do anything stupid!" Xavier shouts aiming at the armed civilian. "No, you will tell me where that ship is or I will blow her head off!" The man says as more people gather by him looking at Xavier. "Do tell them Xavier!!!" Xavier slowly puts his blaster down. "Alright, I will tell you just calm down." Xavier looks Serenata. "It's at the East gate, now let her go." The man tosses Serenata aside. "Anyone that want to leave with me can follow us, we can all leave this planet." "You scum how can u do this when it's more than just our live that are at stake here. I will not leave I will stay here in Mirfield." Serenata says.

Everyone sits in silence for a second then half of the people leave with the traitor, as soon as they leave Serenata tell the remaining people. "I am relieved to know that we still have honorable people amongst us….Now let's get off their planet." The people show a confused face. "Didn't Xavier tell them where the ship was?" One of the people ask. "No, I just told them what they wanted to hear, now we don't have much time there is only 17 of us we have more than enough space for the rest of us." Xavier tell everyone. "I agree with Xavier, those who left would have caused problems with the rest of us it is unfortunate but let's move on." Serenata and Xavier rushes leading the rest of the people to the west gate.

A suddenly a large earthquake hits, "what was that!?" Serenata shouts. Checking the time Xavier notices it's only been 3 and a half hours. "The planet is going into its catastrophic phase earlier than expected, we need to hurry!" 15 minutes later the arrive at the ship and the ground rumble as the ground begins to crack open. "Come on, come on move it!!" Rushing onto the hanger Xavier hurries to the cockpit. Starting up the ship the ground begins to give way underneath them. "Come on baby fly fly!!!!" The thrusters fire and the ship floats, lava geysers burst from the ground. " Xavier! We need to leave, this planet isn't lasting more than 30 minutes." Logan shout to Xavier while he is piloting it. Activating the ships shield dodging lava burst and debris while climbing into the sky. "EVERYONE HOLD ON!!"

Suddenly a large boulder hits their shield knocking this out of control. "Dammit!!" Checking the shield threshold Xavier maneuvers recovering then escapes the atmosphere. "Everyone strap in! It's not over yet!" As the planet begins to implode the gravity becomes stronger pulling them in. "Activating full power and preparing to go Light-speed to escape the gravitational pull." The ship rocks violently as it struggles to gain distance from the planet. "Warning….warning..reaching maximum shield threshold…Warning." An alarm system says. "…..Don't give out on me now!" Finally they escape the gravitational field and safely distance themselves from the planet.

Watching through the windows, Xavier along with everyone on the ship sees as the planet turns slowly bright reddish yellow becoming a ball of lava rock. Serenata heads to the cockpit to speak with. Xavier, "Xavier, I want thank you again. You saved us from Extinction." "That nothing it's all I can do, I might have been able to help you but not all species were lucky enough to survive against the Union." Setting the auto Navigation Xavier sets a course out of Dorix-M5. Across Epsilon 1B, in the Visrock sector the Black Market Faction hold a gathering for its members and allies.

In a conference room the representatives are seated in a balcony overlooking a cavern like cave. "Welcome Everyone and thank you for all gathering on behalf of the Faction. Today we have new plans to build a secondary base in a different sector. This will be a front for our new operation, one of us the representatives will stay behind here to make sure thing run smoothly. For those who will be taking part in this operation will be sent a file on the coming developments."

Back to Xavier on the ship in hyperspace he rest while sitting in the cockpit seat. " Hey Xavier!" Logan shouts waking him up. "Huh…yeah." "I was able to find and disable that tracker you were worried about, I can tell why the tech in this thing makes this more of a bomb than a tracker." Logan replies saying. "What do you mean?" "That tracker has a highly advanced and deadly explosive system implanted into it, seem your father was going to kill those pirates." "That sound like him, what did yo do with the scrap material?" Xavier ask Logan "I put the parts are in the storage room, come on I can show you." Leaving the ship in auto pilot Xavier follow Logan yo the storage room.

Arriving at the storage room, Logan shows Xavier the disassembled tracker. "So this is the tracker, it's pretty big for one." "Yes, as I was explaining earlier the tracker has been modified. I removed combustible parts but they are still live even though I deactivated them." Logan tells Xavier looking over the scraps of the tracker. "There still live? That isn't good for us to travel with a active bomb on board, scavenge the parts that are useful then eject it into space." Leaving the storage room Xavier walks through the corridor past the quarters Serenata comes out a room seeing Xavier.

"Hello Xavier." "Hey Serenata, how are the kids and people adapting to being on the ship?" Xavier ask Serenata. "Well they are scared most of them never even flew in a ship before let alone be off world. It going to take some time…so, where are we heading?" Serenata replies asking Xavier. "We are on are way to the neutral zone in Grao YS3 it's a sector that the union has not control over but multiple war lords and leader live in this sector to avoid the unions authority and laws. It's prefect to hide out in until we find some solution." "War lords?" Serenata responds with a concern look. "Yes, they forcefully station themselves in area and claim the territory that they see as theirs. They are mercenary's that steal and trade so we will need to be carful when we arrive."

Arriving the lounge Xavier grabs a package of sealed food, placing it in the microwave warming it up. "Man, I wish the food in space tasted better but can't complain about it, it is made to maximize the food from getting outdated." "I understand how you feel this food up here will tastes as good as real cooked food." Serenata replies to Xavier while sitting with him. She gets up stepping to the side and looks out the window into space, seeing light shot past. "Wow…space is a lot more boring than I expected." "Haha..the vast space is more terrifying than you can imagine there are space creatures that can live in sub-space let's just hope there aren't any in Grao YS3."

A few days later Xavier arrive in Grao YS3 coming to a stop at a large operational space net use for security blocking entry into the sector. The ship is suddenly caught in a electric field holding the ship in place. The ship rumbles while being pulled closer. "What's happening!!" Logan shouts entering the cockpit. "We've been captured but calm down this is part of the process for new entry into Grao."