
Society's Traits

Kirk was twenty one years old when he decided to become a singer. He had accumulated a little money from his earnings. So he resigned his job and straight away went to an instrument store. He thought to buy the cheapest instruments but they were more costly than he had thought. He could not buy anything with his little money. He again walked through the vacant streets. He saw a little boy and a little girl begging at the streets. He could see himself in that little boy and his sister in the little girl. He gave away all the money to these poor siblings as he saw them begging throughout the streets but nobody cared or shared a little happiness with them. Kirk asked the girl, "Where are you coming from?" The girl said that that town was her native town. She had seen so many poor people like her begging at the streets so she also joined them for feeding her little brother. Kirk went away in tears with the thought that all poor people were far different and distant from the rich people. The middle class people were selfish enough to help neither the rich and nor the poor. So the poor were the ancient adversaries of all the rich and middle class people.