

Kirk was eighteen years old when he discovered his talent but it was absolutely useless for nobody wanted a poor to reach higher than the rich. He had grown into a beautiful thin boy with green eyes and messy brown hair. One day, he was cleaning the hall of the house. He saw one of the rich owner's son trying to match his voice with the melody playing in the computer. Kirk saw the rich son fail each time. Kirk, out of curiosity, tried himself doing the melody and surprisingly successfully sang the melody. He smiled and thought about his unique talent. However, the rich son did not quiet like this. He immediately said to Kirk, "Why did you do it? Never do it again I warn you. If you even think of singing, you'll be thrown out of this house like a stray dog!" Kirk stayed quiet. He was completely startled and swallowed all the questions he wanted to ask. Why will he not be allowed to do what he can do? Was he not a human being that everyone treated him differently? Is being poor his fault? These unanswered questions just strengthened the thought that he was in a forlorn world where all the rich people were his foes.