
Villain Eternal: I Shall Conquer The Heavens!

“Wretched abomination of darkness! For going against the will of heaven, the Hero Association shall chase your aberrant self until your death!” He scoffed. "Who is going to hunt me down? Your dead gods or your pathetic selves?" —— By stumbling upon the forbidden realms and his learning of secrets he wasn't meant to know, his mortality was robbed off him and he was cursed with what mortals would regard as “Eternal Life”. He could no longer age, or be killed by mortals. With his power, Mylos swore to tear down the heavens as he built up his Hell from the ashes of the angles. His heart burnes with a frenzied flames as he swore to wipe the walls of his castle with the blood of the enemies. “Divine Tribulations?” Conquered. “Heavenly Retribution?” Defied. —— “Worthless aberration of chaos! Your life must end here, and your blood would be used to wash the cornerstones of this mountain! Now, lie and accept your fate!" They were terrified, quaking in their boots in fear as he stared upon them. He was a monster, some abominable creature that crawled it's way out of the pit of hell. Undying, unrelenting — The god-like monster grinned in the face of their heaviest weapons. It's eyes gleamed at the sight of their heavily armed Heroes and Legends. He was what they believed to be “The Devil”.

DMC_MAX · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
23 Chs


Mylos dropped his bag on the bed, and then he sat himself down. Bowing his head, he loosened his tensed muscles, and relaxed his mind. There were no cameras or bugs in the rooms. The glass wall looked very tough, but he decided against testing its durability.

Was he safe in this place? He shook his head, then leaned back to lie down on the bed, opening his eyes to glare at the ceiling. No matter where he hid, as far as the church was still in power - then he would be attacked. He had seen this repeat itself, over and over.

In a few days, this place would be turned into another of the dreaded slaughterhouses of church rats. If he is caught in the mess then it would be very difficult for him to reach the church. Things needed to progress as smoothly as possible or his chances of success would plummet even further than it was now…


His father had sent him a guard, and although she was not the strongest - her power would be immensely useful to him. Although they were not the closest of siblings, he was also not her enemy and knew that she would lend a helping hand to him if it was in their best interests.

Mylos shook his head, breaking out of his deep thoughts and sitting up again. He felt a bit weird inside, as if he was going to eat himself up from the inside out. He had not eaten for days, trying his best to avoid the sword eminence who had been chasing him around.

They call it "hunger pangs". Although he could live without feeding for an long period of time, he was unable to bear the pains of huger for very long. Even if he had survived a few weeks of hunger, he needed to feed on something or he would lose his mind completely.

He had thought of replenishing his stamina by eating human food, but he learned why not many demons dared try such the hard way. He got to feel what the humans called the stomach upset. He literally coughed up all the meat he had eaten throughout that month, vomiting blood and losing all the strength in his body for an entire day.

All he had eaten was roasted pork.

After that day, he decided to just stick to raw meat. He had gotten himself accustomed to hunting down wild beasts for food. He wondered if they sold raw meat in the hotel, and whether there were any abattoirs in the area he could reach if they did not. Unlike most of his siblings, he was not accustomed to feeding on humans unless it was very important.



Mylos moved calmly, looking around himself as he observed the hotel. He wore a false smile on his face as he greeted the numerous humans he walked past, noticing suspicious figures strangely walking amongst them. He wondered who they were, noting all of their presences as he returned greeting smiles with a wicked glint in his eyes.

"There are so many people here, and I can barely control myself. I wonder what body parts in a humans would be easier to heal after being eaten. Which would cause the least pain when I sink my teeth in them?" Mylos held his chin, a cold aura spread around him,

"I heard Sliva loves eating hearts after ripping them out of her victims. Does that give some sort of mental boost, or is there something delicious about the human heart? Maybe the best thing to do is to just consume them completely? Hmm… I wonder."

Mylos walked forward, arriving at the gates of the hotel. He did not have a healer, so if he decided to bite into a human - then he would either have to let them live to battle with a lost body part or just consume all parts of their body. He thought about it seriously, a faint gleam appearing in his eyes as he located a lone figure in the distance.

It would not hurt for him to just try once, would it? Just one human going missing was not something that would end the world. He stepped through the gates and followed calmly with his head bowed and hood raised to shield his face. He was going to stalk for a while.

The human walked quite fast, and Mylos found himself frowning as he followed with a strange expression on his face. The faint gleam in his eyes died, only to be replaced all of a sudden by a great dullness. Mylos stalked as they walked into a street that had numerous shops on both ends of the main road, and he noted the area calmly.

After some time, the lone figure wandered into a dark alley and Mylos stopped. He took a few steps back, then decided to rush inside and block the target on the other end. Just a second after he watched the target walk into a secluded area, he dashed at the speed of the bullet - blazing past the target and stopping on the other end of the alley.

There was a silence.

"I knew someone was following me, who are you?" The target questioned as she stared at Mylos, calmly stepping back with her eyes locked on to him. She was unarmed, and had not anticipated someone to be stalking her on such a beautiful day, "I asked a question."

Mylos straightened his pose calmly. He decided that he would be horrible of him to eat a full human in just one day. He believed it would be better to let it live to get fatter for a second day! He approached her calmly, trying his best not to spook her, "It would be best if neither of us troubles the other, so just stand still and it will be over in a few seconds."

The silence returned.

Before she could say anything, Mylos dashed towards her at a fast speed. He wrapped his arms around her, and buried his face in her neck. Sadly he was not a vampire and he tried his best to bite as weakly as possible, not wanting to break her neck or deal damage that would be difficult for anyone to remediate.

The target just stood in shock as she felt the blood draining from her body. She did not believe that the stalker was demon, even after he had buried his fangs in her neck. After a few seconds, she began to lose all the strength in her limbs, unable to break free from his grip around her. Her consciousness had begun to fade, but she could not move an inch.

Mylos lifted his face from her neck, holding her in his arms as he waited for her healing to kick in. He had made sure not to damage any vital parts of her body, and had stopped his feeding after noticing how weak she had become. He lifted her up from the ground with the gleam in his eyes fading, he decided it would be best if he carried her to somewhere safe.

He was still hungry as he bit barely a mouthful of flesh from her body. The blood was barely enough to satisfy his hunger, but it would aid in maintaining a sane state of mind until he got a proper meal. He decided against killing and eating this human, but hoped it would be not long before someone would give a reason for him to terminate their existence.

"Uh… in what direction where you heading in just now? I will take you home so you'll heal properly." Mylos who had the woman carried in his hands spoke calmly, he knew she had not died. The human body was extremely fragile, and he was just as careful with her when feeding. If she had died, then it would have been very embarrassing to him.

She weakly pointed to the north, and Mylos dashed in that direction. He wondered what kind of scare he would give someone who would notice the blood on his face. In the past, it would have sealed his fate in facing wandering hunters. At this point, wandering hunters would be more of a blessing than a curse.

He followed her directions calmly, finding himself noting numerous paths he could take in reaching the church and escaping if things went haywire. After a few minutes, he found himself stopping before a small and simple house, but the defences he noticed impressed his sharp eyes. They were a lot of arcane runes and mama circles around the building.

He wondered what kind of person she was, deciding not to stay too long to find out for himself. He held her tight, and then he jumped over the fence at a fast speed, reaching the other side of the gates and rushing to the door. The bleeding had stopped, and the wound was slowly beginning to heal.

He pushed the door, and it opened. Seeing that it was unlocked, he carried her into the house. Mylos looked around calmly, wondering where could drop her before he could leave this place. It would not be good for either of them if the wrong sibling traced them to this place, and he needed to return to his room before they blocked him to the way back.

"This is so embarrassing…"

Mylos blinked after hearing that. He lowered his gaze to stare at her head, wondering when she had gotten the strength to speak. After a second he reacted to her comment and he dropped her calmly. She stood to her feet, lifting her hand to touch her neck before she turned to glare at Mylos who wore a plain expression on his face.

"Why did not not kill me there? You also carried me home without questioning any of the directions I gave you… I could have led you to the hunter's association." She spoke as her eyes remained locked on him. She scrutinised his face, wondering why it seemed very familiar to her when they had never met before.

Mylos scoffed internally. She said it as if he didn't know the road to the association, it would have been taken as an insult if she actually knew who he was, but he decided to let it slide for now. He had to leave now that he had gotten his victim to safety, and he didn't have the time to chat with her even if he had just a few issues with doing so.

"I did not kill you because your blood tasted very nice. It would be a waste to put an end to such a nice flow of blood without a good reason." Mylos spoke honestly, not even putting any thoughts to his words. He prepared to say his goodbyes before rushing away, he could faintly sense a familiar presence in the distance, "I am Mylos, and you are?"

"Phoebe." The woman turned her face away, and then opened her mouth to add in a calm tone, "Please, get out of my house Mylos. It would be best for the both of us if that person does not find me with a demon. It would be best if you do not attack me like that again, it was not a pleasurable experience…"

"It was not meant to be pleasurable… Anyway, I have to say goodbye for now. I do hope that we meet at a better time, and I sincerely apologise for attacking you like that." Mylos bowed down, then he turned around and walked away without even a second of hesitation.