
Villain Eternal: I Shall Conquer The Heavens!

“Wretched abomination of darkness! For going against the will of heaven, the Hero Association shall chase your aberrant self until your death!” He scoffed. "Who is going to hunt me down? Your dead gods or your pathetic selves?" —— By stumbling upon the forbidden realms and his learning of secrets he wasn't meant to know, his mortality was robbed off him and he was cursed with what mortals would regard as “Eternal Life”. He could no longer age, or be killed by mortals. With his power, Mylos swore to tear down the heavens as he built up his Hell from the ashes of the angles. His heart burnes with a frenzied flames as he swore to wipe the walls of his castle with the blood of the enemies. “Divine Tribulations?” Conquered. “Heavenly Retribution?” Defied. —— “Worthless aberration of chaos! Your life must end here, and your blood would be used to wash the cornerstones of this mountain! Now, lie and accept your fate!" They were terrified, quaking in their boots in fear as he stared upon them. He was a monster, some abominable creature that crawled it's way out of the pit of hell. Undying, unrelenting — The god-like monster grinned in the face of their heaviest weapons. It's eyes gleamed at the sight of their heavily armed Heroes and Legends. He was what they believed to be “The Devil”.

DMC_MAX · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
23 Chs


There were a number of things she hated. A whole list, enough to empty more than a few pages of a book. One of them were humans - every single one of them, whether innocent or a bloody killer who deserved a fate worse than death. She loathed their existence, even more so after what they all had done to her family and continue to do to those around her.

She was disgusted with the thought of having to share oxygen with such detestable animals, and everyday - they managed to give more reasons for her to hate them. It was as if the fire she felt was never going to die out, as the fools fanned them continuously. Their actions laughably enraging.

"It is a demon!" One of the men closest to her staggered back in shock as he held his shattered sword by the hilt, wondering whether it was possible for a demon to shatter a sword without even striking it once. He dropped the destroyed blade, and turned to run as fast as he could.

Before he could run away, the demon raised her leg and slammed her heel on the back of his head, causing him to stumble to the ground face flat. He crawled forward, trying his best to move away from the enemy, but she followed calmly. Raising her leg again, she slammed her heel even harder on the back of his head and he lost consciousness from the attack.

"Dammit, let's rush her!"

There was a flash of light, and she reacted almost instantly. She leapt to the side just as soon as the opponent revealed the guns they had hidden within their undergarments. Staring at them with a cold calmness in her gaze, she dashed forward brazenly. The enemy opened fire almost instantly, the sound of gunfire ripping through the silence of noon.


Before one of them could understand what had transpired, he was blown into the air by a single kick from the demon and then he crashed down hard on the pavement, wounding his head. Even as the man bled his life out, the demon remained emotionless as she kicked him in the head. The force sent his limp body sliding backwards as he drew a trail of blood with his head, losing consciousness.

Bullets rained into her back, ripping holes in her shirt as she turned around to glare at the poor shooter who struggled to aim his gun properly. He could see her bare skin underneath, but was not sure if his bullets were doing any damage or not. She was tanking his shots with her bare skin, and the thought of being face to face with a monster like that froze him to the ground.

"Damned demon, die!" The one who they referred to as "boss" raised his hand, and an explosion of flames occurred on the exact spot the demon stood - shattering the ground to dust. He wiped the sweat from his forehead as he flicked through the book in his hands, the feeling of dread looming.

A shiver ran down his spine, and in reaction to the bone chilling sensation he felt, he dashed to the side with the book grasped tight in his hands. Just as he had dashed away, the demon he would have believed was banished to hell by the flames of heaven had appeared with her fists dug into the exact spot he stood on just a moment ago - dust and shards of the earth sent flying around her.

"That book must have been bought from the church. I heard there were books that could hold spells, and the spells held inside them could be castes by regulars with no mama pool. The limit of spells is locked to three per book, and you cannot write multiple spells to one book…"

The demon dragged out her hand from the ground, straightening her pose as she turned to stare at their gang leader. She stared down upon her ruined clothes, and then she sighed before opening her mouth to speak, "I guess you can only cast whatever spell you have there twice. If that is all you have, then it is better you give up and accept atonement for all you sins."

"Look at this damned demon raving about atonement! What do you know about salvation? Your kind deserves to be wiped out of this world, only then would I accept atonement for my sins!" There was a snap, and then the man just croaked in rage. He was going to banish them with all his might!

"Death to all demons!" The man roared again, engulfing the speechless demon in another burst of flames. His eyes were bloodshot as he flipped through the book madly, the rage he felt channelled into his reading. The flames of the gods would burn all demons to a crisp, no matter how strong they were - he had paid a fortune to lay his hands on something as powerful as this!

"You humans are always so pathetic…"

He turned in the direction of the voice, only to see the demon walking towards him from the side unscathed. Shifting his gaze to the burning flames, and back to the calmly approaching demon - there was a strange feeling rising in his heart. He stepped back, his body vibrating with rage as he flipped through the book madly. He would banish them… banish… banish… banish!

"Die!" He roared crazily, engulfing the entire area in flames. He was not going to surrender his life to a worthless demon, nor was he going to offer his back to face an even cruller death like his subordinate had faced. He was going to silence the enemy here, and now! He would do his best to-

Before he could complete his thoughts, a force smashed into the side of his head, and then the force blasted him into a nearby building. He felt a number of his organs churn from the attack, and he spat out a mouthful of blood in response. He struggled to move his body, but failed miserably.

It only took the demon a few seconds to reach him, then he felt his body and organs pummelled repeatedly, until he could barely maintain his consciousness. It was after numerous rounds, that the leader lost consciousness. After confirming he would never wake up again with a few hits, she left the leader and turned to his remaining minions only to see that they'd ran away.

The duo who ran at their fastest aimed to rush into a crowd where it would be difficult for the enemy to locate them. The target was something only a hero could handle, and if they were fast in escaping then it would not be long before they reached someone. They just needed to endure for a while, and everyone she killed would be avenged!

"We should leave the main road and run into the walkways where a lot of people would be busy on, it would be harder for her to kill us in the midst of all those people. Unless she could kill them in a single strike, then this would be the best pla-" He turned to his comrade, only to see that there was no one there. His heart nearly jumped out of chest when he turned to see the demon behind him.

She saws dragging the body of his comrade across the ground as if he was a rag doll, leaving a bloody trail behind her. The comrade in question was already dead, a massive hole in his chest that revealed his insides, his heart crushed in the demon's hands. He died before he could warn anyone.

"No… I have to…" He had seen enough. He had killed scores of demons in the past, watching as they squirmed in pain before he finished them off. He never thought that one day the tables would be turned and he would become the one who had to run for his life. He looked around, the fear in his heart clouding his thoughts as his heart beat against his chest.

He turned back only to see that she had disappeared, and the body of his comrade was thrown into a corner. He frantically turned to face the road, only to see a bloody palm blazing towards him, and before he could do anything the demon had caught his face. He clawed and screamed, but in a single squeeze, his head exploded and brain matter was scattered all over the road.

His limp and headless body crashed to the ground, building a pool of blood beneath it.

Aysla lowered her hand calmly. She hated the sight of blood as well. Looking around calmly, she decided to find a place where she would watch the blood off her body. As for her torn clothes, there was a spare in the luggage she had brought with her. She would hide them with a jacket for now, and then change into newer clothes when she found a place to stay.

Turning around in the direction of Mylos's scent, she prepared herself to beat him down until he could not move again. Once she was done with him, then she would try her best to complete the one mission her father had given her. Being granted the permission to kill, she hoped that the hunter she would face next prayed to his god as hard as he would run for his life.