
Viego. A being bound by Chaos. (DXD/MARVEL/?? Fanfic)

The story tells of a boy who reincarnates into the body of the son of the little-known Blacksmith God Walter from the Nordic Pantheon. And over time and events, the main character changes, but it is not known whether for good or bad.

Kriuswer · Cómic
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58 Chs

Chapter 56

After regaining consciousness again, Viego was unable to raise his head for a while. He had an indescribable headache, pain in most parts of his body, and an unbearable feeling in his stomach.

However, despite such a deplorable physical and mental state, he was able to hear. That several people are standing near him, and one person, unmistakably a woman, an angry woman, is pacing the room violently, waiting for him and his companions to regain consciousness.

(???)-For all Satans. What were they thinking?.....And if...They could be in trouble....Fuck....Is Frigg.....

Viego tried to understand what the angry woman was saying, but he couldn't understand everything. However, based on the fragment, he understood that he could clearly be in trouble. And it would be better to get up and check the situation.

The process of getting up was extremely difficult. The hands on which he planned to rest his weight. They were constantly shaking, and keeping them in one position while getting up was really hard. And even when Viego managed to get to his feet, his sense of balance and general blackout. They made it difficult for him to hold one steady position or just think about anything other than keeping his balance.

(???)-Oooo... One "Sleeping Prince" deigned to wake up.

Viego looked up at the source of the woman's voice, and despite the problem rendering his eyesight. After a moment, his eyesight returned to relative normal. And the sight he saw was none other than mother's evil gaze.

The woman standing a few meters in front of him can be described as a dangerous specimen of mature beauty. She was dressed in a pretty sexy tight-fitting very revealing black dress. Literally half of her perfect big breasts were exposed along with part of her stomach and thighs. Her figure was incomparable to any other woman he had ever seen. However, lust did not emanate from Vi at this point. Right through the face, she was incredibly beautiful. But. However, despite blond hair with a color close to red. Overall a beautiful face, but because of the eyes that look at him with angry eyes. With a gaze so intense that his sinister thoughts stopped him. Truly untamed mystical power.


(Viego)-,,This answers my question."-think Viego

After a while, like Viego before, Riser and Loki walk slowly and unsteadily. They try to stay upright, standing wobbly. And with a meek expression on their faces, they listen to Lady Phoenix's lecture on the night before.

As Lady Phoenix was in the process of discussing the amount of the bill the trio and the other guests had put together. And from what Viego remembered, Riser was the Host of the whole party. Viego looked down at himself and saw that he wasn't the only one in his boxers. Which are torn in many places. Yes, on his body, mainly on his stomach, neck and crotch, there are really a lot of lipstick marks, scratches, bites and bruises. But his two companions are similar, maybe their boxers are less worn and less scratched. But their physical condition is very close to his own.

(Lady Phoenix)-Oh, but the amount of the bill is still a small problem ... My three lovely devils ... No ... And I'm not even talking about the dilapidated floor of the premises.

Viego looked around the room and indeed, many decorations had been ripped off the walls. Lots of broken glass and scattered on the floor. A few places where you can see puke. And the Bar was emptied of most of the alcohol and heavily demolished. It's really tragic, and Viego prayed silently that he wouldn't have to pay for the damage done.

(Lady Phoenix)-I am most angry that you three did not know moderation. And even Satan does not know how many consequences may await us as a result of your actions. This morning I got a call from Set that Isis and her priestesses had returned to the palace naked and in the company of three naked young men. At first I was amused, in the end I did not expect from my dear friend that she can party. But when I heard that one of the priestesses has a Phoenix tattoo on her left buttock. I didn't get much of a heart attack.

Much to Lady Phoenix's chagrin, Loki and Viego looked at Riser with a goofy grin. And not understanding the dangerous situation they are in, they laugh and hand Riser gold coins.

Which Riser happily receives. However, the smile on their faces disappears when Lady Phoenix releases a bit of her aura in anger, causing the entire poison to fall to the ground. And unfortunately, they vomit the contents of their stomachs under themselves. Which makes Lady Phoenix frown heavily and talk to the maid standing nearby and talk.

(Lady Phoenix)-Kira...Take my little Riser to his room and look after him. And take his two friends to Asgard and have Brunhild take them to their homes.

As two other maids help, Kura lifts three corpses onto her shoulders. Viego coughed up one sentence with the last of his stamina.

(Viego)-Guys come see me tomorrow.

Viego saw only two thumbs up from his comrades. He then lost consciousness.

Viego regained consciousness a few hours later. Under rather peculiar circumstances.

Elem, who for some reason was in his bedroom, sneaked out of the cage on the bedside table. And first, grabbing a glass glass filled with water with its small talons, it flew over Vi's head. Then he left her and he, like the wind, returned to his cage. And, uttering a strange croak, he rolled around in the cage, as if such a situation gave him extraordinary joy.

(Viego)-Ahh...What the Fuck...man...

As Viego stood up abruptly, he looked around the room. And seeing that he is in his bedroom and the sun is slowly going down. He got up numb and wiped his wet head and didn't even look that he was now naked. He left the room, ignoring his mystical companion's cackles. He went to the Kitchen where he saw Irina unsuccessfully trying to cook a meal.

Specifically, she tried to cook an egg omelet, but each time it burned and another failed omelette ended up in the trash. So Viego walked over to Irini, touching Irina's body really close with his naked body from behind. And after she put the egg in the pan. He grabbed her hand that held the spatula. As a result, she squealed slightly in a panic.


(Viego)-I guess a lesson will come in handy. First, use salt, a little over the entire surface....

Then Viego instructed her in a rather intimate way how to prepare not only an omelette, but also how to cut vegetables for a salad. Peel potatoes or cook steak. For a good and tasty breakfast.