
Viego. A being bound by Chaos. (DXD/MARVEL/?? Fanfic)

The story tells of a boy who reincarnates into the body of the son of the little-known Blacksmith God Walter from the Nordic Pantheon. And over time and events, the main character changes, but it is not known whether for good or bad.

Kriuswer · Anime & Comics
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58 Chs

Chapter 55

"Breath of Succuba" the most popular club in the Underworld. Located on the territory of the Phoenix Family in the Christian hell called the Underworld. Originally, the club was founded before the war by the original Satan Asmodeus himself.

The Club itself has gone through many phases of development from the original Wild West style dive to the current Hell Temple of Sin style with fire and Phoenix themes.

The dominant color is dull red with gold ornaments. Safe waves of fire gush forth from many places. In places such as corners of rooms or edges of stages where women and men dance erotic dances. In general, the dancers are representatives of the most races that look like the classic representation of the Succubus, the devil or a being closely related to sex. Like Oni with scarlet-red skin with spiky horns, black hair and a really sexy dark leather outfit.

If Viego was intrigued by this aspect of the attraction. It's Magma Mermaid. Dancing in a tank of liquid magma, and according to Loki, the glass of the case is imported from Asgard. And thanks to this special glass, you can see through the Magma and enjoy the Magma Mermaid's special exotic erotic dance.

An interesting fact is that in Phoenix's Breath there are many sections that include segments of the building for young people under the legal age of majority. Where the attractions are much more "polite". Although Viego found out that there is also a striptease in this section. Which really surprised him. But they don't serve alcohol there. Really weird. But he knows almost 100% that the youth playing there illegally smuggles alcohol. After all, the chance of him being wrong is really small. From the fact that there are only 5 security guards and too many smiling people are supposedly coming out of the restroom. Quite regularly.

However, the main hierarchy and the luxury and equipment of individual rooms depend on the level. There are halls for half races, half demons, lower rank pureblood devils, and so on. The highest standards, however, are enjoyed by the customers of the section of the club called "Dark Phoenix". The most expensive section of the club intended only for the elite. Like Gods, really wealthy representatives of the supernatural world and the most influential. Although they are usually children of these people, although it is not 100% true.

Viego and Loki had just arrived at the "Dark Phoenix" section and after a short check in by a really sexy Devil with purple hair and a dress in a very inappropriate priestess outfit. They both went inside and sat down in the pre-booked VIP box.

The Dark Phoenix section is simply a more luxurious version of all the previous ones and prices are much higher here. But then everything here is better from alcohol to food and women. In general, a perfect place to play if your vault capacity is sufficient.

The box in which Loki and Viego are sitting consists of a semi-circular sofa, in front of which there is a table with a section where you can keep food and drinks, and on the same table a little further there is a small podium on which a dancer dances. Dancer belongs to the Banshee race. She is completely naked at the moment, her skin as white as snow and almost translucent. She has long white hair that sticks out like this woman is currently upside down, but she is not upside down. Her face stops being human at certain moments and you can literally see her skull. Green flames burst from her eyes. But her body is a strong 10 with perfect proportions. And the dance she performs stimulates the senses to an unprecedented level.

Viego and Loki started with appetizers like the meat of the Red Sea Serpent, which is said to be a relative of Jormungad inhabiting the areas belonging to the Egyptian Pantheon. In addition, alcohols with really specific names like "Fire Whiskey", "Devil's Breath of the Reaper" or the most specific with the appearance of smoke. Literally, alcohol is not in liquid form, but in gaseous form. More like a green mist that doesn't disappear for some reason. And you can normally pour it into a glass. And the name of this special drink is "Tear of the Goddess Hel". Another commodity bought wholesale from Hellhaim. The prices of this drink are really high, you can pay about 1,000,000 gold coins for a bottle. And the period of fermentation and creation of this alcohol is said to be 10,000 years.

The party started to get going, many guests started coming to this place. Viego even spotted Zeus picking up a green-skinned Oni he met near Baru. Viego wanted to ridicule the god Thunder. But at that moment, he wasn't that drunk yet. And he was busy talking to Loki about the special anti-gravity properties of women's breasts.

(Loki)-I don't fucking understand it either. I love that green smoke. How does it work, do all Devil race gobies use spells on their big breasts.

(Viego)-Do not forget about women with slightly smaller proportions. Although I'm curious if the breasts of the Devil with smaller tits should be properly massaged. It....Hehehe...Would it also exhibit these properties....Allfathers...What am I thinking about?

Loki bursts out laughing, then smiles cheerfully and says as he raises his mug.

(Loki)-These are really interesting topics. And there's nothing to be ashamed of here, my friend. The aerodynamics of the women's breasts of the Devil race is a topic of consideration for many distinguished men in the supernatural world.

(???)-It's impossible not to agree.

Then both at the same time, Loki and Viego. They turned their heads at the same time to the third male voice. And they both saw a young devil, about their own age. Dressed in a specific red suit with a slightly unbuttoned white shirt. Who, like them, wasn't in the most sober state of mind right now.

Loki turned to his new companion and smiled at Viego.

(Loki)-Viego, brother. I want to introduce you to Riser Phenix. And I trust you, Riser, to shed some light on this highly important issue of understanding other races.... And Viego. Riser refers to himself in the third person. you'll get used to it.

Riser combed his blonde hair in a slightly arrogant manner. And laughing, he said, pretending not to know what Loki was saying in the last part of the statement.

(Riser)-Haha... Riser doesn't know what you're talking about. But yes, I have some interesting tidbits. That I, Riser, can share.

After joining Riser to the two Gods. The party was starting to gain momentum. Due to the fact that Riser partly owns the entire club, all the following attractions were free. However, this was not important for the aforementioned three.

During the initial period of the event, two Gods accompanied by alcohol and interesting topics of conversation. They really liked this Blonde Asshole talking about himself in the third person. And when all three caught a common language. Fueled by alcohol, they began to fool around in a really more and more inadequate way.

It started with an erotic dance with representatives of other Pantheons. Which, after all, none of them will remember. Except for the bite marks on the backs of their necks and the traces of makeup around their crotches, as well as on the penises themselves.

Other activities that contributed to giving them the star tag that night. There was a liquor contest in which to giant barrels. Alcohols were poured in and made into a really high-alcohol mixture. Viego took part in the competition as a representative of the Trio. Loki and Riser were holding it upside down and two waitresses were holding a giant barrel. And Viego had the wire in his mouth and drank the deadly mixture as fast as he could.

Other participants in this competition were Zeus, Osiris, Izanami and many gods. However, the only people left to the very end were Viego and Bacchus of the Greek pantheon.

And unfortunately, even though they both drank the entire contents, Viego could barely stand on his feet. And Bacchus only turned red in the face.

Allegedly, Loki, Riser, and Viego performed a striptease for the Goddesses of the Egyptian Pantheon. However, that was just a rumor heard by Vi in the days that followed.

Viego even started cooking various dishes secretly using his special skill on food items. Did I say he was cooking in only boxers? NO. You know that now.

The next day, Viego woke up with the biggest hangover of his life. And he didn't know why, but he felt a really heavy weight on his body. But judging by the image of Phoenix on one tile, he's still at the club. He lay down and, indifferent to everything, went to sleep.