

4 months later


Time passed after Emi's and Ramírez last encounter. He didn't visit for a while but wrote her letters. Emi would read them but only responded once. She apologized for her outburst but not the words she said. Ramírez needed to hear her side of the story and it felt like weight was removed from her chest saying what she said. Ramírez took it in stride, he promised to do better and come back when he finished up his business.

During that time Emi cracked down on training herself and her studies. She gathered books on engineering and history. Her skills with Golems improved drastically, even fixing Mishna's as a peace offering, though Mishna still swore revenge in her heart. Emi took extra classes on combat, she needed to get her body used to her new stats, and she was unintentionally hurting herself from lack of control of her muscle strength.

She practiced basic combat skills, physical training regiments, and meditations. Soon she noticed the change in herself, she grew two inches in height, her muscle tone was more defined, and even her ability to control her emotions got better.

Emi didn't want to rely on her gun for fighting or her high-level spells, too much risk and attention she already drew from her last match. She practiced with daggers first figuring the most basic weapon could help in fixing her sloppy style. Sparring with Vice in her free time helped her develop a style for herself, the sparring also helped Vice too.

He started getting small pieces of memory back, like the Iscariot being a cult who wanted to wipe out and restart humanity with the Strayers, though the leader was still lost to him. Emi tried not to force him to remember too much at a quick pace, it caused him pain and violent outbursts. The memories were gone, but the feelings he had buried inside were still there.

Morning rose once again at the academy. Emi put on her new uniform and did her hair. She didn't wear the eyepatch anymore, she learned to like her new look and eye now. Vice stayed in the room to meditate, Emi hugged him and left.

The classroom was loud again, with everyone gossiping as usual. Emi sat at her desk reading her books ignoring the eyes on her. Since the match and her development, boys have noticed her more, and girls hate her too. She didn't make any friends yet but she didn't mind, being alone was something she was used to by now.

The teacher entered, he stood behind his desk with many scrolls for an important announcement to make.

"OK class, as you know it is now time for the yearly survival training event. As you're aware, for next two weeks you'll be placed with a partner and be sent to a location of our choosing where you'll hunt monsters of all varieties but nothing higher than a Knight class, gather materials for food and warmth, and use the opportunity to improve your skills. No Golems or Makaizers are allowed and you can only use what you bring to live with per our packing list. Now I'll begin the assignment for partner choosing."

Everyone groaned. Survival event was brutal, it was the one training curriculum that many dropped out due to the unbearable conditions they were put through. But many also who came back grew stronger and now were famous in the kingdom amongst adventurers.

Mishna stared from across the end of the room, her spiteful eyes imaging bad things happening to Emi.

"So what now, you ready for the event?" Her follower asked.

"Tch could care less. I already planned ahead and set up a sweet hideout. Amazing when you have a daddy who can use connections. Especially for the pairing."

"Pairing, what did you do?"

Mishna chuckled. Even if the teacher didn't know, the pairing was rigged, Emi was given a partner no one wanted, someone Mishna figured would make her quit in a few days.

"Last pairing, Emi Rhapsoden and...…Shidou Kibagami."

Everyone stopped chatting for a minute. They couldn't believe what name they heard. Emi was confused, it was the first she heard since she enrolled. She looked at the boy next to her for answers on who that was.

"Umm 'scuse me but who's Shidou Kibagami?" The boy looked nervous to tell but he complied.

"You're in trouble. He's a delinquent is what. He's been held back by two years here for fighting and truancy. He hasn't been kicked out due to being from a noble clan from the Jyu-Oh Kingdom but he's impossible to work with. Look he's not here now anyways."

Emi was shocked now too. The Jyu-Oh Kingdom was a very much respected place. They were home to Jyukens, beings who had a human appearance at first look with noticeable features but could transform into anthropomorphic animals of power. It was because of them that the strongest monsters and demons were kept at bay.

"That's weird I've never heard of a Jyuken being enrolled here before, don't they stick to their own schools?"

"Eh, he was part of an exchange program. Apparently, he was kicked out of his school or something. If I were you I'd find him quick, if your partner isn't with you during the event you fail."

Emi gulped upon hearing that. She didn't want to fail her event after the hard work she put in the last months. The moment the class was over she ran out with her and her partner's instruction scrolls. She asked around but no one had seen Shidou all day. Emi was nervous, she had three days to prepare her gear according to the end announcement the teacher made and she didn't want to waste all her days finding her partner.

"Ok, Emi think, if you're a Jyuken and you don't want people bothering you, where would you go?"

The idea hit her, Jyukens were natural hunters, and the woods would be home to them. She ran again, her body was used to the effort now and her high senses helped in tracking down Shidou, she needed to focus on something that would tip her off, till she heard it. The sound of feint snoring like someone taking a nap nearby.

She bolted as fast as she could let her legs go getting closer to the snoring. Eventually, she found him, her first time seeing a Jyuken.

Shidou was sleeping in the grass, he was around 5'10, and he had no shirt on just a pair of Gi Pants and sandals with an ornate sash and wrist bangles. His build was slender, with black stripes on his arms and back. His hair was jet black with gold highlights and a braided ponytail. She could see he had feline ears on his head, and a tail indicating he was a Lynx type Jyuken.

She found it funny that he was small for his species type since most Male Lynx were very muscular and above six feet in height. Didn't matter now, she needed him to wake up or get a bigger headache than she had now. She took in a deep breath and then screamed at him.

"Oy! Shidou Kibagami, wake up. We need to talk."

Shidou didn't respond at first, Emi yelled again but he ignored her. Emi clenched her teeth in frustration. He really was a pain in the ass like everyone described him as.

'Ok, that's how you want it, then no more Ms.Nice Girl.'

Emi pointed a finger at Shidou, she positioned it and her thumb like she was firing a gun. She made a crooked smile and then fired a small flame bullet at Shidou's tail.

'Ha, practice with Vice is paying off getting better at using my magic even if it's baby steps.'

Shidou's tail caught fire, first small then growing. His nose twitched from the smell of smoke then his ears spasmed from the sensation of pain. He let out a scream mixed with human and animal howl trying to put the flame out. Emi couldn't help but laugh at his manic display till he finally put the flame out.

His tail end burnt as he glared at Emi with his cat-like eyes.

"Ow, damnitt what did you do that for you crazy woman!"

Emi stopped laughing and both she and Shidou were now intensely staring at each other.