
Versatile Mage: Grey Home

Sun Chang, a former inmate, finds himself thrust into an extraordinary situation. Transported to Bo City, Sun must navigate through this new reality unlike anything he's ever known. With determination as his guide, he is determined to carve his own path in the city's undercurrents. (Adapted from the storyline of "Versatile Mage" by the original author.)

703Sunny · Cómic
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6 Chs

Chapter 4: Zhao Mei's Journal

As Sun Chang arrived home, he was greeted by a large sign hanging in front of the building. It read, "Sun's Bookstore," in bold elegant letters. He blinked in surprise, realizing that in his earlier panic, he hadn't even noticed the sign.

He took a momment to look around. The book store was old school and charming, with large windows that allowed a view of rows upon rows of neatly arranged books. The exterior was painted in brown, and a small bell aboce the door jingled softly as he steppe inside.

Bookshelves lined the walls, filled with a diverse array of titles, from classic literature to modern bestsellers. A wooden counter stood near the back, complete with an old-fashioned cash register and a small display of bookmarks and trinkets.

Sun Chang's niece, Sun Ying, gave him a curious look. "Uncle, I'm going to start cultivating now," she said, her tone hiding excitement.

Sun Chang nodded absently, still trying to process everything that had happened. "Sure, go ahead," he murmured, distracted.

As she passed by, she hesitated. "Are you going out, or staying home?" she asked.

"I don't know," Sun Chang replied simply, unsure of what to say.

"Ah, okay. There's some food in the fridge if you're hungry," Sun Ying said quickly before running upstairs.

Sun Chang continue to wandered thought the aisle, with a sudden message sent by the system.

[System loading...]

[Welcome to the Dimensional Summoning System]

Sun Chang blinked, staring at the glowing text floating in front of him. "Dimensional Summoning System?" he muttered to himself. "Is this a dream?"

[System Diagnose check: The surroundings remain stable, no sudden changes, time appears constant, logic appears to be in check...]

[Diagnosis complete: You are fully awake.]

Sun Chang was stunned. Before he could process this, another message popped up:

[Would you like to go over the features of the system?]

"Ah yes," Sun Chang nodded.

[The Dimensional Summoning System includes the following features: The Lottery, the Shop, Status, and various other functionalities.]

"Show me my status."

[Loading status...]

Name: Sun Chang

Traveler ID: SP-0048943

Status: Dead

World: Versatile Mage

Innate Skill: Touch of the End

"Dead? Seriously?" Sun Chang muttered. "What's this 'Touch of the End'?"


Skill Name: The Touch of the End

Description: The Touch of Death is a formidable skill that causes instantaneous death upon any form of contact with the user's hands.

Activation: The skill is is performed through the user's hands, but you must have skin contact with the other person. Any object, living being, or surface touched by the user's hands is immediately subjected to the lethal effect. Can be activated with a single thought


Sun Chang was stunned by the skill description. "As long as I'm in close combat or have the element of surprise, I'm partially invincible," he muttered, his mind racing with the possibilities for using the skill. "But what about my 'dead' status? Is there a way to fix that?"

[There will be items within the shop in the future, which could solve the host current problem. However, it is advised not to change your status as the ability Touch of the End is closely linked to your undead state.]

"What would happen if I tried to get rid of the undead state?"

[The host's ability would most likely lead backlash, killing the host in the process.]

Sun Chang frowned, noting the warning about his undead state. "Anything else I should know right now?"

[You have a beginners gift. Do you wish to open it?]

Before he could respond, he noticed a figure approaching the entrance. His heat skipping a beat when recognizing who it was—Tang Yue, a member of the Enforcer Union from the show. She entered with a warm smile that faltered slightly when she noticed his guarded demeanor.

"Sun Wu, it's been a while," Tang Yue greeted. "How have your been? And how's Sun Ying?"

"Were been good," Sensing Chang's attitude. She hesitated before continuing "Why do you have glasses on while inside?"

Sun Chang froze before quickly explain that he had to go out, and his eyes were red from drinking.

Sun Chang froze for a moment before quickly explaining, "I had to go out, and my eyes are red from drinking."

Tang Yue frowned, her concern evident. "Sun Yin and Yu wouldn't have approved of this. They would want you to continue living well."

Sun Chang raised an eyebrow. What was the relationship between the previous owner and Tang Yue?

Sighing, he stated, "It's not that simple."

Tang Yue reached out, her hand gently touching his arm. "I'm here for you, but you can't keep hiding behind alcohol."

Sun Chang pulled his hand away, his expression guarded. Tang Yue smiled awkwardly, trying to lighten the mood.

"I came here on a mission," Tang Yue began, her voice steady. "Three explorers have have died, and I believe it's connected to a strange artifact they discovered."

Sun Chang's brow furrowed in confusion. "Why does that relate to me?"

Tang Yue paused, her expression somber. "Because you're the fourth explorer."

Sun Chang's eyes widened in shock. "Bruh, what was the original involved in? Can't I get any peace?"

Tang Yue reached into her bag and pulled out a worn journal, flipping it open to a page filled with sketches and notes. "This journal details your expedition with the others. You discovered an ancient artifact of unknown origin."