
Versatile Mage: Grey Home

Sun Chang, a former inmate, finds himself thrust into an extraordinary situation. Transported to Bo City, Sun must navigate through this new reality unlike anything he's ever known. With determination as his guide, he is determined to carve his own path in the city's undercurrents. (Adapted from the storyline of "Versatile Mage" by the original author.)

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Chapter 5: Tao Tie

Journal Entry 1: The Beginning

Date: March 1, 2022

Today marks the beginning of our expedition. After months of planning and preparation, we are finally setting off on what could be the most significant discovery of our careers. Our team consist of four members, Sun Chang, the historian and leader of the group; Mu Qing a brilliant archaeologist who has a knack for deciphering ancient scripts; Me, Zhao Mei an skilled cartographer, and Chen Hao, our robust and resourceful geologist,

We have high hopes for this journey. Our objective is to locate and investigate ancient ruins rumored to be connected to one of the four evil beast of Chinese mythology. These ruins could hold secrets and treasures offering invaluable insights into our history and legends.

Journal Entry 2: Roles

Date: March 5, 2022

As we continue to venture into uncharted regions. It's clear that our team is well-suited for this adventure. Mu Qing's knowledge of ancient languages has already proven invaluable, as he translated several old maps and inscriptions. My keen sense for direction and mapping skills ensure we never stray of course, while Chen Hao's geological expertise helps us understand the terrain and identify significant landmarks.

I believe we have become more than just colleagues; but become a unit bound by a sacred mission.

Journal Entry 3: Strange Happenings

Date: March 15, 2022

We've encountered some odd occurrences recently. Strange noises echoing through the night, shadows flitting at the edge of our campfire's light, and an unsettling feeling of being watched. Chen Hao swears he saw movement in the forest last night, but when we investigated, we found nothing.

These incidents are starting to unnerve the team, though we try to brush them off as figments of our imagination or the natural wildlife. Still, a lingering sense of unease persists among us.

Journal Entry 4: Two Months Later

Date: May 1, 2022

We've been traveling for two months now. The journey has been grueling, with unpredictable weather and treacherous terrain. Despite these problems, we've made significant progress and uncovered numerous artifacts, keeping our spirits high. Our supplies are holding well, thanks to meticulous planning and I feel like we're close to something big.

Journal Entry 5: Ancient symbols

Date: May 10, 2022

At last, we've found some promising clues. Ancient carvings on a rock face, detailed inscriptions in a long-forgotten dialect, and the remnants of an old campsite suggest we're getting close to our destination. Mu Qing has been working tirelessly to translate the texts, and his excitement is infectious.

The carvings depict a large creature and a series of symbols that correspond to the legends of the four evil beasts. We believe we are on the right track, and this discovery has renewing our vigor.

Journal Entry 6: The Ruins of Tao Tie

Date May 20, 2022

Today, we stumbled upon the ruins of what we believe to be a temple dedicated to Tao Tie, one of the four evil beast. According to the myth, Tao Tie is a gluttonous monster, symbolizing insatiable greed and hunger. The ancient text describe it as a create with a large mouth and a large appetite, consuming anything in its path.

The temple is in ruins, but the architecture and inscriptions are well-preserved. We're documenting everything meticulously, aware of the significance of this find.

Journal Entry 7: Battle Beast

Date: May 25, 2022

The past few days have been intense, as we've encountered numerous hostile creatures as we explore deeper into the ruins. 

Journal Entry 8: Discovering Gold and a Bronze Mirror

Our perseverance has paid off. Deep within the ruins, we discovered a vast hoard of gold artifacts and a peculiar bronze mirror. The craftsmanship is exquisite, and the gold items are unlike anything we've seen before. The mirror, however, is the most intriguing. It's adorned with symbols and engravings that seem to tell a story.

Mu Qing believes the mirror holds significant cultural importance and could be a key to understanding the legends of the four beasts. We are meticulously cataloging our findings, aware of their immense value and historical significance.

Journal Entry 9: Unsettling Behavior

Date: June 5, 2022

Chen Hao has been acting strangely ever since we found the mirror. He's become increasingly withdrawn and paranoid, often muttering to himself and clutching the mirror as if it holds some power over him. The rest of us are growing concerned, but he refuses to let go of the artifact.

We've tried reasoning with him, but his behavior is becoming more erratic. We're worried about his mental state and the potential impact on our mission. We need to find a solution before it escalates further.

 Journal Entry 10: Returning to Bo City

Date: June 15, 2022

We've decided to return to Bo City. The discoveries we've made are extraordinary, but Chen Hao's condition has deteriorated to the point where we can no longer continue safely. He needs medical attention, and we need to report our findings to the authorities and the academic community.

As we make our way back, there's a sense of accomplishment mingled with concern. The artifacts we've uncovered could change our understanding of ancient history and mythology, but the cost has been high. One of our compainons, is in a fragile state and seems to still be deteriating.

As we approach civilization, I can't help but reflect on the journey. The excitement, the danger, the discoveries—all of it has left an indelible mark on us. We've faced the unknown and come out the other side, forever changed by what we've experienced.

Sun Chang sat silently, his eyes scanning each page of the journal.

In his mind, he cursed, Why in the world would you bring something back from a cursed temple!

He closed the journal with a thud and looked up at Tang Yue, who had been watching him carefully. "What were the symptoms of the people who died?

Tang Yue nodded, taking a deep breath. "It started with nightmares. Each of them reported vivid, horrifying dreams about the temple and the beast, Tao Tie. Then came the hallucinations—seeing things that weren't there, hearing whispers in the dark. Their behavior became increasingly erratic. They grew paranoid, violent even."

Sun Chang's mind raced as he tried to piece together the fragments of his memory. "And Chen Hao, he... he was the first to act strange, wasn't he?"

Tang Yue nodded. "Yes, according to the journal. After finding the bronze mirror, he became obsessed with it. He would mutter to himself, clutching the mirror tightly, and he seemed to believe it had some kind of power."

Sun Chang shivered, remembering Chen Hao's wild eyes and frantic behavior. "And the others?"

"Mu Qing and Zhao Mei," Tang Yue continued, "they started showing symptoms soon after. Mu Qing became consumed with deciphering the symbols, convinced there was a hidden message meant for him. Zhao Mei grew increasingly anxious, often talking about shadows following her."

Sun Chang's heart sank. "And then they all just died?"

Tang Yue's expression was grim. "Yes, they all died under mysterious circumstances. Their deaths were ruled as suicides, but the details were... disturbing. Mu Qing drowned himself in a basin of water, and Zhao Mei threw herself from a building, convinced she could fly."

A heavy silence settled between them as Sun Chang absorbed this information. He began to think about the previous owner of the shop and wondered if his death was related to this cursed artifact.

Could the death of the previous owner be due to this? Sun Chang pondered. I thought my drinking was attributed to the deaths of Sun Yin and Yu... but maybe it was the mirror.

Tang Yue observed his troubled expression and leaned forward. "Sun Wu, have you been experiencing any of these symptoms? Nightmares, hallucinations, anything unusual?"

Sun Chang hesitated, what was he supposed to say he not Sun Wu and is from another world and he just happened to inhabited this body, he might be taken as the evil creature instead. "No, i haven't"

Sun Chang felt a cold sweat break out on his forehead. He had already technically died once; whether it was from the Tao Tie or an unexpected death, the Tao Tie would certainly come for him. The weight of Tang Yue's words pressed down on him, and he struggled to maintain his composure. "So, I don't have much time."

Tang Yue nodded solemnly. "That's why we need to act quickly. We have to find a way to break this curse before it consumes you too."

Sun Chang's mind raced, trying to come up with a plan. "What do we know about the mirror? Is there any record of how to destroy it or nullify its effects?"

Tang Yue opened the journal again, flipping through the pages filled with notes and sketches. "According to the ancient texts we found, the mirror is linked to Tao Tie, one of the four evil beasts. It feeds on the negative emotions and life force of its holder. The only way to break its curse might be to return it to the temple and perform a specific ritual."

"And do we have any idea what this ritual entails?" 

Tang Yue shook her head. "The texts were incomplete. We have some clues, but we'll need to do more research. There might be other sources or experts who can help us piece together the full ritual."

Sun Chang sighed heavily, "Okay, I need some time to process all this."

Tang Yue looked at him with understanding and nodded. "Alright. Take the time you need. You have my number if you need my help."

Sun Chang managed a weak smile. "Thanks, Tang Yue. I'll be in touch."