
Vegeta Hakaishin[Hiatus]

A boy dies and get reincarnated in Vegeta body and get his soul merged with the original. Now follow his history of dominance and how he put not only Vegeta name but also his Saiyan race at the top of all universe. I do not own the Dragon Ball series. All rights are reserved to Akira Toriyama.

Odd_Hound · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
53 Chs

Tournament Saga [1]

Vegeta went out for a few hours to deal with something else before training Trunks. When he came back, he had a few drops of green blood on his outfit. He left a small capsule in Bulma's lab and gave her some instructions as well.

When Trunks asked where the blood came from, Vegeta simply replied that he took care of a nuisance before it could cause any problems.

After spending the rest of the day resting, Trunks was ready to start training again. Although this tournament wasn't a necessity for him, he still wanted to take this opportunity to learn and become stronger.

When Bulma and Tights heard that Vegeta wanted to train Trunks, they went pale, knowing that his training was often torturous. They told him not to hurt Trunks too much, but if he did, they could use the medical machine from their company to heal him.

Furthermore, the next day, Bulma returned and announced that she had completed the check-up on the androids and had found a bomb inside them. She was able to remove them, but what amazed her was the quality of their bodies.

She said that this technology was unprecedented, something that could very well be from the future. Dr. Gero's genius was still evident as he had modified their bodies at a cellular level, making them somewhat human but now augmented.

She planned to investigate further now that they had his schematics. She assured everyone that 17 and 18, as well as anyone close to them, were safe since the bomb could no longer be activated.

With this news, both Vegeta and Trunks entered the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, aiming to spend at least a year training inside.

"This place is amazing for training. It feels like you're in constant danger here, even without enemies," Trunks remarked as he walked inside and looked around. He had a bit of difficulty breathing but quickly adjusted.

"It's the best place for you to ascend your transformation," Vegeta replied, walking a bit ahead but not too far from the entrance.

"So, how much have you mastered your transformation? It's better to assume nothing since you were still losing battles."

"This is the first time I've heard that I could master the transformation. Gohan-san never mentioned that while training me," Trunks responded genuinely. He had never heard of or attempted such a thing.

"I see. From now on, always stay in Super Saiyan form, even while eating or resting. Maintain the transformation while sparring with me as well," Vegeta instructed, observing and assessing his son. Trunks was still far too weak at the moment.

"Bulma said you have a base power of 4 million, so I don't need to transform to take you on. Come at me with everything you have. In a few days, you must make me transform."

"Yes, Father," Trunks said, transforming as they began their fight.

Even in his transformed state, Trunks had to acknowledge the enormous power gap between them. Vegeta dominated the entire fight. Vegeta made sure not to go easy on him since there was a healing machine inside the chamber, so there was no need to worry about injuries.

Finally, after seven days of intense training, Trunks was able to keep up with his father, but it wasn't until the tenth day that he was able to make Vegeta transform. The fight once again became one-sided, with Vegeta still suppressing his power, using only what was necessary to allow Trunks to gain experience in fighting.

Little by little, they would take the fight as far as possible from the door, using the environment to nurture Trunks' growth. Vegeta was proud because his son was just as much of a hard worker as he was. Trunks' power would increase more and more during the months spent inside.

But Trunks wasn't the only one training. Vegeta had noticed that he was ready to step forward and attain Super Saiyan God. He had better control over his godly ki by now, so using it to become a god wasn't so difficult anymore.

After a few months inside, Trunks was getting ready to rest after training when he saw his father getting up and closing his eyes, calming his ki.

He noticed that instead of building power, his father was building up a pressure close enough to this place. Soon enough, Trunks couldn't feel his ki anymore and was shocked by it.

Vegeta's body was brimming with power, and it increased every second. When it reached its maximum point, he opened his eyes and shouted, clenching his fist. The entire room started to shake, threatening to break apart.

Trunks closed his eyes due to the pressure and the bright lights. When he opened them, what he saw surprised even him.

His father's body had become slightly slimmer in his muscles, and he could occasionally see small explosions of energy followed by a fiery aura. His hair and eyes had turned red.

That was the first time Trunks had seen his father like this, and the most strange thing was that he could only feel the pressure, but not his ki.

"It's like I'm being submerged in water. Just being this close almost steals my breath," Trunks thought to himself.

Vegeta looked at his transformed form while clenching his fist and nodding his head slightly. "Hmph, my ki control still needs to be refined, but it's a good start."

"With this, I may be a strong enough opponent for her if she ends up in her strongest form. Hm, let's train in this."

"Incredible, Father! You've surpassed everything that a Saiyan knows," Trunks approached him with a proud face.

"But why can't I feel your ki? I can only feel a pressure and a bit of heat coming from you."

"It's God ki. It's still too early for you to know about it, but given time, I can teach it to you," Vegeta smiled when he saw the excited expression on Trunks' face.

After that, he trained Trunks while doing his best to improve his ki control. He had the theory, and now he just needed to practice with this new form. They would spend the year there training, bonding, and getting stronger.

Back at Vegeta's house:

"It's still interesting how he can spend a year in only one day inside that room," Tights said to herself while taking care of Kali and reading a novel in the main room.

Bulma was also there, fiddling with the scouter while Trunks played beside her.

"Knowing him, it's probably really hard for him to spend a year without doing 'it.' You know," Tights continued talking to no one in particular.

"Probably... And maybe that's why he comes back with that hungry look... 18, can you pass this to me?" Bulma asked the other woman who was sitting there with them. She was eating sweets and drinking tea, not caring about the world around her until she heard Bulma.

"...Here... This cookie is really good, huh..." 18 passed the object to Bulma.

"Does that room make him stronger?" 18 asked, trying not to show too much interest.

"It seems so, though I can't tell the difference, besides when he turns blond and gets that cool aura around him," Tights remarked. She still found his Super Saiyan transformation pretty cool.

"He said something about it being a good place for a Saiyan to train. Or for anyone, I guess, since he took some of the guys there too," Bulma replied, still focused on upgrading her scouter. She felt like she would need a more powerful one that could read a lot of energy.

"I should have gone too then. Spanking him a bit and putting him in his place would be good," 18 said smugly while sipping her tea. When the doors opened, she almost spits out her drink, thinking it was Vegeta, only to see another blond woman at the door.

"Ara~ Mama is home. Where's my Vegeta-chan? I brought more cake for him," Bikini said, entering the house and looking around.

She put the cake in the big fridge and sat with her daughter, drinking tea too.

"He is training right now with the big Trunks," Bulma said, still focused on her task.

"Hm? And who is this beautiful lady here?" Bikini looked at 18, trying to figure out who she was when Tights answered her.

"Vegie brought another woman home," 18 almost spat her tea again. Sure, she had agreed to his request, but she never thought she would lose.

"Fufufu, Vegeta-chan being the bad boy again. What a sinful man," Bikini said while drinking her tea and preparing a slice of cake. She would never care about how many women Vegeta had.

A minute later, the door opened again, and this time both Vegeta and Trunks entered the house. Their clothes were torn, and they still had some bruises from their last fight. Vegeta looked a lot better than Trunks.

He looked like he had come out of a war zone. His hair had grown, and he had built more muscle too. And he was still in his Super Saiyan state even now.

"Vegeta-chan~ chuu," Bikini was the first to run a bit and welcome him. Here, she could be a lot more assertive since no one was looking. She hugged him and showered him with kisses.

"Hm? And who is this handsome boy too? He looks a lot like you, Vegeta-chan," she said, looking at Trunks and musing about it.

"Ah! I'm Trunks, my pleasure," Trunks smiled at her.

"Ara, the same name as my grandson. Fufu, a pleasure to meet you too," Bikini said. When Trunks heard that, he was surprised, but the thought of asking was suppressed when his mother from this timeline came looking all around him.

"Hm, hm hm," Bulma nodded and smiled at him. "Glad that Vegeta didn't break anything from you. Besides your hair, you look all the same."

"...I see. That room is really something else. Or you Saiyans were just built differently," 18 observed both Vegeta and Trunks with a smile.

"Can you tell how much stronger he's become?" Tights asked 18. She pondered for a moment and shook her head.

"Not in numbers since I don't sense ki, but it's possible to feel when you would lose a battle if you go for it. He's giving off that vibe now."

"I'm going to take a shower," Vegeta said, walking away from them, and added, "Keep the transformation, Trunks, and don't break anything. The girls will kill you if you do."

"Ah, I'm going too, Vegeta-chan. Also, I brought that cake that you like," Bikini ran to follow Vegeta and put her hands around him.

Trunks started to sweat a bit; he still wasn't used to how many wives his father had in this timeline.

Bulma went back to the table to grab her newly upgraded scouter.

"Let's see. It's become a habit now to check with it, and since I've already gone this far to do an upgraded version, I might as well just use it."

With a beep sound, she turned it on and pointed it at Trunks. The numbers just kept going up without stopping.

''Hehe, my son is pretty strong. Look, 5 billion. It's incredible. He's close to early Vegeta," she said, jumping with happiness.

Trunks was a bit shy about it but still said, "No way. Father is still way stronger than I am. I can't even compare yet." Then he looked in the direction his father had gone.

"He's still way above me. I'm sure he's the strongest out of all the Saiyans." He had a proud smile on his face.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Inside a hidden lab-

"He is almost ready. With this, he will definitely fall into my hands. He is different from failed attempts like all of you," Dr. Gero said, looking at a formed figure in front of him. The stage was on the verge of completion.

Behind him, Android 21 had a hard expression. She could see how vengeance and pride had turned a man's head. She knew that this was far from being the true Dr. Gero, as she had also modified him.

He had been unfortunate to receive a great blueprint after he had already made the self-modification. Thus, his great project was only directed towards the twins, her, and the newly formed Cell.

But looking at Cell, she could feel great oppression from him. He was strong, stronger than her for sure. But simultaneously, she could feel that he was far more unstable than them. He was dangerous, far too risky.

Dr. Gero opened the tank, letting the water out along with his new creation. He towered over him and exuded a power beyond what he could measure. He could only be proud of creating the ultimate weapon against Son Goku.

"Hahaha, yes! With this, we can win. With this, my ambitions, my dreams, all of them will become reality."

Cell didn't pay attention to the man's blabbering and only tested his form. He was now born with his perfect form, the perfect being. The idea itself was already planted in his head.

He squinted his eyes and asked, "Are they stronger than you, woman?"

21 frowned. That was a question she did not know how to answer. By looking at them before, she would have said no. Only Vegeta could be qualified. But with their confidence, she would say that maybe they were.

Yet, for the first time here, she chose to lie instead of going through a tired data analysis to explain the truth, or maybe she just doing it for he own gains.

She pushed her glasses up and said, "They were not. But, there is one of them who surpassed me."

They waited for her to say the name of the said being.

"...Son Goku."

Cell smirked. So his existence would not be in vain. He could test himself and evolve against his enemy. He was glad, truly glad.

Yet, 21 had a neutral face. She didn't want to reveal that the dangerous one was the Prince. For some reason, she felt that this secret should be kept only by her and only for her.

She wanted to know how much more disarray he would throw into the doctor's plans...

Like always thanks for reading it. Tomorrow I'll post another chapter too.

These days work will start to pile up so again expect a messy upload schedule. Sorry about this.

Odd_Houndcreators' thoughts