
Vampire Kin

There are currently two clans, witches and Vampires war-lasting generations. Elvyra a young witch who transmigrated two weeks before her death decides to embark a new path and become a vampire Kin brooking taboos lasting generations. However, will she be able to manage and survive in a world of witches and vampires on rampage?

AnaMariaD · Fantasía
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26 Chs

Chapter 16 - The Lord Mansion -

Just an instant later, the Lord almost lost his composure. That woman had such an impact on him. Maybe she is his kin. As soon as the woman opened her eyes and clasped onto someone, the person was an albino vampire!

He looked into her eyes and saw a familiar emotion, a feeling he had not experienced for a long time. He wanted to get closer to her, know her story, and find out why she had such a powerful effect on him. He decided to take a chance and find out who she was.

Her hand joints hurt, her arm was badly injured, and healing would take a long time. She gasped in shock at the realization of her situation and it hit her like a wave -- she was in an unknown room with an albino vampire. She was too frightened to move, her heart pounding in her chest. She quickly looked around for a solution, but there was none in sight.

"Don't worry," said the vampire, "I won't hurt you. I promise you will be safe." His voice was gentle and kind and she felt a wave of relief wash over her.

"Where am I?" asked Elvyra, still shaken. He smiled and replied, "You are in my home. You are safe here." She nodded, feeling more at ease. Elvyra began to relax, tension slowly disappearing. She smiled at him, grateful for his protection.

This is his house. What kind of vampire would take a witch and an enemy to his house?

It was only now that she understood why he was so powerful.

He seemed to be a kind man, and she was glad to have him as her ally. On the other hand, she also knew he could betray her. She saw it in his eyes, the way he looked at her. She knew he would do whatever it took to get what he wanted. He would not hesitate to hurt her if it meant furthering his own goals. It was clear that she had to watch her back, or else she would be toast.

She opened her mouth to ask a question, but closed it again, feeling intimidated by the two men's intensity. They communicated silently, their eyes locked in a silent battle of wills. Elvyra felt like an intruder, intruding on a conversation she had no part in. She stayed still, not wanting to disturb the moment, unsure of what either of them would do.

The situation was akin to being a fly on the wall, an observer of a tense dialogue without being able to influence or contribute to the conversation.

"Ahem" interrupted her. "Why did you help me?" asked the woman. He hesitated, unsure of how to answer her. He wanted to explain but struggled to find the right words. Finally, he said softly, "Because I wanted to."

Their eyes were fixed on each other as they stared intensely. She smiled, her eyes still locked on his. Without breaking her gaze, she said, "Thank you." He nodded, and the moment ended.

Riccardo felt a sudden warmth in his heart, knowing that their gratitude exchange was deeper than just words.

"Can we know your name my lady?" asked him suddenly. She smiled, a bright light emanating from her chest. "My name is Elvyra," she said. Riccardo nodded in response. It was as if they had already met somewhere.

"I am Riccardo, the personal knight of the Lord." The Lord's personal knight, Riccardo, greeted me as if he were speaking to a common human being. I do not know whether they know I am a witch, according to him. I smiled and nodded. The fact that he did not recognize me as a witch was reassuring to me, as I wondered why he did not recognize me as such.

"I am the Lord of this area, Christopher Adalgisio". Even his name was beautiful. He was a powerful figure, yet kind and generous to those in need. He had a respectful aura and I appreciated it. He was truly a powerful and beloved leader.

Taking a deep look at him, I smiled kindly, "It is a pleasure". He nodded in acknowledgment, smiling. I felt a wave of admiration and gratitude toward him.

Then I looked at my wounds. I grimaced at them. As soon as I saw them, something felt strange.

"For how long was I unconscious?" I asked them, "Not long," he answered with a smile. "You were in danger, but I got to you in time." Even though he saved me, I was still in shock from the incident.

He was reassuring, letting me know that I was not in danger for a while and that he had been there to help me. His smile was comforting, and I was relieved I was safe.

Christopher suddenly became silent when he asked, "Why did you save me?" I looked up and saw the determination in his eyes. I risked my safety to save him in the battle. I knew then that it was strange but I did not just do it for him. Christopher's eyes suddenly softened when he said, "Thank you." I looked down, feeling embarrassed.

"I did what anyone else would have done in the situation." It was like a rush of cool air on a hot summer day- I could not explain it, but I knew I had made the right decision, and the gratitude in Christopher's eyes was all the reward I needed.

He stood up and said, "Now rest, I'll give you something to eat soon!" I thanked him and smiled. He left me alone with my thoughts, and I felt deep contentment. I surely did the right thing.

I lay back on the bed looking at the ceiling and feeling my eyes softly closing again. I have never been so comfortable in my life. I am falling asleep peacefully, knowing I had made the right decision.

While on the way to the kitchen, the two men were discussing.

"My Lord, do you think this is the right decision? Asked Riccardo.

"You suspect she is a witch, don't you?" the man looked at him. "Yes, my Lord, I do," Riccardo replied. "Then we must put her to the test," the man said. "We shall see what happens."