
Vampire Kin

There are currently two clans, witches and Vampires war-lasting generations. Elvyra a young witch who transmigrated two weeks before her death decides to embark a new path and become a vampire Kin brooking taboos lasting generations. However, will she be able to manage and survive in a world of witches and vampires on rampage?

AnaMariaD · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Chapter 17 - The lord mansion II -

As soon as I woke up again, I noticed some food and water on the table near me. I was feeling very weak, and I knew I had to eat something to regain my strength. I slowly reached out for food and started to eat, grateful for the nourishment. I took a few sips of water and felt my energy return.

I stood up from the bed and walked to the window. The sky was illuminated by a beautiful full moon. I felt my strength return and my worries fade. I was filled with hope and determination to keep trying. I knew that no matter what happened, I would persevere.

The full moon was proof that it was the day of the ritual. I survived! I took a deep breath, feeling the weight of the situation lift off my shoulders. I felt a renewed sense of purpose and knew I could tackle anything that came my way. I was ready to face the world.

"You woke up" a voice from behind me startedled me. It was the albino vampire.

Taking a step back, I said out loud, "Albino.".

The albino looked at me with interest. His eyebrows arched at something that bothered him. He spoke in a deep, raspy voice. "You need not fear me. I am here to help you". His words were strangely comforting, and I felt my fear fade.

He walked toward me and when he stood right in front of me he leaned down to look me in the eyes.

"Why did a witch save a vampire?" he asked. He knew it all!

My jaw dropped, and my heart beat so fast with tension. I was suddenly overwhelmed by panic. As soon as the shadow sensed the girl's panic, it stood behind her, and somehow in front of her, as a sign of protection. The vampire laughed amusedly in response. The shadow somehow smiled in assurance and reached out to touch her shoulder lightly to let her know she wasn't alone. The vampire chuckled again, and then the girl felt warmth emanating from the shadow. She knew she was safe.

Suddenly, the vampire spoke up, "Hah! I'm not so scary after all, am I?" The girl couldn't help but smile and the shadow gave her a gentle pat on the back as if it were saying, "See, I told you so!"

His eyes were blown away by the fact that an unknown woman stood right there in his bedroom and in front of his window illuminated by moonlight. She had glowing reddish hair and golden eyes, a breathtaking combination.

"then, tell me," said the vampire looking at her with intriguing eyes "I have the right to know who you are, right?" there were no honorifics and things were easier this way. The way it spoke to me was a clear advertisement.

She bit her lips in reluctance. Her head was a mess. She didn't even know where to start. As the shadow approached her for comfort, it whispered in her ear, "You can trust him" and the girl turned back to the vampire.

The vampire noticed that she communicated with the shadow. It would be dangerous if that was a trap set by the witches.

"You can talk to the shadow," he said. Something in the air had changed. It was no longer comfortable for some reason.

As she stared at him, she didn't frighten him. That was what she wanted to communicate, but she was scared.

"yeah, I can talk with this shadow" The vampire's eyes got curious after hearing her answer "and no one knows I can do so" The vampire was dumbfounded. A witch had this secret and her clan didn't know. How was that possible?

She never looked away from him, then walked toward him. "If I tell you who I am and why I did that" she suddenly bit her lips again "Can you promise me that you will take me in and won't kill me?" at her request the vampire was let out without words, but if he wanted to kill her he would have done so long ago.

"If you tell me the truth, I will." He seemed to be a man who kept his word.

She took a deep breath and told him about his hunt. She also told him that on that holy day, there should have been a human sacrifice that probably would not take place because the sacrifice fled away.

The more she told him the more his expression shifted to disgust. Even after she finished her story, he stayed silent. He couldn't believe what he was hearing and was disturbed by the idea of someone being sacrificed.

He looked at her with a strange expression and then asked "Who is the sacrifice?" at that question the pain on her face showed off. Tears almost flowed out of her eyes, but she stopped them by just biting her lips. She found herself immediately in a strong hug, the vampire tightly holding her in his arms.

As if he had read her mind and perceived her pain, a blanket of warmth was draped over her body. This blanket enveloped her in his embrace and provided her with the comfort she desperately needed.

At that moment Riccardo got into the room, and he saw something he would never believe to see in his entire life.

His Lord was in a bedroom with a stranger.

His Lord hugged a woman.

His Lord did something like that?

He couldn't believe his eyes. It was like his eyes lied to him but the scene was actually in front of him. A butler behind him came inside and, seeing that scene, even his monocle cracked instantly.

The two jaws hit the floor in shock after seeing that scene, at that point, the Lord got back in their direction with an irritated expression. One of the men said in a timid voice, "Uh oh, I think we're about to get an earful!"

As the two Javs recovered from their shock, they were ready to listen to the Lord's lecture.The Lord, however, turned away, leaving them confused about what had just happened.

In the scene where the lord was accompanying the woman to sleep, they looked confused.

"I have something to take care of, if you need something just send the shadow" she laughed softly embarrassed while he whispered into her ears. The two men javs hit the ground again.

"Let's go" the Lord told them to get out of that room.

"What a strange man," she exclaimed, smiling as she looked toward the door. "He is an excellent man" said the shadow.

"How do you know it?" Elvyra was curious why the shadow was so secure on that "it is a feeling like when i first met you!" after that the shadow went silent.