
Vampire in High School

My name is Felix Wilczek. I was bitten by a vampire mugger, and for the past three days, I’ve had the absolute worst luck. I destroyed my bathroom door, nearly scared an old lady to death, and, embarrassingly enough, exposed my ten-inch 'excalibur' in front of the whole class. But hey, at least things can't possibly get any worse, right? *Enter vampire cops, a certifiably crazy father-in-law, and a crew of drug-dealing vampires. (Oh yeah, I guess I'm also a vampire.)

KamikazeGhost · Fantasía
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22 Chs

The Pursuit of Anger Management

It's quite enjoyable to be a superhero. I realized that after saving a woman from a stalker last night, even though she ran off without even thanking me. Some people, man..

Nevertheless, it was an enjoyable night. The problem, however, emerged the next day. After patrolling the city all night, trying to stop crime, I found myself exhausted and sleep-deprived. Add to that me being sensitive to sunlight, and it's really not that great to be outside during the daytime.

"Bro, you look like you've been through it," my friend Darren joked, raising an eyebrow at my exhausted appearance. I let out a tired sigh and nodded. "Ugh, barely got any sleep last night."

"Late-night gaming session?" Darren asked, and I nodded again, trying to maintain my facade. "Yeah. Was stuck playing Crystal Blue Redemption 2."

"Damn bro. I know that game's fire, but you gotta take care of yourself," Darren advised, giving me a friendly pat on the shoulder. I managed a weak smile in response. "I know, I know. Hey, I'm heading to grab some iced coffee from the cafeteria. To keep me awake."

"Yeah man, whatever works for you," Darren replied with a casual shrug, and I left the classroom, making my way to the cafeteria.

Seriously can't wrap my head around a superhero having to go to school and stay in class. Ugh, I sighed inwardly. Wish I could've been one of those lucky rich billionaire orphans instead of just a regular orphan.

And seriously, what do they even teach in school that's going to be useful when you're an adult anyways? Algebra? Quadratic whatchamacallits? I'm a superhero, not a damn accountant!

….Am I too annoying today?


Nah, probably just overthinking it. Anyways, back to shitting on mathematics.

"Can I get a cold coffee?" I grumbled, clearly not in the best mood, as I handed over the money to the cafeteria lady with a sigh.

As I waited for my order to arrive, the group of boys beside me caught my attention as they chatted. "You guys hear about the new transfer student arriving tomorrow?" one of them asked, and I subtly perked up my ears, prompting me to subtly tune in and listen using my enhanced hearing.

"Yeah. Word is, the new transfer student is some kind of royalty from Romania," one of the boys mentioned, prompting astonished gasps from his friends. Their reaction only served to irritate me further.

Oh, cool…. A Royalty. Because what every school needs is a smug rich kid who's most probably going to be an entitled brat. Yay! Thrilled to welcome the royal offspring who will surely teach us all about modesty and humility.

"The real question is whether the transfer student is a guy or a girl?" Another one of the boys inquired, prompting the rest to lean in closer, their interest piqued by the conversation.

What difference does that make? Because whether they're a boy or a girl somehow-

"Here's your cold coffee!" The cafeteria lady interrupted, handing me the coffee, and I quickly took it with a nod. "Thanks." Exiting the cafeteria, I cast a final glance at the group of boys before continuing on my way.

Now, where was I? Oh, that's right, shitting on the monarchy. Because whether they're a boy or a girl somehow determines the level of entitlement they'll bring? Seriously, those guys need to find better topics to discuss, instead of obsessing ove-


My thoughts were once again cut short, but this time for an entirely different reason. My face turned pale as I realized I had collided with Gavin Degrassi while entering the classroom, accidentally spilling the cold coffee all over his white shirt.

"Oh my god! Babe!" Alice Connelly, Gavin's girlfriend, exclaimed in shock, pointing at his chest. "You're all soaking wet!"

Yes, thank you for your insightful commentary, Alice.

"What the actual fuck?" Gavin's voice was tense, his face flushing with anger. His eyes bore into me, and my throat went dry as I stood there, feeling a lump of anxiety in my chest.

I had fucked up. And I had fucked up big time.

Who was Gavin Degrassi?


…. Actually, he's not that big of a deal in the grand scheme of things, you know? Like, he's just, like, this big dude who rules the classroom and bullies nerds. But like, that's it. Nobody in the class opposes him because he's like, well, big. But the truth is that he's not even among the top twenty fighters in the school. He's just lucky that he ended up in my class. So technically, I didn't really fuck up-

Okay, I'm getting off topic here, so let me turn back around.

It's not like I'm actually scared of the guy. I mean, I possess superhuman strength, alright? I can handle a punch. But the real issue here is me. If I were to engage in a fight, I know that I'll be in the same situation as with those thugs. Except this time, I can't predict if the outcome will be worse. In the worst-case scenario, things might escalate to a point where he gets seriously hurt or even killed, and the last thing I want is to have murder charges against me.

So I have to make sure that I deescalate the entire situation. Gavin might be just a big guy, but he's also known to get into fights easily due to his short temper. Dealing with this won't be a simple task.

"Shit! I'm so sorry!" I blurted out, quickly pulling out my handkerchief and offering it to him, hoping to rectify the situation. "Here, let me help."

"Fuck off!" Gavin snapped, taking a defensive step back, clearly irritated by my attempt to assist. He attempted to rub at the stain with his hands, his frustration growing evident.

"Sweetie, there's no point. That shirt is already ruined," Alice added sympathetically.

Are you trying to get your boyfriend killed, woman?

I almost wanted to glare at her, but I resisted the urge. I'm confident that if I say anything right now, I'll only make him angrier. So, I stayed silent, hoping that he'll cool off in a few seconds.

"No, this can't be happening…" Gavin murmured under his breath, and I raised my eyebrows. Gavin continued, "This is a limited edition D-Sport shirt. I paid like five hundred dollars for this."

Ah. Well, fuck me.

"You!" Gavin's frustration boiled over and his head snapped in my direction as he charged toward me, teeth gritted.

Realizing that my attempt to defuse the situation had failed, I closed my eyes, and…

Well, you know what happened next, don't you?


"Mr. Wilczek, you're well aware of the reason for your presence here, aren't you?" Principal Morgan Giordano's stern voice resonated in the office. His bald head, long white beard, and thick glasses gave him an imposing aura as he stared at me with a serious expression.

"Well, uh, I'm- I'm aware, yes." I shifted uneasily in my seat, facing him across the desk, twiddling my thumbs.

"Not only did you physically assault a fellow student, but you also… exposed yourself in front of the whole classroom, correct?" Principal Giordano's gaze bore into me with gravity. Slowly, I nodded, my eyes cast down to the floor, feeling the weight of my actions. The possibility of suspension or even expulsion hung in the air.

"You understand that such conduct typically warrants immediate expulsion from our institution," Principal Giordano continued, adjusting his glasses with a deliberate gesture. I clenched my lips and closed my eyes, a sinking feeling settling in my stomach.

"However," Principal Giordano cleared his throat, his expression serious, "Given your father's standing in the community and his contributions to the school, I'm willing to treat this as a disciplinary matter rather than taking severe action."

….. Huh?

I was taken aback. "I'm sorry?" I inquired, puzzled by his words. Principal Giordano sighed deeply, leaning forward as he explained, "Listen, young man. Your father's reputation holds weight, but it doesn't grant you immunity. He intervened this time, but don't assume he can shield you every time. Are you following me?"

"....I guess?" I replied, and Principal Giordano nodded, leaning back in his chair. "Very well. You can go now. Your father is waiting for you at the front gate."

I left the principal's office, perplexed by the idea of my distant father somehow coming to my rescue. "....My deadbeat dad?" I muttered under my breath, questioning how he, someone who barely knows me, managed to intervene. And what did he mean by my father being respected in society? Which fucked up society is that?

Confused, but determined to find the answers, I made my way toward the front gate, skillfully avoiding the gazes of lingering students. Stepping out of the school building, my attention was immediately drawn to a black sedan that was parked just outside the gate. My eyebrows shot up in surprise, and with clenched fists, I continued my stride toward the gate.

As I approached, the car's door swung open and a figure stepped out, turning their gaze towards me.

"Dad?" I questioned, narrowing my gaze. "You look…. Black?"

"I'm not your fucking dad, dipshit!" The man, who seemed to be African-American, spat out. He then gestured impatiently to the car. "Get in the fucking car!"

You- You want to give me Power stones?

... B- baka! It's- it's not like I like you or anything!

But... A- Arigatou.


KamikazeGhostcreators' thoughts