
Vampire in High School

My name is Felix Wilczek. I was bitten by a vampire mugger, and for the past three days, I’ve had the absolute worst luck. I destroyed my bathroom door, nearly scared an old lady to death, and, embarrassingly enough, exposed my ten-inch 'excalibur' in front of the whole class. But hey, at least things can't possibly get any worse, right? *Enter vampire cops, a certifiably crazy father-in-law, and a crew of drug-dealing vampires. (Oh yeah, I guess I'm also a vampire.)

KamikazeGhost · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
22 Chs


The first day I got my powers, I was super excited, and there were five good reasons for that. First of all, I had super strength, granting me the ability to effortlessly lift objects and overpower opponents.

Second, I didn't have any of those troublesome weaknesses that are typically attributed to vampires in movies, such as the inability to venture into sunlight.

Third, being a vampire actually made my little sheriff down under a lot bigger. I mean, I still find it somewhat unbelievable that it has grown to a whopping 9.4 inches long!

Fourth, I have the macro and zoom vision. I'm still not entirely sure how I might make practical use of it, but hey, it's better than nothing.

And fifth…

…. I'll be honest with you, I have no idea why I said I had five reasons for being excited. I mean, I could've just counted first and the- I'm bad at math.

"Goodbye, mom!" I said to my mother, and as I was about to reach for the doorknob, I paused abruptly, and my eyes widened. I looked back for a second, making sure that my mom wasn't behind me, after which I slowly grabbed the door knob. With a careful grip, I turned the doorknob gently and stepped out of the house.

I gazed at the sky and took a deep breath, exhaling slowly. "What a beautiful day," I murmured to myself, feeling a sense of happiness that seemed to fill me up more than ever before.

I mean sure, did I destroy the door to my bathroom? Probably, but that was an honest mistake. And besides, I feel like it aesthetically looks better without the door than with it, but hey, that's just my opinion.

And would my mom absolutely murder my ass if she ever finds out what I did to the door? Most probably, yeah. But she won't. At least, I hope not. I mean, there's a chance she might go into my room after I leave for sch-

"No!" I gave myself a light slap on the face, breaking my chain of thought. I took a deep breath and muttered to myself, "Happy thoughts… This is going to be a good day."

Whew, so where was I? Yeah, I am feeling very good about myself today.

I strolled toward the bus stop, my steps echoing on the sidewalk. All of a sudden, faint sounds started to enter into my ears, causing me to furrow my eyebrows.

"What the-" I scanned my surroundings, attempting to pinpoint the source of the noise. But to my surprise, there wasn't a single soul within a hundred-meter radius.

So where on earth was that noise coming from?

"It sounded like people talking," I muttered to myself. After a brief moment, I placed my hand on the side of my forehead and chose to concentrate on the noises, attempting to discern their origin.

As I did so, the noises gradually began to sharpen, and after a few more moments, they transitioned into distinct and recognizable voices.

"Oh my god! Jenna! That dress looks fabulous!" A girl's voice echoed in my mind, and my eyes widened with surprise. "Jenna? Isn't she our hot neighbor who goes to community college?"

But where was she?

"Ugh! When's the bus coming? I've been waiting here for like, ages now! Smh!" Jenna's voice provided the answer for me and I turned my gaze toward the bus stop, which was still a few meters away.

"Let's see…" I squinted my eyes, attempting to zoom in on the bus stop in order to confirm Jenna's presence. And sure enough, I could see a hot blonde donning ripped jeans and a short t-shirt, seated beside her unattractive friend.

"I guess I have super hearing as well.." I mumbled to myself, and a wide grin spread across my face.

Fuck, yeah! That's the fifth reason! There we go, I knew I was right before! God, this day just keeps on getting better and better.

"Hold on, isn't he that neighbor kid?" Jenna's voice echoed in my ear as I walked closer to the bus stop, catching my attention. Hold on, was she talking about me? "Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's him." Jenna continued. "What's his name, like Falco, or something?"

Well, it's Felix, actually. But you were like 25% there, so I'll let it slide. Also, you're hot.

"Yeah, that looks like him. He looks kinda different, though." Jenna continued talking about me to her unattractive friend, and I nodded my head as my smile became even wider.

That's right Jenna, I am different.

"Yeah, he was kinda weird looking before." I nearly stumbled over my feet upon hearing that comment. "Now though… I don't know, he looks kinda hot."

You were about to lose some points after that 'weird' comment you just made, Jenna. Thankfully, you recovered swiftly. And for that, I'll let your previous remark slide. Also, you're hot.

"Ew, isn't he like in highschool?" The unattractive friend chimed in, and I glared at her using my zoom vision.

Shut up, unattractive friend who I don't know the name of! Don't ruin my chances with my hot neighbor!

"Yeah, but I think he'll be like eighteen this year," Jenna responded with a slutty chuckle, and I silently cheered myself on with a thumbs up gesture, while also whispering a triumphant 'yes!'.

I should probably try and hit on her. Now that she thinks I'm hot, maybe I might have a shot. Hey, that kind of rhymed!

As soon as I reached the bus stop, I approached Jenna, who was absentmindedly twirling her hair with her finger, and said, "Hey."

"Hey.." Jenna replied, a hint of playfulness in her voice as she bit her lower lip.



"..... Bye." I mumbled, and then quickly walked to the other side of the bus stop, leaving Jenna looking bewildered by the strange interaction.

"Fuck!" I muttered under my breath. "What the fuck was that?"

I had completely forgotten about the fact that despite me looking considerably hotter than before, I still had no game.

"Guess being a vampire with a six-pack isn't enough.." I murmured with a groan, lamenting my bad luck before giving my face another light smack.

No! I won't let this ruin my perfectly good day.

"She thinks I'm good looking, so I might still have a shot," I whispered softly under my breath, reminding myself of the benefits of being hot.

I still have a chance of hooking up with her. No need to worry about one failed attempt.

The bus arrived promptly, and I quickly hopped on, finding a seat and letting out a long sigh as the rest of the passengers settled in.

There we go. I'll strategize once I get to the school, and after devising a solid plan, I'll approach Jenna again, and-

"Ow!" A sudden squeal from a girl broke my train of thought, and my attention swiftly turned toward her. She was gazing at her thumb with a pout, and my eyes widened as I noticed blood oozing from a tiny cut on her thumb.

"Oh, no…" I murmured in horror, as I felt a sinking feeling in my chest.

I was so happy about getting superpowers that I had completely forgotten about the one thing that vampires are known for!

"No, no, no…" I closed my eyes and looked away as the girl sucked on her wounded finger, but it didn't make any difference. My senses immediately went into overdrive, and I could feel my heart racing. Veins bulged on my arms and forehead, and a flush of red crept across my face as I began to get tunnel vision.

"Fuck.. fuck.. fuck…" I muttered to myself, my breaths coming out as ragged gasps as I tried to steady myself. A few passengers cast curious glances my way, likely wondering what was causing my sudden distress.

But this was not the time to worry about social anxiety.

"Phew.. phew…" I continued inhaling deep breaths and then exhaling, allowing my body to gradually relax as my blood flow began to normalize.

Holy shit, it's actually working? I can't believe it. I just came up with the idea on the spot. Maybe I really am a genius or some-

My thoughts were interrupted as I felt a peculiar sensation spread over my body, causing my eyes to widen. My attention was drawn downward to my lap, and beads of sweat began to form on my forehead.

"Oh no…" I couldn't help but whisper softly, as I realized what was going on.

The blood flow didn't decrease; instead, it redirected itself downward, onto my 9.6 inch excalibur, and sweat began to trickle down onto my chin.


In an instant, I snatched my backpack from my back and set it on my lap, then leaned forward, bending my upper body downwards and placing my head on top of the bag.

"Come on, Johnny boy!" I gritted my teeth while speaking under my breath, attempting to reason with woody. "Calm the fuck down. Just this once, would you listen to what I'm saying?! Please!"

"Are you alright, son?" Just then, an old lady seated beside me inquired, her eyes showing genuine concern.

Fuck! Not now, old lady!

"I'm… I'm fine.." I managed to reply, but the old lady didn't seem convinced. "Are you sure?" She pressed, her eyes narrowing with worry. "Your face looks pale. I think you might need to see a doctor."

Oh my god, lady.. Didn't I tell you that-

"-I'M FINE!" I blurted out, my thoughts accidentally escaping my lips as I turned my head toward the old lady and growled, veins popping out from my forehead, and spit dripping from my lips.

"Gah!" The old lady let out a startled gasp, and my eyes widened as I instantly realized what I had done.

Shit! Did I lose control just now?

"I'm… I'm sorry.." I stammered, and I rubbed my forehead. The lady, now visibly frightened, quickly moved away from me. I could feel the gazes of the other passengers on me, but I couldn't bring myself to meet their eyes.


As if on cue, the bus came to a halt and the doors swung open. Without hesitation, I jumped off the bus and hurried towards the nearest alleyway. I hid behind a garbage container and waited until the bus drove away.

"Hah… Hah.." Breathing heavily, I pressed my back against the wall, taking in deep breaths to calm myself. Frustration boiled within me, and I let out a groan before delivering a powerful kick to the garbage container, which caused the side of the container to bend inwards.

Fuck! Could this day get any worse?

"What's up, homie?" A raspy voice caught my attention, and I shifted my gaze toward the source, spotting three guys wearing streetwear slowly approaching me, each brandishing a knife.

"That's a nice bag you got." The thug wearing a bandana grinned as he licked his knife. "Care to hand it over to me?"

Hey, you! You’re finally awake! You were trying to read a good webnovel, right? You walked right into that Martial Arts story section, same as us. And that thief over there! What's that? You have power stones with you? Quick, hand some over to me.

KamikazeGhostcreators' thoughts