

{{"Find yourself to find the key, ask for help and bend the knee, take the weapon and then flee"}} TWO MALE LEADS STORY> To save Prince Ryan of the Valantiyan Kingdom from enemies, attacking and destroying the kingdom, by killing all the people, and consuming their blood to end the human line. On the command of the king, the Wizard teleports Prince to another world, a city called High valley through Magic Portal from an ongoing war… A town far from the city, where he meets a boy named Leo, and got shocked to know that the innocent boy look's just like him with the only difference in the color of his eyes, Leo struggles in every aspect of his life, but by some strong bond and destiny, Leo is the only person, who can help Prince Ryan to his quest to find the weapon that can kill the masters of monsters. The story shows, Leo as an ordinary boy with an intellectually great mind, which doesn't help him in the valley so much, as he gets bullied by seniors of his school and has only one friend Scarlet, also his crush. Most of the time Students make fun of him, but after the arrival of Price Ryan, things change for better in Valley for him. Prince Ryan asks for Leo's help to find the key, who has no idea what's going on, still they manage to find some clues and go on the Quest to find the Key and the weapon so they can save the Valantiyan Kingdom and humanity. ********************************************************************** Contexts Are: ******************************** *How'll they meet? *What happens when they meet? *How does Leo's Life change from the ground to the sky? *How Leo helps Ryan to find the key and weapon? *What happens when Leo gets into the Valantiyan Kingdom? ******************************** Read till chapter 4, to decide your interest. LET'S GET INTO IT-> cover from - Pinterest.com

MKT_jr · Fantasía
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14 Chs

Ryan stays at Leo's.

Ryan covers his face again with a hoodie and wears a mask so that no one can see them both together, then they both leave for Leo's house.

On the way.....

"When you gonna tell me about the Valantiyan Kingdom?" Leo asks out of curiosity.

"Soon enough, Leo!" Ryan replies with a straight face.

"Okay fine! By the way, when you came here?" Leo asks with frowned eyes.

"When you saw that dream?" Ryan replies with another question.

"Four days ago, I guess." Leo ponders.

"Yes, It's been Four days since I arrived here."

Leo nodded his head in appreciation "You got stable pretty fast".

"Friends helped me a lot here," Ryan says with a smile.

"You have friends here? What about being exposed, huh?" Leo narrowed his eyes and gives a complaining glance, and stops walking.

Ryan stops and turns back, he raises his hands in a surrendering manner "Look, Leo! I'll tell you everything, I promise! But first, we should keep walking. We need to reach your home as soon as possible. It's getting really dark and it is not safe for both of us. I can assure you that."

Leo swallowed and starts to walk. He was desperate to know everything but he also knew that Ryan wasn't lying. It's better if he listens to him because the monster he saw in his dreams was way worse than Sam and his group. So they keep walking while discussing about Leo's life and reached Leo's home. Before Leo could even touch the knob to open the door, Lee felts the steps of master and starts to bark.

Leo takes the key out of his pocket and opens the door. Lee starts moving his tail very fast as it was late and he was concerned about Leo so he woofs while coming toward Leo.

"Hey buddy, sorry I got caught up in something fuzzy" Leo moves his hand all over Lee with a concerned smile.

After a while, Lee moves toward Ryan, and barks twice. Leo starts introducing Lee.

"Meet him, Ryan, He's my only family, He's the one I come to whenever I feel low. His name is..."

"Hello Lee, how are you mate" Ryan intercepts Leo while petting Lee with a profound smile on his face.

Lee was licking Ryan's face and Leo was shocked. His eyes and mouth were wide open. He was amazed by the fact that before even he could tell Lee's name, Ryan was already greeting Lee by calling his name.

"H-How's that even possible?" Leo stammers a little because of shock and continues. "How the hell do you know his name? I never told you as far as I remember." Leo was startled.

"Well, He just told me himself while greeting me," Ryan replies with frown eyes and a smile while petting Lee.

"So, You telling me that you can understand their language?" Leo frowns and asks with and mysterious expression.

"How do you think I managed here? They helped me find the place to stay and especially you." Ryan tells.

"Dogs are the friends you were talking about?"

"Not just dogs." Ryan smiles with a show-off expression.

"Unbelievable! I won't deny your existence as it's kind of impossible here but the things you are capable of doing are just amazing. They blow my mind. " Leo was amazed hearing such a thing.

"We can talk about all that later but for now I am hungry too Leo, can we eat first?" Ryan requests Leo.

"Oh yeah!… I haven't eaten anything either" Leo matches the vibe.

They proceed to the dining table in the kitchen area, where Leo starts cooking and Ryan sits on a chair and waits for the food to be cooked.

"What you making Leo? I haven't eaten anything good for long and it feels like Millennium." Ryan takes a deep breath to taste the smell. "It smells amazing."

"It's Chinese noodles, and grilled cheese pasta" Leo replies with a smile.

"You are just a student here, how do you manage all that on your own" Ryan asks while waiting.

"Well, I got the scholarship for my studies and I do freelancing for other stuff." Leo while cooking.

"Freelancing? What is that?" Ryan was curious about new words he never heard.

"It's basically a system where many people from a different region, hire you for a short span of work," Leo explains.

"So it's just a trade? what work do you do?" Ryan asks.

"I make sketches, and earn from them," Leo tells while putting the food on the table.

"Now I will proceed to food only and it Looks great, shall we start, please?" Ryan was starving and his focus was only on food.

"Yes of course, just let me pour Lee's dinner too. We eat together." Leo gives Lee food in his bowl, besides the dining table, and sits back to eat.

"Awww.. that's sweet Leo" and tastes the food after that "Ahhh... It's amazing, I love it" Ryan with a filled mouth enjoys the taste of food.

"How long you have been following me," Leo asks Ryan while dining.

"The very next day, I punched your friend," Ryan replies but his focus was more on pasta.

"He's not my friend, and I hate them." Leo exclaimed and pondered "It means, Scarlet was right." Then mumbles "I should have trusted her"

"Right about what?"

"She felt someone following us," Leo tells.

"No! She must have seen something else, I was using my Locket. Only a witch and wizard can sense the powers of magic." Ryan states and asks. "By the way, who is Scarlet? burp..." Ryan belches.

"She is my best friend," Leo tells with a satisfied expression on his face.

Lee barks " Woof- woof". Ryan looks at Lee and laughs.

"Why are you laughing? What he said." Leo looks at Lee and narrowed his eyes at Ryan.

"He says, You love her. Do You?" Ryan chuckles out loud.

"N-no no! I don't love her she's just a friend". Leo had a mysterious face like someone caught him red-handed.

Lee barks again, and Ryan speaks with a grin on his face after listening to Lee.

"He's saying, you cried for her, for three days?" Ryan chuckles again.

"Lee, would you stop talking" Leo casts a glance at Lee with a flustered face and continues "there is one empty room on the upper floor, you can sleep in that."

"What about this room, down here?" Ryan asks generally.

"That's my parent's room, I spent my time there when I miss them". Leo tells Ryan with a straight face.

"Oh! Okay. By the way thanks for letting me stay here Leo, you have a good heart, and your parents must be proud." Ryan speaks with grief on his face.

"No worries Ryan, You really helped me today and I owe you that. In fact, I am very aware of the situation and I can't even imagine what's going on with you. I think it's getting very late, we should go and sleep now." Leo covers everything with a sweet smile and tries to provide comfort to Ryan. He remembers that Ryan was teleported here, out of crisis and he understands the value of family.

"Yes Leo, You are right".

They both walk upstairs and enters the room, opposite each other, they both were pretty tired so they slept as soon as they reached the bed. In the morning Ryan wakes up first, and opens his door.

"Hello Lee, good morning friend" Ryan with a smile greets Lee who was sleeping outside.

Lee barks a little and wishes him too then they both enters in Leo's room.

"Good morning Leo, It's time to wake up" Ryan shouts while entering in room.

Leo wakes up slowly and tries to focus on the clock "Dude It's just 5'o clock" Leo cried out in a low voice while rubbing his eyes.

"I seriously don't understand, why you guys keep track of time in numbers." Ryan frowned.

"Because it helps us to utilize it better" Leo replies.

"No it doesn't, in fact, you guys waste it more while tracking it. You become lazy and unproductive. You always wait for the next allocated work, you have for another allocated time by wasting it, and that makes no sense." Ryan shrugged.

"Well, the things that you just said, they really made sense to me," Leo's mind was blown hearing this. He moves his eyes up.

"Of course, it does," Ryan says, and looks at Leo's wallboard "What is that Leo" Ryan was surprised and puzzled watching those sketches as most of them he found very familiar to him.

"These are my dreams, I draw them whenever I see a dream and felt it, as real as reality. Now I know why I felt them this real." Leo follows Ryan with his eyes while he was moving forward toward sketches.

"Because they were!" Ryan quotes and ponders "We really need to find out about your connection, with the Valantiyan Kingdom." He mumbles in a low voice while staring at sketches.

"Well for that, you need to tell me everything about Valantiya, which you avoid ever since we have met." Leo frowned and passed the argument.

"Trust me Leo, I am doing it for your safety, I will tell you everything when the time will come." Ryan gives a concerned glance to Leo.

"Okay fine!" Leo looks at Ryan. After a while he starts to think about the school routine "Oh-gosh, School again, I hate school these days." Leo cried out loud.

"Why is that"

"You have already met those reasons," Leo exclaimed.

"You talking about the boys? You were beaten by?" Ryan asks with a straight face.

"Yes, those fucking bullies….. I hate them so much. I can't even explain." Leo exclaimed in anger.

"Why are they so mean to you?" Ryan asks out of curiosity.

"Well Sam likes Scarlet, and they don't like me. Because I am a friend of Scarlet. In fact the only friend of Scarlet's." Leo was furious while telling all this.

"He likes the same girl, you love?" Ryan chuckles.

"Don't laugh, It's very serious. Above all of these, we have a Boxing Championship match next month." Leo snorted.

"Boxing? What's that?" Ryan asks.

"It's a fighting sport, In which two individuals fight under some restrictions and rules," Leo explains.

"Oh fight!" Ryan ponders and continues, "don't worry Leo, you have me now. You prepare to go to school and let me handle them for you." Ryan says.

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