

{{"Find yourself to find the key, ask for help and bend the knee, take the weapon and then flee"}} TWO MALE LEADS STORY> To save Prince Ryan of the Valantiyan Kingdom from enemies, attacking and destroying the kingdom, by killing all the people, and consuming their blood to end the human line. On the command of the king, the Wizard teleports Prince to another world, a city called High valley through Magic Portal from an ongoing war… A town far from the city, where he meets a boy named Leo, and got shocked to know that the innocent boy look's just like him with the only difference in the color of his eyes, Leo struggles in every aspect of his life, but by some strong bond and destiny, Leo is the only person, who can help Prince Ryan to his quest to find the weapon that can kill the masters of monsters. The story shows, Leo as an ordinary boy with an intellectually great mind, which doesn't help him in the valley so much, as he gets bullied by seniors of his school and has only one friend Scarlet, also his crush. Most of the time Students make fun of him, but after the arrival of Price Ryan, things change for better in Valley for him. Prince Ryan asks for Leo's help to find the key, who has no idea what's going on, still they manage to find some clues and go on the Quest to find the Key and the weapon so they can save the Valantiyan Kingdom and humanity. ********************************************************************** Contexts Are: ******************************** *How'll they meet? *What happens when they meet? *How does Leo's Life change from the ground to the sky? *How Leo helps Ryan to find the key and weapon? *What happens when Leo gets into the Valantiyan Kingdom? ******************************** Read till chapter 4, to decide your interest. LET'S GET INTO IT-> cover from - Pinterest.com

MKT_jr · Fantasy
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14 Chs

How Leo Met Lee.

After a while they do all the morning stuff and proceed to breakfast, Leo was all set to leave for school and had a sense of security now because of Ryan. Leo was about to leave but before he can touch the knob of the door.

"Leo!" Ryan calls from behind.

"Yeah" Leo turns back.

"Express your emotions to her. Would you? Girls love that." Ryan says with a calm smile.

"OH-yeah! What do you know about girls." Leo reprimands.

Ryan just frowns an eye in return and glares him still.

"Okay- okay! I got it, I'll try." Leo with an enchanted expression leaves the home.

Just after reaching the school gate, Leo takes and deep breath….. and stepped in, He's heart was beating fast in fear. He looks around himself everywhere but there was no trace of Sam and his friends. Leo got comfortable after not founding any of them around.

"Hey, Leo" Scarlet comes at the same time from behind and puts her hand on Leo's shoulder.

Leo turns. "Hey Scarlet, Good morning!" and greets with a smile.

"You look good, something special?" Scarlet asks as Leo was happy seeing Scarlet instead of Sam and his friends.

"Do I? Maybe because you are the first person I met entering the school," Leo says this while staring at Scarlet with a smile.

"Oh really! hehehe." Scarlet smiles back.

"It's beautiful…." Leo was enchanted.


"Your smile," Leo says with flickered eyes.

"Okay....." Scarlets frowns with a mysterious little smile while seeing this side of Leo first time.

Awkward Tension creates between them, as Scarlet gazed up at Leo, wonders why Leo is acting a bit more strange than every day. and shook her head. Leo's focus on Scarlet's smile breaks as well and he tries to cover up.

"We should go to class," Leo says while rubbing the back of his head and coming back into consciousness. Leo starts to walk.

Scarlet frowns with a profound smile, as she was amazed at the fact that Leo has never done or said something like that ever. Scarlet was happy as well as flustered. She starts to follow Leo.

"So, the championship is on the head. I hope you are ready!" Scarlet says while walking beside Leo.

Leo ponders "Well I should be, for sure. But don't know why am not that worry about it anymore." he had a sense of support now as he have already seen what Ryan is capable of doing.

"What do you mean by that? and how come you are not panicking by this?" Scarlet was bewildered.

"You want me to panic?" Leo shrugged.

"No….It's just, You acting very differently today. I mean It's good and I am liking the attitude you have towards that, but..." Scarlet was dubious.

"But?" Leo asks back.

"Is there something special that I need to know Leo? Because that much of change in one day seems very unlikely to me." Scarlet out of concern.

"Well sort of, and I'll let you when the time will be suitable" Leo replies and wonders inwardly. 'Maybe when I'll get to know all about it, Ryan is avoiding to tell me anything about the Valantiya. He said it's not good for me to know for now, so the last thing I want is to tell you about it. I don't want you to get into any trouble, especially because of me.'

"That's not fair, Leo" Scarlet says while narrowing her eyes at Leo.

"Oh-yeah? Do you remember the time when you went for lunch at Sam's?" Leo frowns with a so-called hand gesture to her.

"And that's not fair either." Scarlet glares at him as Leo chuckles.

Leo and scarlet were having a normal day. They were sitting beside each other and it felt like the time when they talked and studied without any stress and problems, especially those that came into their lives just a week before.

"Isn't it good?" Scarlet says to Leo sitting beside her in class.


"Having a normal day in school in school, I mean the last few days have been so dramatic for us, in here." Scarlet with a relaxing smile on her face.

"The day is good because we haven't seen any of them in school today," Leo says.

"Whatever the reason makes you happy, makes me happy. It just feels good. Watching you dejected and struggling in that misery made me startled." Scarlet words were filled with emotions.

"Can I ask something?" Leo says.

"You don't need to ask that before you ask anything, Leo."

"Why you became my friend Scarlet? I mean I am the one that no one likes. I had no friends before you. Why you picked me?" Leo asks with concern.

"The lonely ones are the purest souls. My father taught me that you have to pick your friends very carefully otherwise friendships hurt more than relationships. My father thinks I am an excellent judge of character and I think your character is the best among all the students combined." Scarlet looks at Leo with flickered eyes.

Leo listened to all of that and smiled a bit. Leo was amazed at Scarlet's answer and couldn't control his emotions. "The day you said you'll always stand by me, I felt like I need no one else there but you. I love your company Scarlet, I love the fact that you are my best friend."

"Okay... then what about Lee?" Scarlet gives a teasing expression while saying that.

"Well Lee is my family, and I said, friend." Leo and Scarlet chuckled together.

After a while, Leo starts wondering 'Why they didn't come to school, is this because of Ryan? Did something happen to them? Or are they just laying another trap for me?'

"What are you thinking so deeply about?" Scarlet asks while putting her hands on Leo's shoulder.

"Nothing, It's just…. What will happen when I face Sam in the championship" Leo with a straight face.

"Well, maybe you won't need that. Maybe the fixtures won't let you." Scarlet in a sense of support for Leo.

"You mean I'll lose soon enough that I won't need to face him?" Leo while narrowing her eyes at Scarlet.

"Well that, or maybe someone else defeats Sam before you….." Scarlet with a mysterious expression puts her view.

"Well, either way, it's not gonna happen. If Sam can get approval on my name without me knowing and my concern, he can easily pull that off" Leo asserted.

"You said you were ready, didn't you?" Scarlet shrugged.

Leo reprimanded "I said kind-off".

While Leo was in school, Ryan was sitting on Leo's desk and staring at every sketch Leo has made. Lee comes into the room and sits beside Ryan and mumbles out loud.

"What are you doing?" Lee.

"I am trying to find something that can help me to reach the key. Leo has something to do with my kingdom and I wanna know what it is." Ryan while still staring at the wall.

Lee listens to him and puts his head down on the floor while resting mode. Ryan looks at him and asks.

"How long you've been here Lee? I mean with Leo." Ryan out of curiosity.

"Long enough to know that I am his family. He saved me while my mother and my brothers met with an accident just because I hurried to cross the road." Lee while thinking about that day.

"Oh! I am sorry Lee. Let me see what happened that day!" Ryan stands and takes out his locket and puts it on Lee's head, the crystal on the locket starts to glow Green which makes Ryan able to see all, that happened the day Leo met Lee.

(It was nighttime, People were there picking the dogs and putting them in vans having dog prints on them, Ryan sees a boy staring at all the things from the distance and standing still.

'He was Leo, Leo starts walking towards the man holding a mourning puppy, he was a policeman of the valley.

"Can I take him home with me?" Leo asks the man.

"See child, I know you can feel sympathy for this puppy and it's good, but to feel something for a puppy or to groom one are two different things. Sorry, I can't allow you to have him." The Man with a pitiful smile.

Leo asserted "It's not the sympathy I feel sir, I feel pain, the pain of losing the family. I know what it's like to lose everything in a single moment when you think nothing worth it in this life. I am not asking you just for this puppy, I am asking you for both of us, sir." And exclaimed with a tear dropping from an eye.

"What's your name boy?" The Policeman asks with a gaze.

"Leo, sir."

"Well Leo, I am not sure if it's right or not, but I am gonna let you have him." The Policeman was impressed with his determination and gives the puppy in Leo's hand.

Leo looks into the puppy's watery eyes and takes a deep breath.

"What you gonna call him?" The Policeman asks.

"My father use to call me Lee, that's what am going to call him," Leo says while they both stares at each other's face.')

The crystal stops glowing and Ryan opens his eyes.

"You've suffered a lot Lee, and I am glad Leo found you." Ryan while rubbing Lee's head with a smile in a sense of support.

Ryan stands and starts to think about Leo while staring at sketches that Leo is a good person and he can trust Leo.

'After what I just saw, one thing is clear, I can trust Leo, he is very kind by heart, He's a selfless and pure soul. I think it's time to tell him everything.'

While staring at the sketches Ryan's eyes stopped at one of them and he got stunned, his eyes get wide open.