
Useless talent

What would you do if you reincarnated into a world where magic is everything but you don't have talent for magic…

Tayflow · Fantasía
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37 Chs

Big difference

<Ding Host has purchased the skill minor regeneration>

Max sat up Against a tree still holding his wound, then he activated his new skill and let it do its thing.

"Hey system how long would it take to heal this wound" said Max looking up the sky beginning to go dark.

<About 27 hours>

"What I can not just sit here and wait, what if monsters start to come out, especially at night time" said in a worried voice.

<Well you don't have a choice Host>

"Damm it"

Max sat there while the the day went by and night came and even night came he couldn't see a thing.

It was absolutely dark, but he couldn't do anything about it, he couldn't move or walk if he did then all of his organs would fall out and he would die.

Max slowly started to lose consciousness and his eyes soon closed after losing so much blood, he was alone in a dark forest full of unknown Creatures.

After who knows how long time passed, Max heard a growling, he started to open his eyes but still couldn't see what was in front of him.

"Damm it, I still can't see"

"Hey system how long have I been unconscious," said Max in his mind so that he wouldn't make any unnecessary sound.

<It 3 has been about hours Host>

"God," said Max while looking at random Direction even though he couldn't see.

Then he started to feel hungry, even if you have infinite energy doesn't mean you don't need food to Survive, it still means you need food and fats for your body and brain to function.

He still couldn't get up and started to struggle even lifting his fingers, he was in a pathetic State.

Then the Growling started to get closer and closer, Max heard this but didn't know which direction.

"Okay if I can't see it then I have to just throw the lightning ball in all of my three directions," said Max and he started to focus, and he created three lightning balls then he started to shoot at whatever that was in these three directions.

After a few minutes of shooting a lighting ball, he finally heard what he wanted to hear.

<Ding, 1 the Host has killed Level: red-flamed Tiger>

<Award: 10 30 exp and SP>

After seeing the notification Max smiled. Then he got a plan.

Since I have infinite energy, how about I surround myself with hundreds of lighting balls out of my direction?

Then he worked on his plan, he placed a hundred lightning balls in all of his 4 directions.

After that, he closed his eyes still feeling hungry, after how many hours had passed Max slowly opened his eyes and looked at his surroundings and it was morning.

"Hey system, how many hours has it been since I fell asleep"

<It 48 has been hours Host>

Max immediately looked at his wound, and it all healed up and there was a big scar around his stomach.

"Finally, even though there is a big scar I like it," said Max proud of himself that he survived.

<Ding 1 8 while the Host was sleeping, he killed level creatures>

<Award: 80 240 exp and SP>

Max was even more happy.

<Congratulations Host you've leveled up>

<Plus 3 5 status points and SP has been awarded>

"Yes, finally leveled up" Max cried out out of joy and happiness.

He then looked at his status points and he wanted to distribute them, after giving some thought he placed 5 into his agility and the other 5 into his durability.

Then his body started to break down and his bones started to break too, after screaming for two minutes it had stopped.

His body felt more durable and more agile and fast, it felt like he had a new body.

"Now what am I going to do about this 80 SP" Max thought, and then another thought came into his head, why energy instead of Mana?

"Hey don't these people on this planet use Mana instead of energy"

<Well yes people do use Mana>

"Then what's the difference between the two," Max asked in confusion.

<Well Mana and energy are two terms that often used in different contexts have meanings.>

"Like what," asked Max still confused.

<Mana is It typically refers to a form of magical energy or spiritual power that exists in nature and can be harnessed by individuals with abilities. In this context, mana often associated spellcasting, enchantments, supernatural abilities>

"Oh okay"

<Energy, on the other hand, is a fundamental concept in physics and refers to ability do work or cause change. It property of objects systems can exist various forms such as kinetic energy, potential thermal electrical more. In scientific sense, energy measurable quantity that be converted from one form another governed by laws thermodynamics.>

<In summary, mana is a mystical or magical energy often associated with supernatural abilities and spellcasting, while fundamental physical concept that describes the ability to do work cause change in world.>

"Oh, I see but what I don't understand is why I have infinite energy instead of mana," Max asked in Curiosity.

<That's simple you can't use Mana because weren't born with>

"What do you mean"

<Well, in your original world mana doesn't exist but energy is even though humans can't harness to make themselves stronger or faster and do supernatural stuff>

"Yes" Max agreed

<Even though Humans still found a way to use energy in everyday life but here even exists they can not it another mysterious kind of called Mana>

<So people started to harness it and awakened something called affinity or element cast spells make themselves stronger fast>

<So when your soul reincarnated denied this unknown energy from entering in sense making you unable to use Mana but instead>

"Wow that was a lot of information," said Max just surprised at the information that was dumped on him.

<You've asked for it, Host>

"You are right"