
Us, Together

A young man named Tommy has had a terrible life, and it gets even worse when the apocalypse starts. Tommy takes care of a blind young woman who's name is Alice, and he starts his quest in escaping the ruins of Unica city, and back to the rest of the world. Will Tommy and Alice make it out? What hardships will stand in their way? Find out by reading! (The amount of research I have to do just to write this book is phenomenal. Also, this story DOES NOT involve a certain Minecraft YouTuber...)

kitoon_unofficial · Fantasía
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2 Chs

Chapter 1: Apocalypse

I woke up in a dimly lit room. I suddenly remembered what had happened, and I ran up the stairs to the storm shelter's doors. I opened them, and a strong, hot wind hit my face. I quickly shut the door and retreated down the stairs. My eyes were tearing up, and it smelled of gunpowder. I looked up, and I was genuinely surprised. The storm shelter looked more like a bunker if anything. I walked around, and there were two beds in the back, and there was another door. There was a radio, a TV, and a map of the entire city. There was a light brown carpet in the middle of the room, and a nightstand with a lamp on it. When I walked up to the other door and opened it, I couldn't believe my eyes.

There were a bunch of shelves full of food, water and books. There was also a wardrobe with no doors in the back of the room. I walked to the wardrobe, and I rummaged around. I found clothes I thought I would never find again. I found my black leather jacket that I bought a couple of years ago. It was my favorite one, and it suddenly disappeared one day. I also found my black boots with a dark red color on the soles. I quickly took my shoes off, and I slipped my boots on with glee. I put my jacket on, and I put on some goggles I found so I can go outside.

I filled a duffle bag I found on the floor with food and water, and I rushed back to the storm shelter's doors. I slowly opened the doors and the hot wind blew harshly once again, but I was able to get out of the storm shelter. I could only stand still, and look at the wasteland that was once the city called Unica. I slowly turned to the left to see what was left of my home. Nothing but burned boards and ash were left. There was no way my father and my mother survived. I turned away from the scene and walked out into the torn street. There was not a single sign of life in sight.

Not even a bird or a single blade of grass.

I was going to return to the storm shelter, but then I heard a faint noise. It sounded like footsteps and sobbing, so I quickly ran back out into the street and looked around. A moment later, I saw her again. Alice was wandering around aimlessly while crying. Her arm had a huge bite mark on it that was bleeding, and her legs were covered in scratches. I quickly went up to her and said, "Hey! Are you alright?" She jumped back and said, "Who are you!? Get away!" I said, "Wait! It's me, Tommy!" She froze, and then she said, "The guy from earlier, right?"

I nodded, and once again, I remembered that she was blind. "Yeah it's me." Alice held out her hand and said, "Can you hold my hand please?" I really didn't want to touch her dirty hand, but I did so anyway. I grabbed it, and I felt her shaking ever so slightly. She said, "You'll... help me around, right? Only until we find Roger." I pulled my hand away from her and said, "Listen here. I'm not going to help you find your dog. He's probably the reason why you're hurt too, so why bother?" She grabbed her arm where the bite mark was and said, "He protected me! He threw me into a place he found, and all of a sudden, there was a loud explosion. After a while, I found my way out, and I went looking for him. He also helped me for a long time, so that's why I bother."

She gave me an annoyed tone near the end. I sighed and said, "Fine. I'll help you find your st-... dog." She smiled and said, "Many thanks." She held out her hand again and said, "Shall we go?" I sighed and grabbed her hand. "Don't worry Roger. We'll find you." I said, "What if he kicked the bucket? There's no way-" She tightened her grip on my hand, and said, "Don't say such a thing! I know he's out here!" I said, "You're crazy." She just looked down and said, "He's my only hope. He has to be out there... I'm not going to give in just yet." I groaned and said, "Fine." I started wandering around with Alice by my side.

"I have to get out of here..." I grimly thought. "Staying in this place is going to be the death of me..." "Tommy? Did you say something?" Alice asked with concern. I flinched and said, "U-Um... no I didn't... must've been thinking out loud..." What am I saying!? She said, "That's alright. I utter things without knowing too." I sighed and said, "Let's just keep going. Roger must be near your house somewhere." Alice said, "If I can remember correctly... my house is on South Garden street."

"I remember going by there once or twice on my daily walk. We'll go there first." She gripped my hand tightly again when she said, "I really hope Roger is there..." Her voice sounded sad, yet hopeful. I mumbled, "Whatever." She scoffed and I continued to walk her down the broken roads.

Welcome welcome to this book that is definitely even more planned than the last few I made. Thank you for taking your time to read this!

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