
Unveiling Shadows

"Once you know it, you can't unknow it". Alina believed in that saying, well aware that there would be no coming back once she starts chasing the truth. Linked murders brought despair, shame, agony, and sorrow into her miserable life. She needed to know the truth, she had to find out. She had no idea. A fairytale isn't a hallucinogen that gives a glimpse of hope and dreams. It's a stimulant that makes us face reality. Not sure what reality has ever represented in her world since everything appeared straight out of an action movie, Alina thrives to conquer defeat one more time, so there will be no next time.

Tasnime_7elb · Fantasía
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22 Chs

CHAPTER ONE : Crime scene

She was climbing the stairs, her eyes brightened with glee

"Mommy! mommy look what I found, it's a puppy can we keep him? pleaaaa…."

Her same eyes that once sparkled, blurred to never glow again, they were dull, deaden, as she saw her dear mommy's body laying on the ground, paralyzed. The eyes didn't blink, the body didn't flinch when the 7-year-old was trying to wake her mom. The tiny girl was too confused to notice the halo of red formed on the white mapped floor beneath her mom's head. Her darkened eyes stared endlessly while she was on her knees beside her mom's dead cadaver, then she realized she could never keep the stray puppy as there was no one to keep her too.