
Ch.17 The Hospital Night Raid

[ Red's POV ]

The legion of soldiers made a ruckus while they making their way towards the Hospital.

It was a literal horde of zombie, but instead of disorderly shaming and discordant moans, you have the crisp Boots clacking on the pavement intune to the marching song they were singing, it was so bad I'm pretty sure I rather hear the discordant moans and Groans.



Squad 1: SIR!!!

Red: you 80 are to scout the area in front and around the hospital and please take note if there is in movement spotted in inside if you face any danger try to at least identify it before retreating we dont want send more men in blind, NOW MOVE OUT

Squad 1:Sir, Yes Sir

Red: everyone else on standby what happens during the the time they are gone will determine how this night plays out.

[pov of the 1st Squad of the first CORPS]

they enter the gateway quietly

the squad leader already gave them their directives 20 each will take a side of the building to scout and examine l that is the duty of the whole 1st Squadron they are the scouts for the army and thats their only job

so despite only existing for a little over have a day they have scouted the entire city and knows that there I'd is another place like this in the north eastern part of town and just like this place it gives off a eerily aura and that says alot considering we are zombies.

So they all split up after all of them got i

through the front gate. They will meet back in the front afterwards. So 40 soldiers went around the left 20 the right and 20 stay to investigate the front they have strictly been instructions to only survey the surroundings and watch out for movement inside.

1st Squad Captain: Why do I feel like we are being used as bait....?

Couple surrounding soilders:...sir, did you say something?

Captain:Nevermind, just continue to survey the front.

The Captain still couldn't shake away that feeling he was having almost as if he was being watched as he standing there distracted. He didn't see one of his men walk towards the boarded up front door, he the put his ear up against it. He didn't hear anything at first, then heard what sounded like whispering

that was getting progressively louder but he couldn't make out any words. It then got loud enough you could hear it away from the building.

Captain:*looks up* What are you doing hurry get away from there.

The Soldier takes only a few steps backwards away from the door, then it was at that moment they all knew they(fill in the blank)

The front door exploded outwards luckily the retreating soldier was hurt, but that's because all that was left of the boards that exploded outwards was sawdust. Then what proceeded to happen was every single boarded up door and window followed suit. By this time, the soldiers that were scouting around the hospital stop and all look.

It is late night with no lights, luckily they all have certain abilities that includes night vision, enhanced sight, enhanced tracking by smelling and hearing. That's why they are designated to the tracking squad, but that means they are not suited for combat which is why we were told to retreat if we encounter anything while trying to gather information on that encounter.

So all the soldiers surrounding the hospital stare intently at it ready to flee at a moments notice. All scouts are built for speed, because if they were not fast that wouldn't be able to cover so many areas with thier numbers and be able to report on a situation far from their commander in a timely manner.

The Hospital Started to release black smoke from every opening, it was rising straight up from each door or window. The weird thing is it wasn't dispersing, no each was like a thick pillars of black smoke.

That is when all the soldiers around the hospital made their way swiftly to the front to get orders from their Captain. As all of them observed the phenomenon None of them noticed that the pillars of smoke were getting smaller and that the smoke that was rising was gathering and consolidating on the roof of the 8 story hospital. Just as he was going to make the call to report back to the commander he felt a Strong pressure on his soul. Very much like the the one he first felt when the commander took him in. All of his men were already on their knees blankly staring up at the hospital while he was struggling to fight off the urge to submit I look where they were looking to see there was no more smoke rising and at the top of the hospital I see the smoke again but in the vague humanoid shape. The only thing I can clearly make out are a pair of red glowing eyes that the moment I saw them all my strength to defend against be subjugated disappeared. The Captain of the 1st squad of the 1st Corps submitted to a outside party.