
UNRAVEL - The First Volume of the "Revelation" Trilogy

Alexander Price, a well-renowned billionaire and business tycoon, may seem to have it all in the eye of the public. With one failed marriage on his belt and another deteriorating one, he has closed himself off from love and happiness and has dedicated his time to his work. Unfortunately, it cannot remain that way when the acceptance of a merger with another prominent company brings about shocking reveals of deceit, theft, betrayal, secrets and death from a past he chose to forget. Will he be able to overcome the challenges ahead of him? Will he be able to forgive himself when he finds out the devastating truth?

Teirruh · Real
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6 Chs


Monday, 19th of September 2016

Price Incorporate, Midtown East Manhattan

It didn't take long for Alex's driver to get him to work. Entering the building, his employees were quick to greeting him.

"Good morning, Mr. Price," said one seductive receptionist in the lobby as she stood in his way. She batted the lashes of her green eyes in his direction and leaned forward in an inviting way, shifting her curly blonde hair to her back. She was dressed in a white long-sleeved top that was a few sizes too small and showed an inappropriate amount of cleavage with a black fitted skirt that barely reached her knees matched with black pumps. A name tag on her top revealed her name to be Harley.

He hadn't seen her before, so he guessed that she was a new employee. A young one at that giving that she looked like she was just entering her twenties. "Good morning," he said coldly before turn to other receptionist sitting by her work desk. She was the one he was familiar with.

"Miss Simpson," she perked up at her name. "Inform Miss Harley of the rules of the company. As you can see, she is obviously not aware of it."

Alex turned his attention back at the mortified employee who didn't like the spotlight that she wanted from him in the first place. "For your information, Miss Harley, I make sure that we have the best employees to represent us as the image of the company. I hope that you find a way to reach that level, or you'll find yourself out of a job."

He passed her by ignoring the murmurs of his other employees and the turned down woman that was on the verge of falling apart. He had entered the elevator just as Miss Simpson had taken Miss Harley away from the lobby.

Alex mentally prepared himself for another hard day's work just as he reached the top floor. The doors opened, revealing two individuals waiting for him.

"A bitch is moody, Chris" 'God, I 'love' my best friend, James Davis', he thought sarcastically.

Alex stood before his two closest friends and partners in the company. James was Alex's age, with dirty blond hair that looked like he just woke up, unique grey eyes that he used to his advantage in intriguing women to his bed and a light beard matched with a cocky smirk. He was shorter by four inches compared to Alex's six-four. He was currently wearing a buttoned up, white long-sleeved shirt, the sleeves folded to the elbows and a black suit-vest and pants with black leather shoes.

The other was Christopher Collins. He was two years young than them with black hair combed back neatly and intense blue eyes that were the first thing you would notice before the rest of his annoying model-looking face. He stood confidently at his height of 6'1 in his white suit and a grey buttoned up shirt, no tie, and a pair of black Italian shoes.

Chris snorted at the annoyed face of Alex. Alex rolled his eyes at them.

"What do you punks want?"

"Punks? Do they still use that word? Oh my God, you need an update. I am starting to think this job is turning your ass old?" mocked James. "Did you enjoy the gift I left for you on the reception's desk? I 'forgot' to inform her about the dress code of the company, but I knew you would handle it."

"You hired her just to prank me, James?" Alex asked in disbelief to his friend's mentality.

"Yeah, but she was overqualified for the job with her degree in Business. She just needs some humbling and a reality check before I give her something better."

"Do whatever you want, James." Alex walked past his friends and headed to his office. They were on his tail.

"We have other things to discuss. So, James, please refrain from antagonizing Alex."


Alex passed their secretary, Jane Brooks, who was quick to greet him with a light smile. She has been a constant member of his staff for almost four years and the joint secretary of James, Chris and me. She stood at five foot seven and had brown hair tied in a messy bun and very distracting blue eyes. She wore a red buttoned, elbow-sleeved blouse and a black knee-length fitted skirt and


Alex acknowledged her greeting before entering his posh yet simple office. Tossing his coat on the coat hanger and his suitcase and phone on his desk, he sat down, his back behind the view of outside and found his COO and CFO already sitting on the guest chairs.

"We have a problem", Chris said looking extremely nervous.

'What a way to start my day.' The CEO thought as he sighed in frustration. "What is it now?"

"As you know, Alex, with the merger of our company with Romaine Enterprise, we had to do a much earlier audit of our assets. The results from both the internal and external auditors show that some funds are missing."

That surprised Alex as his CFO handed him some documents that he knew none of them signed. Someone had faked their signatures.

James had to break it down for Alex, "Someone in the company is embezzling funds and is doing a good job at hiding it. We believe that it's been going on for six months now."

"How did the person think that he would get away with it?" Alex was looking through the papers. His eyes widened in surprise at the total figures, "Sixty million dollars missing!?"

Both his friends flinched at his rage, but James went on, "The yearly audit of the company isn't until three months from now. The only reason we scheduled it earlier was because of the merger. I don't think the person planned on staying in the company that long."

This is the kind of thing that turns Alex's already foul mood fouler.

"The bastard who thinks he can get away with my money is seriously messing with the wrong person."

"Thank God, we've insured," said James.

"Don't thank God yet. We first have to have undeniable proof that it is embezzlement before it gets insured." Chris retorted.

Alex handed the papers back to Chris, "Do inform the police. Tell them to be discreet during the investigation. Also, remind the auditors not to tell anyone about an audit being one. None of our employees know that we have accepted the merger."

Thank God for that. Not even Alex's secretary knew about it. All she knew was that he had yet to accept or deny the merger. It would've been worse if they hadn't informed the auditors to highlight every transaction done that were above ten million dollars on their report.

Chris nodded and left. James stayed and gave him an odd look.

"What!?" That was harsh of Alex.

The annoying bastard just arched a brow at him, "It's you and your ex's anniversary, isn't it?"

Alex didn't even justify him with an answer. James knew he was right.

"Alex" he exclaimed in exasperation. "You really need to move on. It isn't good for you to live in the past."

He kept saying this shit every year for five years, pissing Alex off each time.

"Look. I'm your best friend. You will not stop thinking about her if you haven't found closure. My best advice is for you to find and talk to her. Say what's on your mind, ask her why she did what she did and maybe that burden in your heart will fade away."

"Oh, spare me with that Dr. Phil crap. What she did was inconceivable. No explanation she would give me will change how I feel about her betrayal."

"I know that but you're always thinking about why she did it. It's not helping your state of mind. Just ask the questions that you've always wanted the answer to."

Alex knew James was right, but he was stubborn. He was afraid of the answers that he suspected it was. James noticed it, judging from the look of defeat on his face.

"Just listen for once." He looked at his watch. Reaching into the inner pocket of his suit, he got his wallet and brought a business card out of it.

"Here" He tossed it on my desk. "This is the contact for a private investigator, Mr. Martin Hayes. He's the best in New York and has exceptional contacts outside the city. He will help you in finding her."

He got up, "Meanwhile, I have to go. My brother is coming back from his vacation, and I need to pick his ass from the airport."

Alex stared blankly at the card, ignoring James swift departure. He picked it up and pondered on his next step. His body seemed to answer for him for he didn't notice when his hand reaching for his phone until the intercom rang out breaking him out of his trance.

He quickly stuffed the card in one of his drawers and answered the call.

"Sir, you have a meeting with the board in five minutes."

"Thank you, Jane."

The CEO grabbed the necessary files he needed and left his office. He didn't want to dwell anymore on the past, no matter how much the past wanted to dwell on him...

...James left Alex's office, tired of his friend's stubborn attitude. He knew Alex was hurting and it was his duty to help his best friend. He was to head for the airport, but he needed to talk to Chris. He needed Chris' help to mount pressure on their idiot boss.

James headed for Chris' office since all their offices were on the same floor. He entered unannounced surprising Chris into closing the folder he had been reading quickly. It was a suspicious move that couldn't help but leave James curious about the content of the file.

"What do you need, James?" said Chris as he placed mysterious folder into his drawer and locked it.

"I... need you to convince Alex in finding Aurora," he said slowly as he watched his friend sitting on one of the guest seats.

Chris sighed in resignation at James' words. This had been a reoccurring event every year for the past five years. He always wondered why James even bothered.

'Possibly because James had yet to gain closure himself with Katherine breaking up with him and her refusal to say why,' he thought.

"You and I both know that Alex is hard-headed. All we need to do is give him the means to find her and leave him to his choice."

James slumped at his words, "I understand what you mean but it is Alex. I can't help but be concerned."

James then looked at his friend carefully, noticing that Chris was in a trance. He had bags under his eyes from obvious lack of sleep and his blue eyes were dull.

"Are you alright, Chris?" James asked breaking his friend from his trance.

"Oh! Yeah, I am fine. I just have a lot of work to do."

That was a lie so obvious to James. He knew something was bothering Chris and he also knew of Chris' tendencies to try and solve it on his own. He will be damned if he doesn't find out what it is.

"I see." His disbelief was obvious, but Chris chose to ignore it, "I'm leaving. I need to pick up Trent and some other errands to attend to."

Chris nodded half-heartedly as James stood up. Before he could make his exit, James turned to his distracted friend, "If something is bothering you, do tell us. You have a knack of trying to solve your problems on your own. It is not healthy."

Chris placed on the most convincing look he could make to tell James that he was fine, "I'm not in any trouble. I am fine, just under a lot of stress."

James was already getting frustrated with his friends. Why do they always insist on being so stubborn? "Fine, I'll let you be even though you're obviously lying."

He left. Chris was now alone. His tired and dazed look suddenly changed to one of determination as he collects the file back from his drawer and continues to shred any evidence of it.

He can't risk the chance of them finding out...

..."They will pay. I will do everything in my power to make them feel my pain," an angered man roars in frustration to his companion in the comfort of his suite. He combs his dishevelled dark hair with his hands as he looked around with his blue eyes, barely restraining himself as he downs a glass of The Macallan whiskey then fills his glass once more, not caring for drenching his untrimmed beard and the stains to his expensive Italian suit.

"This is not the time to fly off the handle. We will both get our just due despite your lack of patience. We are following the least bloody path to take. Unlike you, I don't want to dirty my hands too much." His friend, who was pristine as always in his own suit, remained calm and sober. He needed to stay awake to drive himself home.

The fiery man scoffed as he drank more of his alcohol, "When are we going to involve him in our plans? His obliviousness is an advantage we must use."

"Soon; I plan to bait them using him. It's just left for them to fall for it." The calmer man sighed in regret to his plans, "I am just a bit sorry that we have to use Alexander like this. He is a good man."

"There is no need for regrets at this point in time. I know him well enough that I know he'll forgive us as long as it was for a good cause. In the end, he'll hate them just as much as we do."

There was a brief silence before the sober one spoke, "I don't hate them, but I want peace of mind. I don't need their images nagging my thoughts."

"It's easy for you to say. You managed to pick up the pieces left when they decided to destroy your life. As for me, I have nothing left. They have destroyed me and the ones I care about." The drunk man lowered his head on the bar counter in surrender to his plight.

"You have a second chance, no matter how slim it is," he tried to convince his friend, but he wasn't listening anymore. He was wrecked. Tears fell down the eyes of Jonathan Kingston as he recalls the last moment he had with his true family.

He missed them. His first wife, Valentina, was deceased. He loved that woman with all his heart, and he betrayed her due to a misunderstanding that led to her demise. He was left heartbroken, leaving him to remarry so that his daughter could have a mother figure.

When his second marriage backfired on him tremendously, he finally understood that not only was he a terrible husband but also a failure as a father.

He was all alone with only a sliver of hope, praying that he could see his daughter once more and beg for forgiveness.

He cried his eyes out with his friend trying and failing to calm Jon down. It took a while before exhaustion took over his being and made him retreat to unconsciousness.

The unknown friend was left to carry Jonathan to his room and leave him sprawled on his bed. He found and then left a bottle of aspirins and a glass of water by the side bed drawer before leaving.

"Goodnight, Jonathan."

If you have any thoughts about my story? Please comment it and let me know :)

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