
Unknown Phenomenon

In a peaceful kingdom, a guy named Azroths live lonely due to his parents death. After giving his all effort to avoid being overpowered by sadness through avoiding dungeons and keep conversing in town instead, a change occurs to him upon receiving invitation of an unknown visitor. Doubting the invitation knowing there are no possibilities he can get one, he read it uninterested. There he had learn something which is unknown! A word "magic! " what could it be? Well, It is not different from Azroths question. It gives him interest as it says magic can give extraordinary power to a person. But aside from it, he knows nothing! Only thing on his mind is... This one sure is an unknown phenomenon!!

Storie_muxica · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
26 Chs

Monster is really a monster huh?

In a top view where the whole capital city is visible, flames can be seen from one place to another with devastated structures, buildings, and houses in which many people lives. The scent of the burnt materials and many things in the city are mixed to the smoke and get carried up to the sky which makes the perfect beautiful day turns to be a dark, reddish, and

gloomy hell. More worst, the combusted dead bodies has its flesh and inner parts molten to the extent that an sticky substance pour down slowly to the ground. Having no idea, it's scent enters into my nostrils when i take a breath causing me to contract my eyes due to the unwanted smell and brutality.

Seriously, from that massive fireball shower, the body should just have been burned to ashes and vanishes into nothing so there is not much suffering to endure. The whole sky is covered by the scent of everything that is burnt below, so why do i have to smell the aroma of flesh? This makes me remembers how we enjoy the aroma of whatever meat we have been happily roasting in every day we got an occasion.

"I see... Humanity's turn huh?"

- i muttered to myself -

"But seriously you dont have to cook it" - i added -

I am afloat above of the capital city numbly standing. I dont have any courage to attack nor the courage to run. I am only standing straight facing towards this monster as it munches the blood, flesh, and bones of the poor kingdom guards whilst the leftovers such as the arms or whatever are falling down to the town.

[ Ahhhhhh!! ]

I heard voices from the town the moment i deactivate my sword.... But What happened? Now that the crowds are moving, it means we are in the normal speed so why is this monster still here standing? Does it stop moving? But why? I thought it will kill me instantly as it always do...

[ what is that? Huh.. Ahh!! A human flesh is on the ground!!!... Huh? What happened? It's burning everywhere... Eh? Isn't this the equipments of our kingdom guards? Huh? Dont tell me the guards was defeated!. ]

- The kingdom guards are the strongest assets of this kingdom. As their title says, they have the power to protect the kingdom from any danger... It is normal to feel fear even if only one is taken out -

I heard people's voices which means a panic is happening below. I frowned and click my tongue.

Can you believe this situation? A monster that kills the strongest warriors in our kingdom is here in front of me. I can hear whooshes from its nose and mouth as it breaths in and out. The shrieking sounds i hear when its chest expands and shrinks delivers cold sensation to my body in the very moment it reaches my ear. It is very frightening, just like a lullaby, it can even make me sleep due to fear and hopelessness.

I felt like my power left from me and cause my body to be weak. Making my leg slightly bent, i suddenly feel my weight dragging me down due to lose of balance. My feet wiggled in the footing because it has no strength left to lift me up.

- While i am in air floating, how come there is a footing? Here is the reason, my equipments such as boots has a device embedded on it that can emit lights capable of solidifying the air and thus, we can use it as footing. It is the result of humanity's million years of age here on earth -

I contracted my eyes and grit my teeth because of fear, anger, and frustration. I feel cold and darkness all over the place cause by this unfair phenomenon in my sight. I cannot do anything, this world is not fair! First is the murderer of my family and now this? A monster with unlimited capabilites that cannot be defeated no matter what powerful equipment is use but keep showing astonishing skills instead?

- I smile caused by shame -

"And here i am expecting someone will be able to confront you?"

- i raise my head to see the damnable monster -

"of course i know no one can fight you from the very start... "

I raised my right hand upward with my sword pointing at my chest and while at it, i had seen the face of the monster. It is a black colored face that has the looks of a goat, i look at it very disgusted, from its horns that is certainly sharp to its beard that is drenched by the poor kingdom's guards blood.

What in the world is your problem you demon!!!

While yelling from irritation, i stab my chest which is the way to activate the full potential of the equipments. It is an skill that is created by my family to surpass the capabilities of science. The ultimate weapon for protecting and fortifying peace!!!

A massive burst of energy gone off upward creating a pillar of light. It is visible in the whole kingdom due to its elevation.

"How dare you look at me that way!!!"

The monster is looking at me with a look that shows it is very angry. It is as if humanity has done something very detestable to it and now it came for revenge.

"How dare you... Are you the one that is angry now? You are only a dumb living thing how dare you looking at me like that!!!!"

I attack through a slash as i yell very angrily.

The energy filled with destructive force is flowing out slowly from my sword and then..

-The whole kingdom will be seen with mountains on its surrounding. It is a very wide range where you can hardly see the kingdom in the middle -

A destructive light appears whooshing to the direction of the mountains that is located in the right side of the kingdom. It is an massive sideward slash directed to the monster causing it to be thrown away from the city and found it on the said mountains.

I take a long breath and relax a moment thinking... I can't believe i have to use my ultimate skill this soon..."sigh" Then dash off to the monster's whereabouts.

As soon as i had a glance of the monster, i stab it supported by the force of falling. The soil burst out from the mountain for it could not contain the greatness of the impact. We keep penetrating the mountain's inside causing it to vertically torn up into two.

However, when i turn my eye to the place i stab...i muttered to myself...

"as expected this monster will not go down so easily."

It is holding the edge of my sword with its mere hand while having an astonished steady look on my face.

" tsk, what are you looking at?"

The moment i ask, i had notice a glowing light from its wings.

" The fireballs huh?!!! "

To my surprise, i immediately react to twist my sword forcefully. At the same time, the light has also started to glow brightly where i can feel the heat wrecking me.


As i twist my sword, powerful energy flows from it spirally causing a destructive tornado.

Fortunately the white clear fire was shattered by the corresponding blows of wind that is composed by differing slashes.

The ravenous-like tornado devoured the monster to its inside which will possibly torn him off to pieces. To severe the damage, i set a light to encircle the whole tornado along with the monster inside and cause it to shrink. This way, whatever is inside will be crush to nothingness.

The circle then shrink so rapidly and no sign of stopping. It is really the perfect attack because there is no way to fight the monster manually due to its speed.

While at it, i take a look to the kingdom and see that it glows brightly.

"Oh...the kingdom has set a barrier!"

I talk in surprise for i think everyone has lose hope and succumb to despair. I raised my eyebrow upward and smile proudly...

"I see...this kingdom really loves peace and its people. There is no way they will surrender easily to such horrible experience!"

I am standing straight facing to the lightening kingdom when i heard a shrieking sound. You can see my head turn upward as i look towards the circle i create.

"no way" - i see a dark figure -

I look to its body, to its legs, and to its arms then uttered while looking very upset

" Is this for real?"

There is no damage nor scratch on it anywhere!

It begins to move which startled me i almost drop my sword.

"so fast" i muttered

When its claws made contact with my sword, the sword blows away from me.


I immediately dash and tried to reach out to it but another hand was on the way whooshing at me very fast...


i cough out blood as I've been sent flying to the other mountains.

"this is bad, my sword..."

i muttered while trying to get up from the ground when suddenly i've been lifted...my neck hurts and lost my breathing...


hearing a shrieking noise i already know this monster is already hanging me up with his hand.

"Damn it all"

It did not even give me time to open my eyes from the pain it gives me...

I then open my eyes

And the only thing i see is its big mouth wide open closing into my head
