
Unknown Deity

In the world of fantasy, supernatural creatures roam freely, and humans with extraordinary abilities are not an uncommon sight. In this world of magic and wonder, Robert, a young man from the mundane world, found himself reincarnated in an alternate reality. As he awakens to this new world, he discovers that he possesses unique abilities that allow him to see and interact with the supernatural beings that coexist in this reality. With his newfound powers, he embarks on a journey to unravel the secrets of this mysterious world and to discover the truth behind his reincarnation. As he delves deeper into this world of magic, he uncovers a prophecy that speaks of an unknown deity, a being of immense power and great importance to the balance of the world. Despite being shrouded in mystery, Robert senses a deep connection to this deity, and he soon finds himself drawn into a dangerous and epic quest to uncover its true identity. Along the way, he must navigate the treacherous political landscape of this world and face numerous challenges, including battles with supernatural creatures and powerful adversaries who seek to destroy him. As he struggles to uncover the truth and fulfill his destiny, Robert must also confront his own inner demons and reconcile his past life with his new identity. Will he be able to fulfill the prophecy and uncover the truth behind the Unknown Deity? Only time will tell in this thrilling tale of magic, mystery, and adventure.

Nuno_Menezes · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
33 Chs


With deftness and efficiency, Kline swiftly shifted the group's focus to the task at hand, wasting no precious moments on needless preamble.

With a commanding air, he declared,

"It is time for us to proceed. Let us make our way forward."

He then gestured towards a nearby hut, indicating that it was time to get moving.

As the group stood there, their Kline made a subtle yet commanding gesture towards a nearby hut, indicating that it was time for them to depart.

With each step they took, Robert's unease grew, like a gnawing sense of uneasiness that would not be quelled.

The air around them was thick with palpable tension, the kind that hangs in the air like a heavy fog, making it hard to breathe.

The group's movements were measured and deliberate, with each footstep taken with utmost care, knowing that a single misstep could result in dire consequences in this unfamiliar and treacherous terrain.

They were fully cognizant of the perilous nature of their mission, knowing that they were treading on dangerous ground.

Each one of them was acutely aware that they were venturing into uncharted territory, where even the slightest mistake could lead to grave consequences. They knew that they had to be vigilant at all times, constantly alert to the dangers lurking in the shadows.

As their leader gestured towards the hut, it was as if he were reminding them of the gravity of their situation.

His movements were calm and assured, yet they carried with them an air of solemnity that spoke to the seriousness of the task at hand.

And so, with a sense of trepidation in their hearts, the group began to move forward, their eyes scanning the horizon for any signs of danger, their minds focused on the mission that lay ahead.

As they approached the hut, Robert tightened his grip on his weapon and prepared for whatever lay ahead.

Kline's eyes gleamed with excitement as he led the group towards a stable next to the hut, and Robert couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation as they approached a carriage.

The fiery sword insignia on the carriage was a familiar symbol, and he knew that they were one step closer to completing their mission.

As they got closer, he could see that the carriage was well-crafted and sturdy, with intricate designs etched into the woodwork.

Kline gestured for them to get in, and they climbed aboard, ready to face whatever lay ahead.

Kline's smirk widened as he gestured towards the carriage.

"You didn't think we didn't have transport, did you?" he said with a hint of amusement in his voice.

The group couldn't help but chuckle at his remark as they prepare to climb aboard the carriage.

John nodded confidently, knowing that Kline always had a trick up his sleeve.

"I will drive" he said fully aware of his capabilities behind the wheel.

He took the driver's seat at the front of the carriage, his hands gripping the reins with ease. The rest of the group hopped on board, ready for the bumpy ride ahead.

Robert breathed a sigh of relief as he sank into the cushioned seat of the carriage.

The prospect of trudging through the harsh terrain for hours on end was daunting, and he was grateful for the much-needed respite that the carriage offered.

Kline, Akira, and the final team member settled into the back, the artifact safely secured in its storage compartment. The group exchanged a few last-minute glances, steeling themselves for whatever challenges lay ahead on their mission.

"Let's go!" Kline shouted, and John urged the horses forward, eager to leave the outpost behind.

As they rode along, Robert couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation and excitement for what was to come.

The journey was marked by an uneventful yet steady progress, with the group making good time as they traveled in the sturdy and well-built carriage.

They moved forward with a sense of purpose, each member of the group fully aware of the importance of the mission that lay ahead.

The carriage itself was a marvel of engineering, with its strong frame and solid wheels that glided over the rough terrain with ease.

As the hours ticked by, the landscape around them began to change, with the rolling hills and vast fields giving way to a more urban environment.

The sounds of the countryside were replaced by the hum of industry and the bustle of human activity. And then, after what seemed like an eternity, they arrived at their destination: a bustling city that seemed to rise up out of the ground like a great and colorful tapestry.

As they went deeper inside the city, the group was immediately struck by the vibrant colors and intricate architecture that surrounded them.

The buildings rose up to dizzying heights, each one adorned with intricate carvings and embellishments that spoke to the skill and artistry of the city's craftsmen.

The streets were alive with the sounds of vendors hawking their wares, children playing games, and merchants haggling over prices.

Despite the overwhelming sensory overload, the group remained focused on their mission.

They moved forward with a sense of determination, their eyes scanning the bustling streets for any sign of the person they had been sent to find.

For although the city was a marvel of human achievement, it was also a dangerous and unpredictable place, where the slightest misstep could lead to disaster.

And so, with their senses on high alert and their wits about them, they plunged headfirst into the heart of the city, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

The buildings are a mix of styles, with some appearing to be made of marble and others appearing to be carved from living trees.

As the group ventured further into the heart of the city, they were struck by the diversity of architectural styles that surrounded them.

Some buildings appeared to be made of pure white marble, their smooth surfaces gleaming in the bright sunlight. Others were carved from living trees, their twisting branches and gnarled trunks lending an air of wildness to the urban landscape.

The streets themselves were a swirling mass of activity, with people of all shapes, sizes, and colors milling about, going about their daily business.

There were humans, of course, but there were also creatures, some had wings like birds, and still others had scales like fish.

It was a dizzying display of diversity, and Robert felt a sense of wonder and amazement at the sheer variety of life that surrounded them.

Despite the chaos and confusion of the streets, the sound of horses and carts, chatter, and occasional shout filled the air. It was a symphony of sound, each note blending together to create a cacophony of noise that was both exhilarating and overwhelming.

John skillfully navigated the carriage through the busy streets, while Kline and Akira kept a watchful eye on the artifact, ensuring its safety.

Robert's gaze swept over his surroundings, he was struck by a sense of disorientation and confusion.

Nothing around him seemed to make sense, feeling a mix of trepidation and excitement.

As they made their way through the winding streets of the city, Robert saw a mix of wealthy and poor neighborhoods, each with their own unique character.

The city was also undergoing significant industrialization and modernization, with the expansion of railways and the rise of factories.

Although some cars could be seen, it was clear that the city still relied heavily on horse-drawn carriages as the main mode of transportation.

The clip-clop of horses' hooves could be heard throughout the city, and the streets were often filled with carriages of all shapes and sizes. The group had to be careful to avoid getting caught in traffic jams caused by the slower-moving carriages. some cars could be seen, but Horse drawn carriages was the norm

In the affluent neighborhoods, he saw grand mansions with sprawling gardens, expensive cars parked outside, and well-dressed people strolling along the streets. The buildings were ornate and decorated with intricate carvings and colorful murals.

In contrast, the poorer neighborhoods were crowded and chaotic, with narrow alleys and rundown buildings. The streets were filled with people, vendors selling their wares, and children playing games. The buildings were dilapidated and crumbling, with peeling paint and broken windows.

Despite the differences between the neighborhoods, there was a sense of life and energy that permeated the entire city.

People bustled about their daily business, moving with a purpose and a determination that Robert found both inspiring and overwhelming.

The carriage came to a halt and John deftly parked it next to a tall, imposing building.

The group disembarked, and while Kline and Akira took the artifact and headed inside the building, John looked around to make sure they were not being followed, led them through the entrance and up a flight of stairs.

As they climbed, Robert couldn't help but notice the intricate artwork adorning the walls and ceiling. It was a stark contrast to the poverty he had seen in the streets below.

Before entering, Robert couldn't help but feel a sense of unease as he looked around at the unfamiliar surroundings. The sounds of the city were overwhelming, with the hustle and bustle of people going about their daily lives. He couldn't help but wonder what kind of dangers lurked around every corner.

But he pushed those thoughts aside as he followed the rest of the group into the building, ready to complete their mission and bring the artifact to safety.