
Unknown Deity

In the world of fantasy, supernatural creatures roam freely, and humans with extraordinary abilities are not an uncommon sight. In this world of magic and wonder, Robert, a young man from the mundane world, found himself reincarnated in an alternate reality. As he awakens to this new world, he discovers that he possesses unique abilities that allow him to see and interact with the supernatural beings that coexist in this reality. With his newfound powers, he embarks on a journey to unravel the secrets of this mysterious world and to discover the truth behind his reincarnation. As he delves deeper into this world of magic, he uncovers a prophecy that speaks of an unknown deity, a being of immense power and great importance to the balance of the world. Despite being shrouded in mystery, Robert senses a deep connection to this deity, and he soon finds himself drawn into a dangerous and epic quest to uncover its true identity. Along the way, he must navigate the treacherous political landscape of this world and face numerous challenges, including battles with supernatural creatures and powerful adversaries who seek to destroy him. As he struggles to uncover the truth and fulfill his destiny, Robert must also confront his own inner demons and reconcile his past life with his new identity. Will he be able to fulfill the prophecy and uncover the truth behind the Unknown Deity? Only time will tell in this thrilling tale of magic, mystery, and adventure.

Nuno_Menezes · Fantasy
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33 Chs

The Doctor

As the group approached the front desk, an old man dressed in tattered clothes greeted them with a gruff voice.

His face was lined with deep wrinkles, and his eyes peered out from under bushy eyebrows that seemed to have a life of their own.

He looked the group up and down, his gaze lingering on their sturdy carriage and the weapons they carried, before speaking in a voice that was rough and gravelly.

As he spoke, there was a mischievous twinkle in his eye, a hint of something that suggested he was up to something.

"Took you long enough. Where's #0098?"

Kline's eyes narrowed in a mixture of frustration and annoyance as he wearily turned his attention towards the cumbersome container that the group was tasked with carrying.

The weight of the journey had begun to take its toll on the collective muscles of the team, and the arduous task had caused weariness to permeate their limbs.

Kline's hand gestured towards the container in a gesture of exhaustion and exasperation, his body language indicating that he was eager to complete this particular mission and be done with it.

"Did you go blind with your age? Eugene, I had cautioned you that your irascible disposition could inevitably lead to blindness." he riposted with a semi-amused tone.

Eugene's head shook in a slow and deliberate manner, his lips pursed tightly together as he muttered a string of words under his breath that were barely audible.

His voice was gruff and laced with a hint of bitterness, and there was a sense of deep-seated frustration that seemed to emanate from his very being.

"Snarky kid," he muttered, his words dripping with disdain.

"Always the same bullshit. One of these days you'll get unlucky, mark my words. And then I'll have to bury you like I've buried so many others. This old me will keep on living, mark my words, while you'll be rotting underground, forgotten and unremembered."

As John, Kline and Akira made the necessary arrangements with Eugene, Robert and the other group member looked around the room, taking in the dusty shelves and cluttered desk.

Eugene's gruff demeanor had not gone unnoticed, but they remained quiet, unsure of what to expect.

John approached Eugene and said,

"Excuse me, Eugene. We have one for the doctor," pointing at Robert.

Kline added, "And the other one as well, old man."

Eugene responded with a grumble,

"Old man this, old man that. Always the same boring remarks."

As he glanced intently at Robert and the other group member, Eugene emitted a low, contemplative utterance, ruminating over the situation at hand.

"Fascinating," he murmured under his breath, his words barely audible above the ambient hum of the room.

"If you would be so kind as to accompany me, gentlemen," he continued, beckoning the duo with a gnarled finger as he gestured down the labyrinthine corridor towards an adjacent chamber.

Noticing Eugene's cryptic behavior, Akira's curiosity was piqued, and she fixed her gaze upon him with a penetrating intensity, studying his movements and observing the group with a watchful eye.

Robert and the other group member exchanged a quick look, their expressions betraying their confusion at Eugene's sudden change in demeanor.

However, the seriousness in his voice left no room for argument, and they followed him obediently down the corridor.

With purposeful strides, Eugene traversed the winding hallways, navigating the labyrinthine maze with an ease that suggested a deep familiarity with the locale, leading them to a small room.

As they walked, the sound of their footsteps echoed loudly in the silence.

After several tense minutes, Eugene stopped before a small wooden door, he pushed it open, revealing a cramped room

After a long pause Eugene gestured for them to enter and broke the silence.

With a deep, husky voice, Eugene commanded the two individuals to enter the small room, his tone brooking no argument.

His voice was tinged with authority, and there was a sense of urgency in his words that made it clear he was not to be trifled with.

The words "Get inside" were delivered with a force that made Robert and the other member feel a sense of unease, as if they were about to be confronted with something dangerous or unsettling.

Despite the ominous tone of Eugene's voice, there was a hint of curiosity and interest in his eyes, as if he were eager to see what would happen next.

As the two individuals stepped inside the small room, they could feel the weight of Eugene's gaze upon them, his eyes seeming to bore into their souls, as if searching for something hidden deep within.

With a quick, decisive motion, Eugene shut the door behind Robert and the other member as they stepped into the small room.

The sound of the door closing echoed through the space, amplifying the feeling of confinement and isolation that was already settling over them.

Within the confines of the enclosed space, there lay multiple chairs and a table, alongside a cabinet situated in the corner.

As the group settled into the room, they noticed a raven perched on a nearby chair.

The raven perched on the chair across the table is a majestic bird with shimmering black feathers that glisten in the light.

Its feathers are smooth and sleek, indicating that it is a healthy and well-cared-for bird.

The raven's head is adorned with a crown of thick black feathers that frames its intelligent-looking eyes, which are a bright and piercing shade of black.

As the raven shifts its position on the chair, you can see its powerful talons, which are sharp and well-maintained. Its beak is equally impressive, appearing sharp and precise as it opens and closes, as if in preparation for speaking.

Despite its size, the raven carries itself with a regal air, its posture upright and its movements graceful. As it regards you with its dark eyes, you get the sense that there is an intelligence and awareness behind them that is not often seen in animals.

All in all, the raven is a magnificent and imposing creature, seemingly out of place in this ordinary-looking room.

To their astonishment, the raven intently fixated its gaze upon both of them and issued a verbalization:

"State your names"

Robert and his compatriot exchanged a quizzical glance, unable to comprehend the raven's request.

With no immediate response, the raven reiterated its demand in a heightened tone:

"Reply now, I don't have all the time in the world!"

Robert tentatively spoke up,

"Robert Blackwell."

The raven cocked its head and looked at the other member expectantly.

After a moment's hesitation, the other member replied,

"My name is Michael Smith."

The raven let out a cackle and said,


Suddenly, a piercing scream filled the room as Michael's right hand twisted and contorted, his finger broken in several places.

The pain was unbearable, and Michael gritted his teeth as he tried to contain the agony coursing through his body.

The raven watched with dark amusement, seemingly enjoying the chaos it had caused.

Robert could feel beads of sweat forming on his forehead as the tension in the room increased.

The raven's cackle sent shivers down his spine, and the sudden scream of pain from Michael made him jump.

He could see the pain in Michael's eyes as he clenched his broken finger, trying to hold back the agony.

The raven's beady eyes bore into Robert and Michael as it asked them the question:

"Which organization are you from?"

Robert hesitated before replying,

"I believe I am with the artifact hunters, though I say that with little confidence."

The raven simply replied with an "Ok" before turning to Michael, who confidently stated,

"I am with The Order."

The raven's eyes bore into Michael's, but it did not respond. Instead, it flew off its perch and circled the room, landing on various objects and cawing loudly.

Michael and Robert exchanged worried glances, unsure of what to do next.

After a few moments, the raven returned to its perch and spoke once more.

"I will ask again," it said, its voice deep and ominous. "Which organization are you from?"

Robert hesitated, unsure of what to say.

But Michael spoke up immediately, his voice filled with defiance.

"I am from The Order," he declared, his gaze locked with the raven's.

The raven's piercing cry of "LIE" was followed by the sickening sound of flesh and bone being torn as Michael's arm was ripped off in front of him.

The room was filled with screams that echoed off the walls and blood splattered across the floor and furniture.

Michael, now in agony and anger, demanded

"Is this some kind of sick joke!? If you want to take my life, do it....but end this torture!"

The raven ignored Michael, and asked:

"Do you want power?"

Robert replied with a simple: "Yes"

While Michael shook his head in refusal, saying


Suddenly, Michael felt a sharp pain in his neck and his head fell off his body, rolling across the table.

Robert's heart raced as he tried to process what he had just witnessed.

Michael's sudden and violent death had left him in shock.

He couldn't believe that a simple question from a bird could lead to such a gruesome outcome.

As he looked around the room, he realized that he was now alone with the raven.

The silence was suffocating, and the weight of what had just happened began to sink in.

With an unblinking stare, the raven directed its gaze squarely upon Robert, and in a clear and assertive tone, posed the inquiry,

"Who are you?"