

The working hour for the day has ended as Sara packed her belongings. She stayed back a little to complete and organise her pile of documentations so she could get an early start tomorrow morning. At half past five, she made her way out of the office and headed to the campus' convenience store to buy her monthly necessities.

While strolling with a purpose, Sara took out a piece of paper from her bag containing long list of things-to-buy.

'Pads and Liner – check!

Toothbrush and toothpaste – check!

Shampoo and conditioner – check!

Soap; bar and liquid – check!

Dishwash liquid, detergent and toilet bowl cleaner – check, check, check!' Sara read through her list to ensure she did not miss out or forget an item.

'It would be a drag to come home just to find the most needed item forgotten,' Sara thought harder as she tried to recall what other items she needed to restock at home.