
Universe:- Our Dream!!

" Little Star " is how she is known by everyone! The one whose identity is unknown yet known by all. She, is a famous singer, yet confidential. Popularly known as "The one who sings in mask" ! Ajay, owner of " Star ", a music company, well the company with no well name! It still stayed at the position of a start-up company even after 3 years experience! The company with no much recognition, with three years of experiences and a lot of failures! Nearer to the edge of loosing everything, yet never did he lost hope! Story takes a twist, when fate brings this two ending poles from two different worlds with the only connection "music", in the name of a contract! And that's when everything starts to change! A childhood lovestory it is indeed, some secrets, some rudeness, togetherness at the circumstances and the heartfelt love that's hidden and forgotten. Join me, to experience this rollercoaster of love, emotions, and music a language of love, to feel and explore the further story!! Note:- Cover page doesn't belong to me, credit goes to it's owner! And this is not a translation but an original work!

misslonelysoul · Ciudad
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26 Chs

10. Deal (Part 1)

'Let's meet!!' he smiled and chuckled at the same time, is this a reverse technique? He shook his head while looking for an address card just like he kept but he happened to see none! He frowned, now did she even left him to guess where he could meet her? He blinked when he recalled the card she gave and soon took it out from his pocket, it looked like an address of a residance! Did she give her house address?? He shrugged while deciding to go there first and think later!

After a time of reaching there, he knocked the door, no response, he then ringed the calling bell, and after a minute the door got opened and she welcomed him, again in mask! Why doesn't she remove it??

"Come in!" she said out cold while leaving him and returning back! He frowned, what a way to welcome? He shook his head while he got in, and after he did, she placed a coffee cup on the table in the living room while taking a seat, and there were some papers in her hand! He frowned again but her gaze was fixed on him, his brows raised as then he realised that she indicated him to have a seat indirectly and so he made himself comfortably seated, facing her! "You can have it!!" she said regarding the coffee, he nodded while taking and having a sip of it!

"Why is that you called me for?" he questioned.

"What are you guessing it to be?" she questioned back.

He shrugged, "I can't know what's in your mind! But I am guessing that it's about the contract, have you decided on something?"

She nodded, "I am ready to have a deal with you, for 6months!"

His brows raised in surprise, though he thought of a year, 6months were still more than enough, well more than he expected from her!

He smiled, "That is of what I am feeling thankful for!!"

"But before that, I am wanting to ask you something!"

He frowned, "What is it?"

"What made you reach me?"

He was silent for a while while she looked him curiously, "I... don't know!"

Her brows raised, "That would not help me to come to a decision!"

He shrugged, "I know, even the thought of reaching you was lame, but I don't know what had got into me, and I ended up doing that! Well I don't regret it!"

She didn't say anything until a moment of looking at him, "You choose the concert time to put a note for me, so can I consider that you have attended my concert?"

He nodded, "I happened to!"

She nodded too, "Have you heard me singing?"

"You sing well!"

She shook her head, "I know that! Just tell me what did you feel when I sang if you can! I want to know how did you interpret it!"

He frowned, "Why do you....ask me that?"

She shrugged, "Dealing with who cannot catch up with me is not my cup of tea!"

He went silent, she waited, as he recalled her song, he thought the same which he had done when he heard her that day! "I don't know whether the song is related to you or it is just a creation! But what I felt and saw was a kid inside an adult!" She frowned, he continued, "A kid who suffered, changed ... and somehow....still suffering!"

He sighed now looking up, "You sang it with a suitable harsh voice of yours, making it like a rock song, but in actual, what I all felt was the hardships and its results with a secret, hidden hope of change or someone or something!!"

"I think.....he/she in the song....was fed up!!" he sighed hard!

She was silent yet staring him until she placed the papers on the table as she cleared her voice, "Here are the contract papers!"

He blinked in surprise, 'So did his answer satisfy her??'

"You are faster than I expected!!"

"Don't jump to conclusions! As I am having some conditions!!"

He frowned, 'Now conditions??'

"What....are those?"

"You can read them by yourself!"

With curiosity, he took the papers before he shot a glance at her, while placing the cup back on the table, and as he read, the frown in his face deepened, as he looked up in disbelief!

There were some conditions written on;

1. 'Little Star' will only be participating in any concerts, shows or competitions on her will, no one can force her or let her perform against her will!

2. 'Star' company will bear the whole responsibility of Little Star's confidentiality! Little Star's confidentiality should be maintained at any cost, and if any compromises occur affecting her, the company would bear all the consequences.

3. Contract will be lasting for six months.

4. Ajay Joyanth belonging to Star, will accompany Little Star and will be obeying her no matter what!

He continued to stare her in disbelief, but she looked with no expression.

"Is something bothering you?"

He shook is head with a sigh, "Every condition benefits YOU in some way! I still can understand it, but what would you explain about the fourth condition??"

"I can't explain it for now!" she shrugged!

He frowned, as his brow raised, "Why are you willing to have a deal with me??" he stared her in suspicion!

She rolled her eyes, "It is you who requested me!"

"I just considered your request!" she then added.

He didn't look pleased, "Why did you consider it?"

She sighed, "You are beginning to annoy me!"

"Cause you are beginning to make me suspect you!!"

"What makes you suspect me?"

"I don't see any reason for obeying you all the time!"

"I said I can't explain it for now!" she looked away!

He rolled his eyes with a sigh, "If dealing with who cannot catch up with you is not your cup of tea, then dealing with no honesty is not MY cup of tea!!" he said while tossing the file over the table gently.

Her brows raised, "This is the first and last time that I am going to consider this deal!! So think twice!"

He closed his eyes with a sigh, this woman! He can't kick away the luck that knocked his door, but at the cost of his obeyance?

Opening his eyes, he sighed again, "Alright! Then let's add one more condition!!"

She frowned as he took out a pen from his jacket and wrote something, then handing her the file, while her frown remained, she took and read it!

5. It is compulsory that both the parties privacy must be respected, and this contract will barely be anything personal! Everything related to this contract is completely professional!!

Hell it is!!

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