
Universe:- Our Dream!!

" Little Star " is how she is known by everyone! The one whose identity is unknown yet known by all. She, is a famous singer, yet confidential. Popularly known as "The one who sings in mask" ! Ajay, owner of " Star ", a music company, well the company with no well name! It still stayed at the position of a start-up company even after 3 years experience! The company with no much recognition, with three years of experiences and a lot of failures! Nearer to the edge of loosing everything, yet never did he lost hope! Story takes a twist, when fate brings this two ending poles from two different worlds with the only connection "music", in the name of a contract! And that's when everything starts to change! A childhood lovestory it is indeed, some secrets, some rudeness, togetherness at the circumstances and the heartfelt love that's hidden and forgotten. Join me, to experience this rollercoaster of love, emotions, and music a language of love, to feel and explore the further story!! Note:- Cover page doesn't belong to me, credit goes to it's owner! And this is not a translation but an original work!

misslonely_soul · Urban
Not enough ratings
26 Chs

11. Deal (Part 2)

She closed her eyes with a sigh. Seriously? If this is what it is, then what's the use of 4th condition??

Dhvani let out a sigh, opening her eyes, "Alright!!"

He gave her a satisfied nod, "Shall we sign it then?"

She nodded, while she signed it after he did, but to his surprise when she placed the papers on her lap after signing, her hands reached up and she took out her mask! His eyes widened in surprise!

Soon after taking off her mask, she held her hand out, "Since dealing with no honesty is not your cup of tea, here I am! Being honest!"

He was taken aback, but slowly gave her a nod while taking her hand, as their hands shoke, "Dhvani it is! Nice to deal with you!"

He halted, Dhvani?! Why did her name sounded familiar to him??

'Dhvani!!' a kid's voice ringed in his ears, the same one from his dreams!

What was that??

And she on the other way who was just hoping for him to recognise her, waited desperately, but a frown settled on her face when he seemed to be lost in thoughts, "Ajay?!" she called out!

As if her call made him come out of his thoughts, he blinked and took a look at her then their hands which were still held together, he shook his head, "Nice to deal with you too!"

'That's it??'

They slowly leaving the hold pulled back their hands as they stood up while she held the papers, he halted and then said something, "Dhvani...It's a nice name!"

She almost smiled but was quick enough to hide it and he didn't notice it, "I hope we work well together!" he said smiling! She just gave a nod!

"When are you willing to start the work?" he asked, "We are presently having another contract going in hand, so we need some clarity!" he added.

She frowned, "Which contract?"

"An yearly contract with HMC!" he replied!

HMC? So that was why they rejected them temporarily, for him? It never happened, she really need to see his team!!

"That's a great thing! All the best! I will come from tomorrow! There are things to be handled!!"

He nodded, and so left from there!

She sat back, while remembering his response! She smiled a little as he responded the same way! She shook her head!


A girl was sitting alone in her bench while everyone were seated along with their friends! She just looked out of the window, and kept doing it until a boy came and took a seat in the front bench of her's but facing her! She with a frown looked at him, "Hello!" said he, she just looked away and continued to look out!

The place where she sat was beside the window which lead to the view of the garden outside! She went on observing those plants, insects, and the green grass over the ground!

"Do you like it??" he questioned again, he sounded so sweet but not the one melting her, she stared him back, "Get out!" she sounded calm yet he could hear the seriousness in her voice! He pouted with a shrug, "Alright!" and he left, taking another seat.

Noon arrived, lunch time it was, every child got seated in the garden, while again she sat far away from all! The boy wondered, was it her staying away from all or everyone who are keeping her away?! He with a shrug, again reached her, sitting beside her, placing the box on the ground, "I am seeing that you aren't having any food!" he said!

"None of your business!!" said she without looking at him!

He nodded, "Why don't you mingle up??"

She now looked at him, "None.Of.Your.Business!!"

He blinked, "Al-Right!!"

He cleared his voice again, "Uhm...you can have my lunch if you didn't get one! We can share it!"

She almost rolled her eyes, "I am not hungry!"

"But I am, come let's share it!"

"If you are, then have it all for yourself!!" said she while getting up and leaving from there, he frowned and followed her until he crossed and stood before her, stopping her, "Why is that? Why don't you just speak good?"

"Move out of my way!" she said calmly yet sternly.

He didn't, "Get out of my way!!" she yelled, making everyone stare them, he stepped back and she left!

The same happened for days, he kept reaching her and she kept pushing him away!

One evening, when the school had ended, she made her way to the nearer river bank unaware that he followed her until he came and sat beside her! She looked at him then sighed, "Why do you bother me??"

He smiled with a shrug, "I do?!"

She rolled her eyes with a sigh, "I hate it!!"

"What do you hate?" he frowned.

"You!! You speaking sweetly, I don't like it! You always running around me, I don't like it! I just hate it!!"

He went silent!!

She looked at him, "Why is that? Why do you always come behind me, even after me pushing you away and insulting you in front of everyone??" she almost yelled!

"Cause you seem lonely!" he shrugged, and now she went silent who kept staring him, "I just wanted to be your friend, and ... I tried!!"

"Are you... pitying me??"

He frowned, then shook his head, "I never did it yet!!"

"Seems like you are used to doubt and push away people! My bad! I won't disturb you ever again!" he said with a sigh and almost was about to get up, "Dhvani!" she said and he halted!

"I am Dhvani! And.... let's be friends!" she held her hand out, he smiled and took it, "Ajay!!" and they shoke their hands! "Dhvani... It's a nice name!!" he said with a smile showing out his white teeth.


Dhvani smiled remembering that day, when she recalled how hard she pushed him away, she really felt guilty! But why did he not say anything after he heard her name? Did he perhaps forgot her? If yes, then she would definitely make him regret for that!!

On the other way, Ajay drove to his home, and when he got into his room, he lay in his bed, with a sigh! Finally something good was happening with him! But then again, he wondered about that 4th condition, why was it for??

His thoughts then drifted to her house, it was so simple! A star like her staying in such house? Was she a person of simplicity? Cause the house was simple, neat, only a few things like curtains decorated it very well, he somehow liked it, but he still wondered!

Swimming in his own thoughts he didn't realise when was it that he drifted off to sleep!

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Love you all<3

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