
Unfettered Spear

[Ratata~] Being showered with bullets from all directions, I certainly don't feel so good. Especially, feeling the bullets passing through my body, which is simply torture. After God knows how long, the gunfire finally stopped. I had my head down, contemplating that this was the end. However, it was at this time that I heard someone jumping off the car in front. I looked up and saw that it was the "Boss." "I should've done this much sooner, you really done a number on my men despite being alone!" "I must admit that you are good, but too good that you're a threat to MY throne!!" "I–" Alas, the Boss' monologue was cut halfway through. When he held his head high, an action to signify his pride, a bullet pierced through his under chin into his brain and out the back of his head. He looked at me in disbelief, like the others around. None of them anticipated that I could still fire my pistol, much less accurately aiming at one's head at the hip level, after being turned into a bloody meat-sieve. "You... Monster!!!" To the Boss' dying words, I only replied with a smile as my strength left my body.

DuhLion · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
12 Chs

Chapter 11: 3 Months


The young man had light blue hair that hang off to the sides, and bangs. His face looked sharp, and he had pointed ears and sword-like eyebrows. He looked tall and slender but still pack solid muscles. Coupled with his bright smile, he looked like a dazzling Young Master of some big family. The fact would become even more obvious if one were to look at his clothes; a white long sleeve and black pants that were made of high quality silk, plus leather boots.

[A/N: Image here]

On the other hand, the two women were in stark contrast with one another. One was distant and cold, while the other was approachable and cheerful. However, both women were beauties in their own rights. They could make countries wage war against each other to vie for their attention.

The cold beauty had sharp features, the same as the young man. She exuded an aura of an aloof goddess. She had long black hair, that seemed to be the night itself, that cascades down her back. She had black eyes that seemed to suck one's soul if one stare closely at them. Her hourglass figure was nothing short of perfect. Her three sizes were neither too big nor too small, just the right combination. This was all covered by a spotless long white robe that was made of high quality silk.

[A/N: Image here]

The cheerful beauty was the very definition of bubbly. She had slightly puffed up cheeks and big brown eyes. She had long hazel hair that was tied into cute twintails, and was hanging down till her neck. However, unlike her cutesy looks, her figure was fiery hot. Her Bs, both on the top and bottom, were luscious and plump, enough to make a man have naughty daydreams upon getting a glance. Her attire further accentuates her bountiful assets; a sleeveless one piece with a slit on the chest, a short short and an off-shoulder cloak.

[A/N: Image here]

The young man was naturally the grown up David. As for the two women, they're Emilia Van Hyden and Judithe Amblecrown respectively. Both were the academy's top belles, and rightfully so.

"David, Emilia, Judithe, are you going to meet the Dean now?"

"Yup, that's why I called you. We can go together!"

"Really? But I don't want to be a third– no, fourth wheel though?"

"Pfft~ Please stop Joseph, look you're making Emilia blush."

At this time, the one in question, Emilia, finally spoke. Albeit, her tone was just as cold as her aura.

"You stop Judithe, also don't make up things, I don't blush."

"You sure? Your expression last night says otherwi–"

At this time, Judithe was stopped midway through her sentence as an icicle formed right in front of her chest. Not to be outdone, Judithe conjured a fireball of her own towards Emilia.

They're really as opposite as fire and ice, fortunately the mediator came forward and stopped the bickering from escalating.

"You two want to get spanked again tonight?"

"Oh yes, DADDY~"


Two different replies but nonetheless the two women stopped messing around.

David shook his head helplessly, as he said to Joseph.

"Sigh~ Look, they turned your harmless joke into something to bicker... again!"

"Hahaha, it's fun to watch though!"

"Yeah, fun for you."

"Alright, let's go to the Dean's office, Barid and Edwin had already gone."

"Ooh, what a *sad* life you got there bud, should've kept that thing in your pants... KEK~"


Footsteps and the slight rustling of people's clothes were the only thing that filled the empty corridor.

It was David who broke the ice as he turned to Joseph walking to his right, though the atmosphere was that of solemnity.

"Graduation's in the afternoon, are you going tomorrow or the day after that?"

"What do you mean by that?"

"Don't play dumb, what do you mean by 'what do you mean'? You know what I'm talking about."

"Also, don't think of going alone. We've already decided."

"Alright, I get it, but *what do you mean* by 'we,' you girls are coming too?"

Joseph directed to the two girls on David's left, to which they nodded.

"Even if you're not David's cousin and sworn brother, just the fact that we were able to cultivate in the Time Warping Array for much earlier and longer was because of you. It's only right that we pay our due."

"For once, Judithe is right. We shall use the strength we gained and provide fighting force in your endeavor."

"Hey, what do you mean by 'for once'?"

This time, Emilia didn't fire back nor did Judithe pursue the shots, since they knew that the situation was serious.

"So? You're still not going to bring us? Or do you not consider me your brother at all?"


Joseph pondered for a while, his eyes looking forward. Finally, after considering all things, he had decided.

He turned to David and said, "We'll go the day after tomorrow."

Hearing this, David smiled brightly. He looked at his dear girls and winked at them. Their operation was a success.

After the atmosphere eased, small talk started to bubble up within the group. It was mostly David and Judithe, and a little bit of Joseph. Emilia simply stayed silent as she does.

Joseph was not trying to shoulder the problem alone. If anything, he was the one who knows the strict importance of having comrades. He literally died because he was singled out. He just felt hesitant before since he'll be involving his relative and other people in his problems. They're not his underlings or 'comrades' per say. But as David had said, they were 'brothers.' Treating him like a stranger would just make the word as an empty label.

Not long after, the group arrived in front of the Dean's office. In front were Barid and Edwin waiting.

After all the 'recruits' had arrived, they entered the Dean's Office together.

The inside was simply decorated, it was the usual layout of a study. Bookshelves on both sides, a window at the back for ventilation, a desk and some chairs. The decorations were also very light, composed of only lamps for lighting, and one or two paintings.

Currently, Dean Brandis was busy with some documents for the graduation in the afternoon when he heard a knock on the door. When he lifted his head up, he saw that it was his chosen students. He beckoned to them to come inside and set aside the files for now.

Looking at his students lined up in front of him, he smiled.

"First things first, congratulations!"

"None have you betrayed the academy's expectations and did not waste resources. You all utilized the Time Warping Array well."

"Now, to brief you of the transfer process, the representative from the main branch would arrive here in about 3 months. Meaning you have the same amount of time to say goodbye to your families or do whatever you want."

"Bringing your family or someone is not prohibited but you have to bear the costs. The faction will only bear the recruits' expenses."

"Is everyone clear?"


All six students replied in unison.

"Good. That is all for now, you are dismissed! I still have to prepare things for the graduation ceremony. You can go home if you want, there's still 5 hours to spare before your big moment."