
Unexpected Love:From Grief to Romance

When Ethan's girlfriend tragically passes away, he finds solace in texting what he believes are her old messages, only to discover he's been communicating with her brother, Sage. Shocked by the revelation but intrigued by their unexpected connection, Ethan and Sage begin a tentative friendship that soon blossoms into something more (18+)

Kanishi · LGBT+
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4 Chs

doctors need to be attentive!!!

Again not a very good day for Ethan starting off being stuck in traffic jams for more than 30 minutes and then the air conditioner not working well in his cabin it was all a series of misfortune.

He'd been running on little sleep for days, and it was taking its toll. Around 3 pm sharp in scratching hot weather with his Air conditioner making growly sounds when an urgent surgery came up(sorry I'm not a doctor idk what to write here).obviously, He couldn't refuse.

As he stepped into the operating room, fatigue weighed heavily on his shoulders. Try as he might, he couldn't shake off the exhaustion. In the midst of the surgery, his tired mind faltered, and he made a mistake.

During the surgery, Ethan inadvertently nicked an important blood vessel while making an incision, causing unexpected bleeding and complicating the procedure. This mistake led to a disruption in the surgery's progress and required immediate intervention to address the issue and stabilize the patient.

The realization hit him hard – he'd let down his patient and his team. Guilt gnawed at him, but amidst the despair, he found support from his colleagues.

With their help, Ethan began to piece himself back together

after the surgery concluded successfully, Ethan's relief was palpable, but it was short-lived. As he emerged from the operating room, he was met with stern faces and disappointed expressions from his senior colleagues.

In a private meeting following the procedure, Ethan faced a barrage of criticism from his seniors. They expressed their deep concern over his lapse in judgment, emphasizing the gravity of the mistake and its potential consequences. Their words were not only a reprimand but also a reminder of the immense responsibility that came with being a surgeon.

Despite his efforts to explain the extenuating circumstances of his exhaustion, Ethan knew that his seniors were justified in their scolding. Their experience and wisdom carried weight, and their words served as a sobering wake-up call.

Though the reprimand stung, Ethan accepted it with humility and determination

getting back home Ethan was obviously not in a good mood so he decided to get drunk 

"Maybe it will help me to cry," Ethan said looking at the shining wine bottle he got as gift from a friend as he is not the guy who drinks it was the first time for him

He poured the content of the bottle into the glass "damn it's of piss color"

"Will I be okay if I drink it" 

without giving it more thought he chugged the whole glass in one go

the bitter taste of regret mingled with the sweet sting of alcohol, numbing the pain that gnawed at his soul.

In the dim glow of the lamp, memories of his lost love flooded Ethan's mind – the sound of her laughter, the warmth of her embrace. It had been 6 months since she had been taken from him in a cruel twist of fate, yet the wound still felt fresh, raw with grief and longing.

With a heavy heart, Ethan retraced the events of the day – the surgery that had gone awry, the scolding from his seniors. Each memory was a dagger to his already wounded spirit, a painful reminder of his own fallibility and the weight of his burdens.

And so, as the wine flowed freely and the tears began to fall, Ethan allowed himself to confront the depths of his despair. He cried for his lost love, for the mistakes he had made, for the uncertainty that loomed over his future like a shadow in the night.

In the dizziness of hangover, he didn't realize when he texted his girlfriend's number

"hey it's me...

I miss u so much, life just isn't the same without u here",

I wish you were here to hold me and tell me everything's going to be okay

I messed up today," he confessed, his guilt weighing heavy on his heart. "I made a mistake at work, and I can't stop thinking about it. I feel like such a failure."

"I don't know how to go on without you," he confessed, his words a whispered prayer into the void. "I need you now more than ever. Please, come back to me."

He didn't know when he fell asleep after sharing everything with his dead girlfriend ...

damn he's pathetic even I'm amazed

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