
Unending Enigma

A young man awakens from a long slumber He embarks on a journey to expand his horizons but every man has a place he calls home 15 years after a mysterious youth is left on a wealthy couples doorstep, Vincent steps forth into the world. Equipped with items and abilitys that the people of Earth can only imagine. Who will he meet along his journey? What are his powers exactly? Where did he come from? Find all this out aaannd morrree on the next episode of Drago- oh wait wrong thing. just go read it instead of this stupid synopsis

Greenback · Fantasía
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3 Chs

True Death

<p>Darkness surrounds me<br/>it feels like I forgot something important<br/>I remember I was playing a game <br/>or maybe writing something?<br/><br/>*system starting up*<br/><br/>hmm? Whats this now? A system?...<br/><br/>*system reboot complete*<br/>*system request a name from host*<br/><br/>I look around me at the darkness and how quickly this is all going. I think I'll go with... Vincent, I think I'll go with that.<br/><br/>*Vincent has been set as Master*<br/>*Random intelligence unit shall be summoned*<br/><br/>System what do you mean random intelligence unit? I ask in my head while trying to wriggle my body.<br/><br/>*Designation Alice has been summoned as your handler, treat her well master ;)*<br/><br/>Now the system is getting cheeky I think with a sigh. well nothing I can do about it. Before I can think of a good retort, I hear a soft feminine voice from my head.<br/><br/>*um hello*<br/>*I'm your handler apparently:p*<br/>*I'm Alice*<br/><br/>It's good to meet you i say with a smile in mind,<br/>why am I so calm I think to myself.<br/><br/>*I'm equipped to make your journey as comfy as possible*<br/><br/>well that's good to know. can you tell me where I am?<br/>*no*<br/>...<br/>can you tell me who I am or was?<br/>*no*<br/>... -_-<br/>alright do I have a menu or-<br/><br/>*Name: Vincent<br/>Strength: 0<br/>Dexterity: 0<br/>Constitution: 0<br/>Wisdom: 0<br/>Intelligence: 0<br/>Charisma: 0<br/>Luck: error<br/>lucky draw: Draw random items skills and stat points or maybe something even better ;)<br/>get 1 lucky draw everyday.<br/>×1 random low lv world shuttle/Plane travel<br/>×1 beginner bag <br/>×1 random top tier skill summon<br/>×1 random top tier support item summon*<br/><br/>*That's everything for now Vincent*<br/><br/>I take note of that she said for now and focus on the world shuttle, that's my way out of this place.<br/>I prepare to use the world shuttle when Alice stops me.<br/><br/>*WAIT!!*<br/><br/>I wince in pain <br/><br/>*sorry it's just I found a loophole in the contract that the system set up*<br/><br/>???<br/><br/>*yeah so listen up*<br/>*The draws you have summon from the world you are in*<br/>*you were suppose to use those items you have after you take the shuttle but I say use them here*<br/><br/>It only takes me a second to get where she's going with this. If I use them here then they will summon a top tier skill and item from this world? I say quickly<br/><br/>*Exactly*<br/><br/>But what is this world? Would it be worth using it here? I say with a imaginary frown<br/><br/>*I am restricted from saying*<br/><br/>... I'm gonna take that as a yes then. Alice can you use the top tier skill summon for me.<br/><br/>*right away Vincent* <br/>*ding* <br/>*Creation skill summoned*<br/>*Creation: Ability to create from the deepest of thoughts, or destroy with only a whim.<br/><br/>...<br/>well that seems good I say with a laugh, well if I could laugh I would be. Alice open the top tier item summon please.<br/><br/>*ding*<br/>*support item Small World summoned*<br/>*Small World: Holds a finite amount of space within.<br/>no limit to growth <br/>can be used to shield the user or empower them*<br/><br/>...<br/>I look around me and wonder if that's what I'm in right now. just floating in someone's world with no control of my own.<br/>With a shiver I shake that thought off.<br/>Alice should I use the beginner bag too?<br/><br/>*sorry Vincent but that has to wait til after you use the shuttle*<br/><br/>alright well no time like the present<br/>I don't ask Alice this time I just think about using the shuttle<br/><br/>*ding*<br/>*random world has been selected*<br/>*designation Earth*<br/>*hold on tight*<br/><br/>A bright white light hits me as my last thought is how familiar that name sounds.</p>