
Under The Stars {Alice}

They both saw the end before it even began. Willow - a self centred and purposeful girl - meets Marcus - outgoing boy and the king of partying - at the library. They instantly felt something like a spark between each other, but after a while they realise that the spark they have cannot be turned into a light. Not only the age, but also their life goals are really different. Willow has to make a decision - career or her soulmate. At the end, something happened and it made her decision easier.

teenwriter212 · Adolescente
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9 Chs

October 10th, afternoon

''Girl, what was that? Everybody's speaking about you!'' Lily punched me lightly on my shoulder.

''It's nothing.'' I answer, as I keep looking at the screen of my laptop. I'm doing my second project already. But then Lily's words reach my ears. Everybody's speaking about you. I don't want to be spoken about, unless it's for school reasons.

''Yeah, yeah. And I'm Lana Del Rey. Come on, tell me!'' Lily begs.

''There's not much to tell.'' I say. But I tell her everything from the moment I left my house 'til the very moment Marcus dropped me off at school.

''That's a bit sketchy.'' Lily says. ''How was he exactly at the same place as you were and at the same time? Maybe he's in love creepy stalker?''

In love???

''What do you mean in love?'' I finally look away from my laptop and make an eye contact with my best friend.

''Well, don't you see? He literally waited for you to leave your house and drove you to school for thirty minutes! THIRTY MINUTES! Even his first period was off!'' Lily adds, after she sees my facial expression: ''Alright, I'm overreacting. Maybe he's not exactly in love, but he definitely has feelings for you!''

''And what am I supposed to do about that?" I sigh.

''Not the attitude I was expecting to get. But I forgot I was talking to you, Willow Jones, the girl whose mind is doing nothing but growing of the huge amount of information that it has to process and consume through out the day.''

''Technically, my mind can't grow. Maybe brain can, but I have to look it up.'' I turn back to my computer.

Lily sighs. ''Gosh, Wills. You're impossible!''

''And why's that?"

My heart stopped beating. I stopped breathing. It took me by surprise that my lunch was threatening to make a reappearance. Luckily, Lily broke the awkward silence.

''Hey, you. Didn't see you there.'' Lily looks up to him. ''Me and Willow were just talking about the fact that she doesn't like anything besides school and homework and libraries and studying.'' She looked me straight in the eyes as she said that. I shook my head, giving her a hint, that I'll murder her in the middle of the library if one more word leaves her mouth.

''I think that's attractive.'' He says as leaves our table and walks to his group of friends desk.

''Dang, Wills.'' Lily says as she blows out a big breath.

''What? He does that a lot, remember? I told you about this morning.''

''No,'' Lily laughs. It's more of a fake laugh than a real laugh. ''It's not. It's completely different.''

I didn't have to ask how she knows it. If there's one thing I can 100% trust Lily, its about boys. She reads them like an open books and she always finds out random stuff about them, like what they had for breakfast. And this time I didn't want to believe her. How big is a chance, that a hot guy could possibly have feelings for me? I don't go to parties. I don't socialize much with anybody, except Lily.

Anyway, it didn't matter that much.

''Lily, I don't care, okay? I've got different priorities in life. Even if he has something for me, which is most likely a lie, it doesn't matter. I don't feel anything for him.'' A lie.

''Well, you know, Wills, you can trick your brain into thinking that Marcus doesn't have an influence at you, but not your body. And I feel it every time as your heart skips a beat when he's around.'' Lily stands up and walks away, leaving me to rethink everything, that just happened.

I looked back to my computer. The bell rang and the library emptied itself. I had a period off, so I decided to use it properly and get my second project done, but now I can't focus on anything. I closed the laptop and packed my stuff, afterwards left to the restroom.

One thing I didn't like about my school is that we didn't have separate toilets for girls and boys. But I assumed that it had to be empty, because the class had already started.

I walked in and turned around the corner to go to a cabin, but somebody was standing there with their back at me, that I almost squealed, because I didn't expect anybody here. I smelled smoke. Seriously?

''You shouldn't be smoking in school.'' I said.

That somebody turned around and I, once again, couldn't stand still.

''Oh, really? And who are you to say that?'' He said, a teasing smile spreading across his face.

''A student. You should be in your class, anyway.''

''How do you know I have a class right now?'' He got closer to me.

''Assumed. As far as I know, only 10th graders have a middle day period off, and you're not grade 10.'' I said. My heart was beating like crazy.

''Fair enough.'' He dropped the cigarette and looked in my eyes. I felt his gorgeous, brown eyes meet mine, and they looked into mine, deeply, almost like searching for something.

''Are you finished here?'' Woah. I don't know where the braveness came from. He didn't say anything. Except, he looked me in one eye, then to my lips, and walked out of the bathroom.

I led out a heavy sigh. Why did that made me so nervous? I've talked to guys before - in projects, group work...maybe not that type of talked. But yet, I really don't have feelings for him...do I?