
Under The Stars {Alice}

They both saw the end before it even began. Willow - a self centred and purposeful girl - meets Marcus - outgoing boy and the king of partying - at the library. They instantly felt something like a spark between each other, but after a while they realise that the spark they have cannot be turned into a light. Not only the age, but also their life goals are really different. Willow has to make a decision - career or her soulmate. At the end, something happened and it made her decision easier.

teenwriter212 · Teen
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9 Chs

October 10th

I open my blinds, and to my surprise, the weather isn't very well. Honestly, it's terrible. The wind is so strong I notice how the branches of the trees are getting close to breaking. The rain is pouring so hard that it makes a loud noise on windowsill as raindrops land on it. I pull myself out of the bed and start to get ready for school.

I slide my comb through my brown hair. I finish getting ready and take all of my stuff. I walk downstairs and find a note from my mother.

Good morning, Wills.

I'm off early today to work, so you have to get to the school by yourself. Have a nice day!


Oh, isn't this perfect. Best day to walk myself to school is when there's a storm outside. I quickly grab an apple and a croissant for breakfast, because I've to start walking. My class starts at 8:20, and it's 7:40.

I put on my coat, boots and gloves. I make sure to take his essay. I open my doors but it immediately gets closed, because of the wind's pressure. I push the door open and then lock it from outside.

I'm nearly at my bus stop, when his essay slips out of my hands and flies away.

''No!'' I yell out, as I begin to run after it.

The essay falls on the ground several steps away from me. I run towards to grab it, but the wind again blows and it flies away.

''Seriously?" I try to catch it, but don't succeed. It flies somewhere inside of the bushes. It's ruined. And now I'm late for the bus. I see a car driving down the road, so I move out of the way. It starts to go slower and pulls next to me. Passengers seat's window rolls down and I see a face I didn't except to hear.

''Willow?'' I hear a voice. Ain't no way. If this isn't fate, then I can't explain what just happened. ''You need a ride?''

''No, I'll walk.'' I say.

''You sure?'' He asks me. I nod. ''Alright.'' He drives away, but slowly, like expecting me to change my mind.

Now I start to really feel cold. Maybe I should take the ride? I quickly glance at my watch and it's nearly 8. I will be late to school, if I don't take this ride. I sigh. I don't want this. I really don't. But sometimes your life just decides to sprinkle a little bit of fun to your boring routine.

''Hey! Stop!'' He starts to drive in reverse until I'm next to the passenger's seat.I wonder how he heard me. I get into the car and put the seat belt on. We start driving until I hear a ding, that's referring to his seat belt not being on. I feel uncomfortable.

''Could you, um...put your seat belt on?'' I ask. He smirks. But he doesn't put the seat belt on. ''Please?" I ask. Still doesn't. ''The sound is really annoying.'' He finally puts it on.

The next several minutes are driven in a complete silence. I look out of the window. The rain is really pouring right now and I quietly thank myself, that I decided to take the ride, otherwise my clothes would be wet inside out.

''What classes do you have today?'' He asks it in a 'I'm your big brother' kinda way.

''Why do you need to know?" I ask. Again, in a shaky voice.

''So I know what time I have to drive you back home.''

Oh, God, help me! I think my stomach just turned around and my heart is going to explode. I don't answer. I can't even answer!

''What?'' I finally say.

''What?'' He says, smirking. He looks at me, just as an old lady's going to pass the road. My heart nearly dropped, again, because he almost ran that poor lady over.

''Eyes on the road, please...'' I say, quietly. He smirks even more.

''I like it when you command me.'' He turns back to the road.

WHAT. In literal capital letters. Shit. I think I'm dreaming. I feel so warm, so hot, so cold. So...wait. What is he doing?

''You know that I'm on grade 10th.'' I say.

''So?" He asks.

''Why are you flirting with me?'' Did I just really say that?

''I'm not, Willow. I'm just trying to be a nice person.''

Oh, God, oh no no no. I want to kill myself right now. Why did I- I shouldn't have asked that. Why did I even bother to speak? He must see my embarrassment when he asks me about his essay. Now I want to kill myself even more.

''I lost it.'' I say, squeezing my palms into my face. For some reason, I expect him to be mad and say something, but he doesn't. I look up to him to see that he's trying to hold in his laughter.

''Stop!'' I slightly hit him on his shoulder. He bursts into laughter. He has cute laugh.

''It's fine, Willow. Really. I have it due next Friday. So we're cool.'' We're cool?

We pull up into school's parking lot. I get out of his car and we both walk towards school.

''So, about your classes?" He asks.

''Why do you need to drive me? I have other ways to get to home.'' I put my hands in my pockets.

''I just want to.'' He says.

''Maybe next time.'' I say, when we reach the front door.

''Alright.'' He says and walks away from school. To his car.

''Why are you going away?" I yell.

''My first period's off!'' He shouts right before he gets into his car.

What? I don't understand. Did he just drive me all the way to school, even though his first period is off? How did he even meet me at the road? I'm so lost right now.