

Cover page by Lexica: (Net) LAWS ARE MADE AND BROKEN. Wanting to save her dying father and pregnant mother, she makes an irrational decision that could either make her or lead her to her doom but unknown to Autumn his promise to her was that he would bring Heaven to its knees just for her. UHW-UNDER HIS WINGS>>>>

Emilia_Frost_1480 · Fantasía
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34 Chs

Chapter Eight

Sensing the frozen girl behind him who was almost turning into a statue, George tapped her hand that hovered above his head and she jumped, making him smile. She looked like a scared rabbit with the way her gaze looked confused; as if remembering something, she shook and nodded her head at the same time but continued what she was doing quietly.


"And what could a king who has only sat on the throne for a year want by passing direct orders to Nobles?". Marlon winced, seeming to have problems not only with George but the king also.

George ignored him.

"As you all know, there's going to be a royal ball". George paused and let his word sink in. Seeing them nod, he opened his mouth to continue but was cut off and he frowned.

"Is this the reason for the so called 'Emergency Meeting'?". When George didn't comment nor reply, he continued. "waste. of. time." He spelled every word out loud, wanting to spite and anger George but he got angered instead.

"Mar-". Lady Genesis tried to intervene but he shut her up.

"Shut up you coward". He glared at her and she flinched, his eyes red from frustration as he turned his gaze back to George who still had that annoying and mocking smile dancing on his lips.

"The royal ball like you all know". George smiled brightly and continued. "Would not be the same".

"We all know it's not going to be the same since a new king has taken over". Hugh who had been quiet responded, seemingly wanting to leave the room and get laid.

They all kept quiet when George didn't respond but lay back to enjoy the service that the hideous creature standing behind him rendered.

"Are you all done?". George asked when the room fell silent as he flicked his temple, causing Lady Genesis to let out a groan which she quickly covered up with a cough.

He wasn't even doing anything but just looking at his long fingers made her think dirty.

George smiled and his gaze lingered on Lady Genesis's face like he had heard what she said which he did. Noticing George's gaze, Lady Genesis looked away while a certain someone seemed to bore holes into George's head from behind.

"This time, commoners and Nobles would be attending that ball". There was silence, the pick of the fresh air could be heard if it was leaned closely to. They all froze, their mind reeling and going into overdrive like their brains were connected which made George smile as he fed on their thoughts. The fear and dread reeking and rolling off them excited him and as if a tide broke loose, they all slammed or pounded a fist on the table; shock and horror etched on each one of their faces but the most funny of all was Lady Genesis's face. She was gawking and trying to catch her lost breath that was knocked out of her by the absurd and sudden announcement. George had to admit, feeding on humans thoughts was exhilarating. Just knowing what they were about to do before it's done and say before it comes out of their mouth was uplifting.

"This is impossible". Marlon practically knocked down the chair he was sitting on, his back hunched and both palms flat on the burgundy table.

"Atrocity". Corey whispered, too shocked to form a complete sentence while the rest mumbled incoherent replies.

"The royal messenger has sent out the king's order so as to prepare commoners for the ball and not only that". George drawled, loving the expression on their faces. "He specifically hand picked two hundred shops that would prepare the clothes that commoners would wear to that ball". Autumn too was beyond shocked, she was perplexed because the previous king had a disgusting fetish for only Nobles attending the ball. Not even guards with the lowest rank could be in the same building with Nobles during the ball. It was unheard of, not even in the dynasty of previous and forgotten kings.

Lady Genesis looked like she would pass out any moment and seeing that, Marlon had to snap her out of whatever shock she had fallen into by caressing her shoulder and squeezing down hard until he got a whimper and was sure she was conscious again.

UHW- Under His Wings is a slow romance novel.

Lol.. who else found Marlon's frustrated part funny? It was so hilarious especially when the image played in my head.

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