
Ultimate Principal System !!!

Starting from a culinary arts program, Star Academy has produced world-class talents one after another! Many years later, the still youthful Principal Ye Chen looks back. His students are already spread all over the world! All the top talents in every field worldwide are his students... And Star Academy itself has become the most incredible giant conglomerate in the world!

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24 Chs

We can only rely on soft power!

As the principal of New Star Arts College, Chase could fully enjoy the benefits of the "Godly Chef Talent" boost.

Opening the window, Chase could smell a faint floral fragrance, something he hadn't noticed in the past few days.

During lunchtime, since the cafeteria wasn't operational yet, the culinary instructors took turns cooking. The teachers didn't mind, as it provided an opportunity for chefs from different cuisines to exchange ideas.

Chase, as the principal, didn't hold back and brought James along to enjoy the meals. Previously, Chase just found the food delicious. But today was different. As he tasted the dishes, he could discern layers of flavors and vaguely identify some of the seasonings used. Although not entirely accurate, this was understandable since Chase hadn't undergone professional culinary training. Even those with talent need proper training.

Professionally trained chefs can often deduce the ingredients in a dish just by tasting it and, if highly skilled, might even recreate it. Previously, Chase only wanted to eat the dishes, but now he was curious about how they were made. He even carefully observed the chefs while they cooked, secretly taking notes.

The benefits were immense. This change was clearly due to the +10 interest and +1 understanding ability in culinary arts. Chase even considered learning to cook but decided against it. He had too many tasks ahead and little time to learn culinary arts.

Moreover, as the principal, the knowledge and skills learned by the students would also be synchronized to him. There was no need to spend time learning personally. Instead, he should focus on encouraging students to work hard. As long as they studied diligently, their employment prospects would be bright, leading to higher employment rate rewards after the first batch of students graduated.

Chase needed to prepare for the students' future employment prospects in advance...

With the college entrance exam results and student applications just around the corner, Chase had much to do. Although the system had solved various qualifications and paperwork issues, allowing the college to enroll students this year, other tasks still needed attention.

For instance, the college website. The website serves as the school's business card and is the main way for students to learn about the school. Naturally, it had to be top-notch. In today's era, a website alone wasn't enough; a WeChat public account and a Douyin account were also necessary.

The website needed to be outsourced since Chase wasn't a computer science major. However, he could handle the WeChat and Douyin accounts himself, posting videos of the state-of-the-art training rooms, cooking demonstrations by the master chefs, and introducing the college's student-friendly policies and top-tier internet speeds.

Effective promotion was essential. If it could attract even one more student, it was worth it. 

Additionally, Chase considered whether to rename the school. The system allowed one name change, handling all the paperwork. After much deliberation, Chase decided to rename the school to distance it from its negative past. He changed the name from New Star Arts College to Star Arts College, symbolizing a new beginning.

With the new name confirmed, the system interface updated accordingly:

"Ultimate Principal System!"

"This system is dedicated to helping the host become the most outstanding principal in the universe."

"Host: Chase!"

"Age: 23!"

"Institution: Star Arts College!"

"Programs: Culinary Arts!"

"Student Count: 0!"

"Institution Special Boost: Godly Chef Talent!"

Satisfied with the system update, Chase knew the system would handle the paperwork, but he had to change the name on the school gate himself. He quickly resumed his busy schedule...

In the following days, Chase either filmed videos of the master chefs cooking and the excellent facilities of the culinary arts building or secluded himself in his office to write promotional content. It was unusual for a principal, even of a college, to handle such tasks personally, but Chase had little choice as he was running out of money, with only about $50,000 left, barely enough to last a few months.

Thus, he needed to save wherever possible. He hired a college student from Xianyu to create a simple website for $1,000. Although basic, it met his needs. Once the template was ready, Chase filled in the details himself, uploading photos of the training rooms and classrooms, and showcasing the thoughtfully designed dormitory facilities. 

He then wrote a unique introduction for the college:

"Star Arts College is a private, full-time vocational college!"

"Our college upholds a student-first philosophy..."

"At our college, students will never be forced to eat in the cafeteria..."

"Students have the freedom to choose their meals..."

"If students have complaints about the cafeteria, they can directly report to the principal's mailbox or post online to prompt social attention..."

"If spoiled food or foreign objects are found in cafeteria meals, please report immediately. The college will compensate tenfold according to food safety laws..."

"Students are not forced to use the campus network..."

"After negotiations between the principal and the three major operators in Tianhai City, students can choose any operator's broadband service at prices much lower than the market rate..."

"Each student's desk is equipped with sufficient outlets and gigabit network ports to meet the needs of the information age..."

"Dormitories have 24-hour electricity, but please maintain quiet after 10 PM..."

"Students with repeated complaints about noise will be forcibly relocated..."

"Students can also request dorm changes after mutual agreement, with approval and implementation within one day..."

"Feel free to apply for dorm changes to ensure harmonious living with like-minded roommates..."

"The campus supermarket guarantees market prices..."

"A Cainiao station will be established to meet students' online shopping needs..."

"Finally, our military training lasts seven days..."

"But our military training..."

Chase carefully crafted a unique introduction for Star Arts College, setting it apart from other institutions.


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