
Ultimate Principal System !!!

Starting from a culinary arts program, Star Academy has produced world-class talents one after another! Many years later, the still youthful Principal Ye Chen looks back. His students are already spread all over the world! All the top talents in every field worldwide are his students... And Star Academy itself has become the most incredible giant conglomerate in the world!

OasisTL · Book&Literature
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24 Chs

There are thirty-five more masters like this!

"Chef Xavier!"

"Resume: Head Chef of the Imperial Hotel, Head Chef of Huaiyang Cuisine at the Culinary Games, Master of National Banquets…"

"Awards: Special Contribution Award at the Asian Chinese Chef Summit, May Day Model Worker Award…"

Looking at the kindly old man in front of him, then glancing at his resume, Chase couldn't help but feel his hand tremble a little…

The Imperial Hotel?

This is the most famous state-run hotel in the country.

All kinds of high-ranking leaders dine there.

To become the head chef there, what kind of skill level must that take?

And not to mention, he was the head chef of Huaiyang cuisine at the Culinary Games.

And a master of national banquets.

In the culinary world of the country, this man is absolutely a legendary figure.

No need to even think about his high status.

Any major hotel would be willing to throw money and shares at him to get him to join, even if just to put his name on their roster.

And yet, such a legendary figure.

Actually came to apply for a job at New Star Arts College…

To be honest, without the system, this would be something impossible in a lifetime.

The fact that he had high qualifications was one thing, but he was also extremely polite and even brought his own ingredients.

After all, he was a chef.

Past experiences could only serve as evidence.

Culinary skills are the real proof.

Chase wasn't someone who hadn't eaten good food.

But food personally made by such a master, Chase had truly never tasted before.

So he had James lock the main door and they went together to the culinary building.

When a master shows his skills, it's immediately evident.

Just watching him handle the ingredients, you could feel the professionalism.

And when dish after dish that looked like works of art were finished and plated.

The entire training room was filled with the enticing aroma of food.

Smelling the fragrance, Chase felt himself salivating uncontrollably.

Braised shredded chicken, fried eel paste, stewed fish head, braised saddle bridge, crab roe shark fin!

Color, aroma, and taste all in one.

With just one bite, Chase felt every pore on his body open up.

Is there really such delicious food in the world?

It was simply unbelievable.

And James was even more beside himself.

The look he gave the master was like he was looking at a god…

Half an hour later, Chase had eaten the fullest meal of his life, and didn't want to move a muscle.

And James was much the same.

In life, what more is there than eating, drinking, and having fun?

After that meal, James felt his life was complete.

That's how astonishing the taste was.

A few days ago, James had been worried, watching Chase's various big moves, afraid that Chase would end up losing everything.

But now, looking at this chef who was about to become the culinary teacher at the school.

James was half relieved.

With a teacher of such skill, the students taught by him couldn't be bad, right?

The school had just opened, yet it could attract such a master to apply.

Chase's luck was really something else.

James was genuinely happy for Chase's good fortune.

But in the following days, James couldn't stay calm…

Because there were another thirty-five masters like Chef Xavier!

"Simon: Master of Huaiyang cuisine, former executive chef of the Bianyifang Group, top chef at the '97 Asia-Pacific Cooking Competition, Master of National Banquets…"

"Wilson: Master of Shandong cuisine…"

"Hudson: Master of Hunan cuisine…"

"William: Master of Sichuan cuisine…"


Every chef who arrived brought out their signature dishes to prove themselves.

Following along to taste the food, James sampled the full range of the eight major Chinese cuisines.

James was in pain but also in bliss.

The bliss naturally came from tasting rare and delicious food.

The pain came from the fact that his once-proud appetite couldn't keep up…

Having delicious food in front of him but being unable to eat another bite was truly painful.

And in the last few days, James was even more astonished.

Because there were even foreign chefs coming to apply.





Tasting the exotic dishes made by these foreign chefs.

James was almost questioning his life…

What was going on?

Why were so many chefs who could cook such delicious food applying to their school?

Didn't these great chefs have jobs outside?

Had the culinary world become this competitive?

James was questioning life amid the extreme enjoyment brought by the food.

And Chase was overjoyed.

This teaching team was absolutely top-tier.

If they could make a name for themselves, they could definitely create a sensation on the internet.

The school could directly become a holy land for learning culinary arts.

By then, the issue of student recruitment could be easily solved.

But unfortunately.

The talents provided by the system were all from parallel worlds.

Chase couldn't find any information about these people on the internet.

But their identification documents were all complete.

Various IDs were in place, and for the twelve foreign chefs, there were even work visas and entry records…

The hope of promoting based on this was dashed, leaving Chase a bit disappointed.

But it was understandable.

After all, in the system store, there were many other incredible specialties.

Like interstellar immigration, interstellar weapons, and even cultivation, magic…

You wouldn't find that many talents on Earth.

So, the fact that the teachers came from other worlds made sense.

As long as the paperwork was fine…

After handling the onboarding for the last Italian chef.

Chase exhaled a long breath.

All thirty-six teachers had officially joined now.

Each cuisine had three teachers, enough to easily meet the teaching needs.

And these masters only asked for a monthly salary of one thousand dollars.

To be honest, given their skill levels.

Asking for such a salary was almost like working for Chase for free.

But Chase still felt a bit of pain.

Because this meant an additional annual payroll cost of nearly four hundred and fifty thousand dollars.

He didn't know how many students the school could attract.

If they only managed to enroll two to three hundred students.

The annual tuition fees might just cover the salaries of these masters.

The path to repaying his loan was becoming increasingly difficult…

But as Chase was contemplating this.

A system notification sounded in his mind: "All culinary professional teaching staff have been hired…"

"Culinary program officially activated!"

"Culinary program comes with a special bonus: Godly Chef Talent activated…"

"Employment rate reward template activated!"

Hearing this, Chase's eyes lit up.

The special bonus was finally activated!

What did this special bonus do?

Chase immediately opened the system interface to check.

"Godly Chef Talent: +10 to interest in culinary arts, +10 to culinary comprehension, +10 to olfactory sensitivity, +10 to taste sensitivity!"

"The Godly Chef Talent bonus only applies to culinary students and the principal!"

"Once students officially graduate, they can enjoy the bonus permanently. If they drop out halfway, the bonus attributes will gradually disappear…"

Looking at the description of the Godly Chef Talent, Chase's eyes shone.

This special bonus actually added attributes?

Just the first point alone was incredible, +10 to interest in culinary arts!

You know, interest is the best teacher.

New Star Arts College was a junior college, so there would definitely be some students who had no interest in culinary arts and just wanted a place to idle away.

If they developed an interest in culinary arts, they would naturally study seriously.

And +10 to culinary comprehension was also extraordinary.

After all, in learning any skill, you must first understand it before you can master it.

Otherwise, you'd only be mechanically copying, destined for no great future.

With this bonus, students' culinary paths would surely be smooth.

And the +10 to olfactory and taste sensitivity was even more important for chefs.

The threshold for becoming a chef isn't high; anyone can be one.

But to become an excellent chef, you need talent.

And olfactory and taste sensitivity are the most important talents for a chef.

Now, the students at New Star Arts College would each get a +10 talent boost in these two areas.

Far surpassing ordinary people, allowing them to go further in the culinary arts.

With a group of top masters as teachers.

To be honest, Chase couldn't even imagine how many students would become top chefs, or national banquet masters in the future…

This Godly Chef Talent bonus was really powerful…

But while activating the culinary program bonus.

It seemed another feature, the employment rate template, was also activated. What was that?

Chase immediately checked it out.

"The principal will receive a reward for each new program's first graduating class!"

"The system will calculate the employment rate three months after graduation…"

"The higher the employment rate, the better the reward for the principal."

"The system's employment rate calculation doesn't count a student as employed just because they have a job!"

"It depends on whether the student is satisfied with their job."

"If a student is dissatisfied with their job, it doesn't count as employment!"

"Only the first graduating class of each program will have their employment rate calculated and rewards given…"

Looking at this employment rate template.

Chase was delighted…

As the principal, he could get professional bonuses and acquire the knowledge students learned.

And now, when students graduated, he could get a reward.

It was simply too good…


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