
Chapter 1 Tony Stark

The Traveler thought he was dreaming. His head was spinning. He had only seen the light of a car that veered onto the sidewalk where he was walking, and suddenly, nothing. But now it seemed to be night, and everything was spinning, as if he were drunk.

He didn't know if he was conscious or not because he was having a strange dream, but it was so real... The Traveler lost consciousness once again.

At dawn, the Traveler adjusted his tie in front of a mirror and then left the room, where two very slender models slept in a large bed. He hadn't been dreaming; Truck Kun had sent him to the world of the Avengers, and now he was Tony Stark.

The Traveler already knew this wasn't a dream because he was fully aware and had all of Stark's genius and memories. Combined with what he knew about the future and ten minutes of time, he had outlined a plan to achieve immortality.

This was something that could be accomplished in this world because he wasn't Tony Stark and didn't think like him. He didn't want to get drunk with some women and then die. Death didn't appeal to him at all, and the models Tony had slept with didn't even seem attractive to him...

The phone rang, and Tony hurried to answer because he didn't want to face the women he had spent the night with.

"Tony, you're late for your Jericho missile presentation," informed Obadiah Stane, who planned to kill him after this presentation, which would take him to Afghanistan, where terrorists awaited to ambush him.

"Obadiah, you'll handle the presentation. I have some ideas I want to set in motion," Tony ordered casually. There was no way he was going to a meeting with terrorists.

"Tony, our contracts depend on this..."

"Obadiah, you're my second in command. If you can't handle a simple presentation, send me your resignation. I'll expect it tomorrow," Tony interrupted and ended the call.

Tony didn't receive more calls from Obadiah Stane. His order must have infuriated him, but it also must have made it clear that he was upset about something. Tony called his assistant, Pepper Potts, and she prepared everything for his return from Las Vegas, where Tony Stark had been receiving an award for some nonsense he didn't care about at all. Tony had sent Obadiah in his place.

Tony decided to return to his mansion in Malibu, summoning his personal assistant, in whom he could trust at least in legal matters thanks to his memories.

The flight on his private jet was short, and upon arrival, Happy, his driver and personal bodyguard, drove to his mansion.

On the way, Tony called his lawyers and requested a series of legal documents to be ready upon reaching his mansion and finalized the last details of his plan in his mind.

Upon arrival, Pepper was already waiting for him in one of the rooms of his mansion with the documents Tony had commissioned from his lawyers in hand.

"Mr. Stark," Pepper greeted with a formal tone, handing him the documents. From her attitude, it seemed she hadn't reviewed them.

Tony nodded and took a quick look at the documents to confirm they were what he had asked for.

Tony indicated to Pepper to sit down while he settled into a chair in front of her. Happy stood by his side.

"Pepper, Obadiah has been selling my weapons to terrorist groups, and today he intended to get rid of me, sending me to Afghanistan with some of those groups to have me killed," Tony explained.

Both Pepper and Happy seemed to wonder if it was a joke, but Tony passed the papers to Pepper.

"Pepper, these documents are, first of all, a contract for you to take on the role of CEO at Stark Industries. The position takes up too much of my time, and I have many things in mind to do. Secondly, it appoints you as my heir in case, by some miracle, Obadiah's careless plans manage to end my life." Tony also handed some papers to Happy. "Happy, you'll be the second heir in case something unexpected happens, so sign these documents," concluded Tony, waiting for both to digest this information.

A couple of minutes later, they both understood he wasn't joking.

"Tony, you must inform the police!" Pepper exclaimed alarmed, and Happy nodded.

"I don't have evidence because I can't reveal how I obtained that information," Tony explained honestly as he stood up to pour himself a drink, recognizing a whiskey he had always wanted to try but was too expensive for his modest salary.

"Pepper, look for an intelligence agency called the Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division. Tell them I want to speak with Agent Coulson or Nick Fury. Also, look for Aldrich Killian and his company, but I don't want to talk to him; I want to talk to his investors. Find out who they are and how I can contact them," explained Tony to Pepper, who hurried to take notes. Tony looked at Happy.

"Happy, from now on, you'll be Pepper's bodyguard. But before you leave your position, I want you to get me references from retired soldiers or someone who can connect me with them.

"I don't want private security agencies formed by ex-soldiers, but rather soldiers already retired from action due to age or physical incapacity," Tony explained. Happy looked at him without fully understanding, but he nodded.

"Now I must go to my lab. I have some ideas to put into practice. The lawyers will take care of the rest," said Tony, not explaining his new job to Pepper, as she used to handle all that work for him. He knew less about being a CEO than she did…

"Pepper, the old shareholders will be upset about this. Call a meeting in an hour. I'll take care of putting them in their place for you," said Tony, remembering that the old shareholders of his company had allied with Obadiah to sabotage him.

Tony didn't want to waste time and planned to make it clear from the beginning who was in control. Pepper nodded; she seemed somewhat relieved because she had realized before him the problems that his plan would generate.

Tony headed to his laboratory, where Jarvis welcomed him. The first thing he did was revoke Obadiah's access to his mansion.

After doing so, Tony waited a few seconds, looking around.

After a minute passed without anything happening, Tony nodded since no TVA team led by Kang the Conqueror had arrived. In this timeline, it still had to exist and would erase anyone who altered its timeline.

Tony knew about them and also knew that unless he adhered to the original story, he would be on their radar. But he couldn't do that because he didn't know Tony Stark's life, only the movies. Therefore, it made no sense to try to follow the timeline just to hide since it was clear he would fail in that. He could only go all out from the beginning and see what happened.

Now, there was no way what he had done in this place would fit the canon. If the TVA wasn't chasing him, it was because, in this timeline, it either didn't exist or had reached a timeline that formed after Kang's death and resembled the original.

Whatever it was, it made no sense to worry about it, as he had no power to confront them, and he couldn't follow the canon either. Therefore, no matter what happens, he couldn't do anything about it, and he wasn't going to let slip through his fingers the most brilliant mind in this universe and all the information on how to become an immortal god in this world, especially when he had already died once and didn't want to do it again.

Tony shrugged and started working on the Arc reactor. He didn't plan to use it too much, but he had more plans for it. He also ordered to bring the model of the futuristic city that was abandoned in Stark Industries, as the element discovered by Howard Stark would be more efficient than palladium for the Arc reactor.

While Tony comfortably worked designing the Arc reactor on his computer, he received a call from Pepper, as the board was ready.

"Tony, this decision is unacceptable. If you're going to resign as CEO, you should appoint Obadiah Stane; he has more experience…" At least ten elders spoke at the same time on the screen as he continued working, hoping they would quiet down, which happened ten minutes later when they realized Tony was simply ignoring them.

"Elders, Obadiah Stane is currently under investigation for arms trafficking, financing terrorist groups in the Middle East, selling U.S. Army weapons to terrorists, and an attempted assassination against me. Now, those who support his candidacy as CEO, please raise your hand, understanding, of course, that you will be charged with complicity once the investigation is over and Obadiah is behind bars," said Tony. The elders fell into complete silence.

"That's what I thought. Now trust Pepper. Before, she was the one doing all my work. The only thing I'm good at in this company is inventing things to make money, and that's what I'll do from now on. However, remember that if I decide to sell everything and leave, I'll still be the richest man in the world, and you'll only get poorer.

"So the next time I decide to call a meeting, I hope you remember your manners and allow me to explain the situation before making me waste time on useless discussions," Tony warned and waited a few seconds to see if any of them said anything more, but it seemed clear that there would be no friendship between him and them in the future, only a common working relationship between a person who held all the power in his hands and those who picked up the crumbs around him.

"Pepper, let me know as soon as you achieve something with what I asked you earlier," said Tony, and Pepper nodded.

Tony went to get his hamburger and cola lunch, then returned to work, but he received another call when he was opening his work file.

Tony closed everything because he was sure this time it wasn't a call from the company, and these people would be interested in everything he saw there.

Tony answered the call, and on his screen appeared a bald black man with an eyepatch.

"Nick Fury," said Tony with a smile; it seemed that this guy took his call seriously. Nick Fury frowned, wondering how he knew him. "No, I won't tell you how I got information from S.H.I.E.L.D.," he added.

"And what do you want?" asked Nick Fury. "Help with your second in command?" he asked.

Tony smiled because he knew Nick Fury knew nothing about Obadiah; he only knew that someone in Stark Industries was selling weapons, and by deduction, he assumed it was Obadiah.

"Ten years ago, there was a bombing in Sokovia where Stark Industries weapons were used. I want the person responsible for their sale to end up behind bars.

"If your organization does that for me, Captain America will no longer be considered a super-soldier compared to what I'll offer. But these things can't be discussed like this; I'll be waiting for you at my mansion once you fulfill your part of the deal," said Tony. Nick Fury thought for a few seconds and then nodded.

"We'll see each other soon," he said confidently before ending the conversation.

Getting rid of Obadiah was that easy. It didn't require complicated plans since he had S.H.I.E.L.D. and even Hydra, who would undoubtedly be extremely interested in what he could offer.

Later, Tony would have to deal with eliminating Hydra, as he couldn't deal with S.H.I.E.L.D. without first dealing with Hydra, or at least with its branch in the United States. This organization was very difficult to eradicate, and he would have to use drastic measures to eliminate it completely. For now, he could use them as one of his key allied forces.

Tony received a call from Pepper and immediately put her on screen.

"Tony, you haven't slept!" exclaimed Pepper.

Tony looked stunned, as he remembered that this scene repeated a lot in the movies. He checked the date and time on his screen. It had already been a day, and it was mid-morning the next day.

"Tony, have you had dinner?" Pepper asked.

"I'll need to schedule some alarms," Tony said sincerely.

"Sir, alarms have been sounding for a couple of hours," Jarvis informed. Tony blinked. His brain must have already gotten used to ignoring alarms.

"I'll need to schedule better alarms; I don't want to die at work; that would be quite sad," Tony said, and Pepper smiled.

"Tony, I've got information on Aldrich Killian. He is the director of Advanced Idea Mechanics, A.I.M. This is a scientific research and development agency partly funded by government grants," Pepper reported, and Tony smiled.

"It seems it will be easier than I thought," Tony said as he received the names of the politicians in charge.

"Are you planning to take over his company?" Pepper asked. "Their research is secretive, but they don't seem to have any hope of completing it. Considering the small amount of money the government invests in it, I don't think it's very important," Pepper cautioned.

"Don't worry, I won't risk Stark Industries' funds on this. You are the CEO now and decide where to invest. This is a personal project, a backup in case the old guys come up with some foolish ideas in the future," Tony said.

"Boss, I've already got the information you requested. It's attached to the information about Aldrich Killian," Happy reported, poking his head in.

Tony reviewed the second file, where there was information about an elderly veteran running a shelter for veterans, attending to both the elderly and soldiers who had suffered disabling injuries and had been abandoned by the government to fend for themselves in a miserable life. Tony smiled and saved everything; that was what he wanted.

"Thanks, Happy. It's exactly what I was looking for. It will be useful to me later," Tony said. Happy nodded with a smile. "Pepper, you can stop trying to contact S.H.I.E.L.D. They have already contacted me, so everything is in order for now. I'll go eat now because I think I haven't had dinner, and then I'll sleep for a few hours. After that, I'll schedule better alarms just in case. Call me in twelve hours," Tony said, and they both smiled.

After finishing the call, Tony went to prepare food, took a bath, and after eating, he slept for half a day.

In the late afternoon, Tony woke up and, after another bath, returned to his laboratory.

"Sir, I must warn you that this alarm mechanism could be harmful to your health," Jarvis cautioned, seeing him placing an electric shock device on his arm.

"Relax, Jarvis. I won't die from a little shock. These things have already been tested on dogs; I'm sure my brain won't ignore an alarm again if it gets a few taps from this," Tony replied, and before continuing with his research, he searched for the file sent by Pepper and called the most influential politician supporting Killian.

"Hello, speak," responded the voice of a woman.

"I'm Tony Stark. I want to talk to Senator Smith. Please tell him to call me at this number as soon as he can, if he's interested," said Tony, and he hung up the call.

Just five minutes later, the secretary excitedly contacted him to inform that her boss would attend to him immediately.

"Tony Stark!" exclaimed the voice of a middle-aged man. "We haven't spoken in a long time. What could a scientific celebrity like you want from me? Do you have any intention of venturing into politics?" asked the senator, as if they already knew each other, which was possible—Tony Stark had been to countless parties, and there were few personalities he hadn't been introduced to.

"Senator Smith, it's a pleasure to hear your voice again," greeted Tony with the same cordial tone. Although this wasn't a video call, he spoke to his computer, while the senator had a phone in hand. "Actually, I want to talk to you about a project you oversee, which I've learned about through a friend working on it. I'm interested in this project and believe it could bring great benefits to this nation if it were in my hands," Tony offered.

"That's interesting. And what project is it?" asked the senator enthusiastically.

"The Extremis project, which is being researched by Aldrich Killian. I know in his hands, it's a project with no future, but out of curiosity, I've been doing some research and believe I can make use of it," Tony offered. The senator paused for a few seconds.

"Tony, that project is dead. All Killian can present is explosive rats. In fact, I was about to recommend canceling it or having someone else take charge because that guy doesn't inspire confidence. He can only show progress with explosive rats. If you want to get involved in a project, I have several interesting proposals," said the senator.

Tony knew this project would end up in the hands of politicians with fewer scruples, willing to sacrifice lives for a supposed miraculous cure, unaware that Killian's goal was to create super soldiers for his own benefit.

"Senator, as I mentioned before, I believe I can make advances in this project, and you don't have to worry because dealing with explosive things to make them safe is one of my specialties. I think our good government and all those who decide to invest their trust in this project will reap great rewards," explained Tony.

"That sounds good, but it seems you need something more," said the senator, clarifying things, and now they were entering negotiations because Tony kept promising profits. Tony smiled.

"Senator, just a day ago, I had an unpleasant surprise when my board of shareholders, whom I considered part of my family and who owe everything they now possess to me, tried to undermine me to support someone who has only been a public face, an image consultant.

"They were willing to push me out of my own company, so now I'm somewhat paranoid about my legal dealings. I know that even if I have more shares in a state-owned company, getting rid of me wouldn't be a problem for them if the benefits are high enough, because once I get this project working, it won't actually be of any use to them," explained Tony. The senator laughed.

"So, you want to make a deal where we can't get rid of you. Scientists seem to think alike. That's the kind of deal Mr. Killian has with us, so in reality, we can't fire him. But if you manage to do it, we're willing to accept the same deal with you," concluded the senator.

"Senator, I'm sure Mr. Killian will understand my reasons. I just need an opportunity to talk to him," said Tony.

A week later, an angry and disheveled Aldrich Killian, who hadn't yet used the Extremis on himself, was sitting across from Tony on his private jet.

"Tony, you're wasting your time. No matter what you've said to those politicians, the Extremis project belongs to me and won't…" Aldrich's words were cut off when two discs behind his seat struck him with a fatal voltage, ending his life and causing his bladder to release.

It wasn't a quick death, as the electrocution lasted at least half a minute. Tony didn't want to incinerate him, just kill him. When vital signs ceased, the discs disconnected, and Tony breathed a sigh of relief.

It had been the most horrible experience of his two lives. He couldn't understand how there were people who enjoyed public executions in this crazy country.

After a minute, Tony got up from his seat and took out a voltage meter to touch Killian. Confirming that there was no voltage emission from the disc, he picked it up. The disc was, of course, an Arc reactor capable of carbonizing Killian's body if Tony activated it at full power, but explaining the damage to his seat would be a big problem.

Tony stored the disc, which he had concealed with a layer of fabric similar to the seat's, so Killian only squirmed uncomfortably when sitting on it. If Killian had chosen another seat instead of one in front of Tony, as was most likely, Tony had a poisoning plan and another simpler and more brutal stabbing plan.

Of course, Killian wouldn't suspect that Tony Stark wanted to kill him, at most intimidate him. That was what made it clear that Tony wasn't Stark, because for him, killing this future terrorist was no problem, especially when he was in the middle of his path. Although he had to admit he still felt queasy, as this was his first murder in his two lives.

Then things got worse, as Tony had to drag the body to the bathroom, where there was an escape mechanism intended for emergencies, of which Killian was the first user after Tony stripped him and threw him into the ocean, as his destination was France.

It would be interesting to see if anyone discovered the body. In that case, Tony would be in trouble, but by that time, he would have a significant advantage and could deal with the consequences easily.

As for the pilots, they wouldn't leave their cabin, as this meeting was highly confidential, and only Killian's superiors, led by Senator Smith, were aware of it. When a company negotiated the possible purchase of another, it was illegal to make it public, as in many cases, it could be used to defraud people by increasing or decreasing stock prices and then canceling the whole process. That would be fraud, so these meetings were held in secret until the intentions to purchase were formalized.

Upon reaching his destination, Tony anonymously requested a limousine through Jarvis and waited for the plane to return to the United States, after the unpleasant task of cleaning Killian's urine. Killian's clothes and documents were thrown out of the plane using the same escape route, although the documents were shredded beforehand.

Upon returning home, Tony called the senator.

"Senator, Killian has decided to take a long vacation. I assure you no one will inquire if his employees resign," explained Tony.

"Boy, if you're willing to pay that guy fifty million dollars, it's because you really believe in this project," the senator laughed.

"Senator, even if I decided to buy Killian's company for a million, I detest dirty games, and I think we can get much more out of this project," said Tony sincerely.

Of course, Tony left some clues to suggest that Killian had been well paid and left in another country to ensure his cooperation. The fifty million transferred to a fake account was also part of this cover-up. If someone looked for an escape route at the airport, they would find the limousine and a hundred thousand dollars credited to the driver's account, as well as the accounts of several people working at the airport, to simulate a secret escape.

All these people, of course, received a surprise, an anonymous reward, and since they hadn't done anything illegal, Tony doubted they would complain. On the other hand, Killian had creditors and million-dollar debts, so it was understandable that he wanted to escape with the fifty million without giving anything to anyone. The advantage of dealing with people of ill repute was that no one would suspect their misconduct.

"Tony, just tell me where to send your new team, and when do we sign our agreement," said the senator, not wanting to get further involved in shady matters. He had already done a lot by hinting at Killian's escape and bribery.

"I just need all the project information and Dr. Maya Hansen at my house. As for the rest, I've set aside compensation and a confidentiality agreement for them. I think a million per head is sufficient," said Tony, and the senator laughed.

"It's more than many of them expect, I assure you," said the senator, who had already received a million for his campaign and the promise of ten percent of shares at preferential prices for himself and his associates.

A couple of weeks later, almost a month since his arrival, Tony hadn't heard anything from Obadiah after his sudden disappearance in Afghanistan. Most importantly, he had Maya Hansen in front of him, sitting in a chair in his main hall, and at this moment, he was giving her a murderous look.

"Hello," said Tony with a sincere smile since the previous Tony had spent a wild night with this woman, although he left her the next day. However, he compensated her night with a hasty formula that wasn't entirely effective. Maya Hansen, looking at him furiously, clenched her teeth.

"You won't have my project!" scolded Maya Hansen, although her project was already in Tony's hands, filling her with helplessness and rage.

"I think we both know that your project is already in my hands, just like you. If you leave here without my consent, your future will be a dark cell for breach of contract with the United States government," explained Tony to make things clear. Maya looked at him with hatred. "However, that's not what I want," said Tony, offering her a drink and sitting back down.

"I don't intend to steal your research but to double my wealth with it by creating a second company, giving you all the research credit and sharing the merit of its completion. I believe you won't deny that for your project to work, my help is vital," explained Tony, and Maya looked surprised.

"What? Have you read anywhere that Tony Stark has stolen credit from any scientist?" asked Tony, raising an eyebrow.

"Dragging me here is not the best way to present yourself," said Maya.

"There are too many spies outside, and what we'll discuss here is the true potential of Extremis and what made Killian obsessed with it," said Tony, and Maya tensed. Tony nodded.

"Maya, I've made a deal with the government to ensure the independence of our company once it's created. But if they find out that Extremis can create super soldiers, our independence will vanish, along with the entire project and any benefit for the rest of humanity," said Tony.

"What… what do you propose?" stammered Maya in fear.

"I'll create several versions of the stabilizing formula for different Extremis versions, to which we'll add a fading effect that will force those who use it to receive a second dose to nullify its persistent effects. Anyone who ignores this will end up turned to ashes," explained Tony.

"You're crazy! There's no way such an extreme treatment will be approved!" declared Maya.

"Well, it's called Extremis, and I think a person who has lost one or both limbs would be willing to undergo a risky treatment to recover them, as long as there's enough support to assure them it won't explode in the process. If the treatment is conducted under strict supervision, it will guarantee us control and full administration of Extremis.

"Of course, this is just one of its applications, as cell regeneration could also prolong people's lives. If we control the dosage, just like with treatments, we could make it so that at least every ten years, people have to use our product.

"We could also diversify its use in hospitals, varying the dosage according to the severity of the injury and even localizing it to different parts of the body," Tony concluded. Maya looked at him with disgust but downed the glass of whisky in one go.

"You're a despicable person, but undoubtedly, that will hide the potential effects of Extremis," said Maya with a sigh, not wanting to fall into the hands of the military. "What do you plan to do with the complete formula?" she asked, swallowing nervously.

"Maya, you watch too many movies. I'm already very rich, and with this project, I'll be the wealthiest and most influential person on this planet. Although considering that you'll be the official inventor, and I'll just be the final assistant, for the scientific community, you'll always be the star. But I'm willing to accept that since, in addition to being very rich, the complete Extremis will provide us with a certain level of security and assurance for our lives.

"I plan to use it for our security, and I also plan to protect us by providing some super soldiers and weapons to the appropriate agencies that will serve us instead of exploiting us and also provide benefits to maintain our safe lifestyle.

"That being said, this is my deal: we'll create Extremis Corp. I'll provide the funds and the stabilizing formula and keep eighty percent of the shares. You'll provide Extremis and keep credit for its creation and ten percent of the shares, making you one of the richest people on the planet in the near future.

"Finally, the politicians I had to bribe to set Killian aside will get the other ten percent of the shares, and the government will have a ten percent stake in the profits, which will come from my eighty percent of shares. However, they won't have control of these shares; they'll just be considered a benefit from the previous funding agreement they had with Killian and that I've inherited to take control of the project," explained Tony. Maya frowned and contemplated for a few minutes.

"That's acceptable, although I don't like the idea of creating super soldiers at all. The blood of the people who die will be on our hands, and there's the possibility it might fall into the hands of a psychopath," said Maya. Tony nodded.

"That's why only I can dispose of the formula to stabilize the complete Extremis, and only I will create the super soldiers, implementing security measures in case of rebellion or if they try to be used against us," explained Tony, as he didn't plan to take risks.

"I don't trust you either," said Maya.

"You don't have another option. This afternoon, the components for your laboratory will start arriving. You'll be glad to know that money is not a problem for me, and you'll have access to the most advanced laboratory artifacts and tools," explained Tony.

"You mean I'll be working alone?" asked Maya incredulously.

"I've added some useful things to the laboratory. Would you like to take a look?" asked Tony. Maya nodded, and Tony led her to his laboratory, where a humanoid droid without external armor and with some upgrades welcomed them.

The droid wore an engineer's helmet and was the leader of another twenty droids who were installing new equipment and remodeling the place.

"I sold my car collection to make space," said Tony, presenting the place, which was now a massive laboratory after getting rid of the cars.

"Welcome, Mr. Stark. Dr. Maya Hansen," greeted the droid.

"Thank you, Jarvis," said Tony and looked at Maya. "Maya, Jarvis will be our assistant in installation tasks, repairs, and everything related to delays in our research, including cooking and maintaining security. Jarvis is also capable of daily updates, so our workforce will only increase," explained Tony.

"Tony, didn't you ever watch Terminator?" asked Maya, her body tense.

"Nonsense, Jarvis has been with me for years and has never consciously tried to kill me," explained Tony. Maya turned to leave, but Tony caught up with her and led her back to the laboratory.

"Tony, how the hell do these things move? They should need an amount of energy sufficient to power a building, which means their batteries should be larger than themselves," said Maya when he managed to bring her back to the laboratory a while later.

"I call it the Arc reactor; it's an invention of my father that I've recently managed to improve and shrink, producing up to eight gigajoules per second. However, a few days ago, I finished a version that produces twenty-four gigajoules per second using a synthesized element, although it's scarce and will take time to produce more.

"Therefore, the droids will be powered by three second-generation Arc reactors," explained Tony. "Don't worry, these droids are an extension of Jarvis, and I don't plan to hand over my butler to anyone," added Tony.

"Tony, you're insane!" declared Maya, but she moved forward to start giving orders to Jarvis about what she needed.

Thus, in the following days, Tony's laboratory was divided into two parts: one for biology and chemistry, and another for engineering and physics.

NA 1: This is a fanfic that I've written for a personal whim, after getting tired of reading fanfic where authors nerf Marvel Cinematic Universe technologies or the Infinity Stones. That's why I decided to create this fanfic, without nerfing any technology at all and maximizing the potential I could imagine. I've done the same with the Infinity Stones.

NA 2: Due to what I mentioned before, this is a very short fanfic, only eight chapters long. I hope you like it. I'll publish one chapter per week. I'm looking for beta readers to help me correct the text because this is a translation, and sometimes I miss things like English pronouns. If anyone wants to help me with this, you can send me a message to my email rdsellinsert@gmail.com.