

going to the world of naruto given the best of two clans with the knowledge of the future he plans to survive this dangerous world follow him as he strives to reach for the top a/n I am not really the best when it come to writing but I will try my best note:I do not own Naruto and I don't own the picture too if it's your do tell if u want it removed https://discord.gg/rxShYJFZ

hamarmuky · Cómic
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47 Chs

Chapter six

In the Hokage's office the third Hokage was sitting in his table fighting his worst enemy ''paper work"

He has a lot of head ache due to the tension between the Uchiha and the village. Because of the death of the fourth Hokage had to take back the mantle of Hokage again.

There was a knock at the door

"enter" he said.

The person that entered was the principal of the academy.

"good day Hokage sama" He greeted

"good day is there something that you need from me"

"yes sir I came to apply for an early graduation for Uchiha Itachi & Uchiha Ryu "

"hmm!! aren't they the twin Uchiha genius"

"yes sir they have perform very well in their studies that there isn't much we can teach them"

"so you think there ready " He asked with a serious tone.

"yes they have already mastered the academy Jutsu and know a few C ranked technique. Also Uchiha Ryu can be said to be a monster in kenjutsu ,most teacher in the school can't match up to him "


The Hokage was really surprised now performing C ranked Jutsu and can go head on with a chunin.

"ok I'll accept for their early graduation"

**** a few days later****

the Hokage watched the two passed their exam with Itachi get a score only second to the fourth Hokage and Ryu taking third place passing Orochimaru.

'they are good seedlings that will support the village in future.' the Hokage thought

But not everyone felt the same way.

in a secret place deep underground. a person didn't like the fact that they are two genius coming out for the Uchiha clan

today is the day we are going to be assigned to a team.

'I wonder who my team mate are going to be I hope they won't be too useless.' Ryu thought.

They walked into the principal office .

"your here!! good, wait a bit your teacher will come and pick you up" He said as they entered.

They sat down and waited. Not long after a knock came from the door and a Jonin entered.

"oh your came Yuki" the principal said

The Jonin nodded at him.

"which one of you is Uchiha Itachi"

"that me sir " Itachi answer

"ok come with me " said the Jonin.

"see you later Ryu" Itachi says as he waves at Ryu


Not long after they left another Jonin came.

"Uchiha Ryu right "He nodded

"come with me"

Ryu followed him as we went to a training ground where they were two others waiting there it was a boy and a girl around the age of 8.

"so this kid here will be our new team member introduced your self "the teacher said.

"I'm Uchiha Ryu, I'm six years, am good with kenjutsu and ninjutsu. nice to meet you."

' It looks like he is not arrogant about being a genius. it seems he will not have much problem fitting.' The sensei thought.

"nice to meet you too I'm Mikasa sarutobi and he is Kazuma" the girl said

"okay now that we have introduced ourselves lets-"

"sensei but of haven't introduced your self" Kazuma said.

"oh yeah! you can call me Aizawa sensei"

"now then Ryu let have a spar to see what you can do"

"okay sensei"

Ryu was feeling very excited because he hasn't been able to compare himself to any body other than Shisui and Itachi.

the others left the field spectating from the side

He took out his sword.

Ryu was assigned to Aizawa's team after one of his genin had an injury that forced him to quit the shinobi life.

Aizawa looked at him taking out his sword from looking at his stance he could tell he very good at kenjutsu.

'I guess his not called a genius for nothing.'

Ryu use current transfer to coat his sword in Chakra. Aizawa was shocked because it takes a lot of control to do it

In a flash, Ryu rushes his teacher and puts immediate pressure on his defense with a firm strike.

'fast' Aizawa thought

Ryu flips back onto the side of a tree and jumps at Aizawa from behind. The latter parries the strike and follow his opponent as he jumps from tree to tree.

Ryu attacks with a flurry of rapid strikes, seeing his attacks were not able to hit he moved back a threw a kunai with a tag on it .

Ryu closed his eyes as the kunai created a blinding light. It was a flash bang seal that Ryu made .

While his teacher was temporary blinded he rushed at him but Aizawa is a Jonin for a reason he still managed to defend then flicked away but Ryu was not letting the advantage go.

Ryu attacks Aizawa with his {Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique.}

Aizawa manage to avoid the attack as he flicked away. after regaining his sight and continue to engage Ryu.

Aizawa tries to catch him in a Genjutsu but finds that it is only a shadow clone.

'When!!?' Aizawa thought 'Must be when he used that flash technique'

Having created an opening, Ryu then strikes.

But he only cut a log that has replaced his teacher. Sensing something come from behind he rolls as shurikens landed where he was a while ago.

more shurikens came at him he quickly use his blade to defend.

He created two shadow clones and they dash at Aizawa now he was feeling pressured.

the fight went on for some time after which Aizawa called for a stop.l

"great!!, you are definitely worth of being called a genius." he said" with your strength you should be able to take on an elite chunin "

"thank you sensei" Ryu replied.

"okay that it for today we'll start taking the missions tomorrow" he flicker away after saying that.

"so want to go eat with us?" Mikasa asked.

"sure let go" Ryu decided to go with them as he has nothing much to do.

Aizawa entered the Hokage's office he see the Hokage sitting on his desk doing some paperwork. He stop as he sees him come in.

"ahh! Aizawa you came" he said with a small smile.

"yes sir "

"so how was he "

"I have to say better than I expected he has a chakra of a chunin ,good chakra control and he is very good at kenjutsu" Aizawa answered.

"if not for the fact he doesn't have combat experience he should have been able take on a Jonin"

"what about his personality" the Hokage asked.

"he doesn't talk much but from what I can see he doesn't have as much pride as a normal Uchiha"

"well that should be because he is not fully Uchiha". the Hokage said.

"if he should continue to grow at this rate he will be a great help in the future and we have make sure that he doesn't become an enemy to the village"

Ryu just finished eating with his new team mates. it was kind of annoying because of them asking questions after questions.


walked to the training ground where they train with Shisui. as he was walking he felt some people watching him .

'about six of them' he counted

'they should be Danzo's people'

Ryu ignored them as long as he is not attacked

'it should be fine for now'

He walked into the training ground both Itachi and Shisui are already there.

"yo" he greeted.

"yo Ryu" Shisui greeted back "just came back from a mission I heard you both became genin congrats "


"yeah I also got a gift for u guys "

They looked at him as he brought out a scroll.

"this is the summoning contract for the crows I want you guys to make a contract with them ".he said with a smile.

'oh!! so this is how Itachi got his crow in the anime' Ryu thought.

"thanks" Ryu and Itachi said

Itachi signed his name first then after was Ryu.

'with this I can also have those badass technique like Itachi did in the anime' Ryu smiled thinking about it.