

going to the world of naruto given the best of two clans with the knowledge of the future he plans to survive this dangerous world follow him as he strives to reach for the top a/n I am not really the best when it come to writing but I will try my best note:I do not own Naruto and I don't own the picture too if it's your do tell if u want it removed https://discord.gg/rxShYJFZ

hamarmuky · Anime & Comics
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47 Chs

Chapter five

It has been six months since Ryu started to train with Shisui. He really the best teacher Ryu could have. He teaches them everything they need to know without holding back.

Ryu has made progress in his training as he can now use his breathing style for up to 30 min. While he increased his physical training to 200 push up, 200 sit up, 20 squats and 20km dash. He has also mastered the three chakra control exercise.

Itachi and Ryu were now six years. They are going to enroll in the academy tomorrow. Truth be told Ryu was very excited about the academy because it is first step to him becoming the greatest Shinobi

****The next day****

Ryu and Itachi are going to the academy together with his aunt. They other children and parents also walking to place .

'Now that I think about it I don't have any friends other than Shisui and Itachi' Ryu hardly interacted with others as he was always training.

'What a sad life I have but I don't regret it though' Ryu thought as he knows what coming in future this was the best time to get in a lot of training as it won't be to late to relax after the war has passed.

People stood in front of the academy waiting for the Hokage to give his speech.

Not long after the third Hokage came up to the stage and talked about the history of the village and the will of fire

After that waving bye to his aunt they walked towards the class. They were in class A where the children of the clan are. opening the door they attracted a lot of attention mostly the girls.

Ryu was wearing a black anbu pants and a black shirt with red stripes complementing his reddish black hair.

They ignored the looks the boys were giving them and walked to seat near the window side.

Ryu closed his eyes to practice the breathing technique while waiting for the teacher

"Itachi so this is where you are!?" Ryu opened his eyes to see a girl coming towards us. He recognizes her as Uchiha Izumi

"Itachi your girlfriend is here" Ryu poked Itachi.

He looked at him waiting for a reaction but he got nothing. 'its really hard to tease him'

but he did get one for the girl she is blushing like there is no tomorrow.

"Ryu!!,I told you already am not his girlfriend" Izumi says.

"Yes Yes I believe you" Ryu said with a small simile.

Izumi is one of the few people Ryu normally talks to. She has always been following Itachi since he saved her during the Ninetails attack.

She sit down next to us and started talking with Itachi. Ryu could feel a lot of girls glaring at her with negative emotions.

'Well not my problem' Thought Ryu as he closed his eyes continuing his exercise.

Not long after the teacher came in and started the class. They taught us subjects like maths,history and others

He and Itachi only plan on attending this class the rest. they will just send a clone.

It didn't take long for them to encounter people trying to challenge them. It didn't end well for them.

So Ryu continued his training while sending a clone to school, Itachi also did the same. Ryu plans to take the time to brush up on his sealing technique and sword art.

As he doesn't have the sword art for the sun technique he could only focus on building up the basic of the sword. Shisui offered to teach him a sword style but he refused as he believes they won't match up to the later.

He has also made progress with his sealing technique as he is now able to make basic seal like the sealing scroll and the explosive tag.

****a four month later****

The lesson just ended, Ryu and Itachi left the class to take some fresh air. While walking in the corridor, suddenly 3 kids came running and hid behind Itachi, Ryu was watching everything from his left. He already knew what was going to happen.

A bulky boy who was a head taller than Itachi standing in front of him, itching to beat the hell out of the 3 kids behind Itachi. He threw a punch at Itachi only to be smashed onto the floor by his wrist.

"Thank you so much boss" one of the kids said.

"I'm not your boss" Itachi said with a blank expression

"That's not true form to day on your our boss" the second kid said.

Ryu was trying to hold back laughter while walking with Itachi who was acting depressed by their 'show'.

The next day, Ryu and Itachi were sitting near a tree at the back side of the academy. When the bulky boy who was smashed by Itachi came back with his whole gang for revenge.

The 3 kids were being beaten up while Ryu and Itachi were only dodging their attacks. Ninja instructors came but before they could stop them, 2 of the kids took hold of Itachi while the bulky one punched him in the face.


One of the ninja instructors said astoundingly "*Shadow clone Jutsu*"

Though Ryu knew this would happen but still he can't just let them go like that, making a hand seal.

{Demonic Illusion: Shackling Stakes Technique}

putting them under a Genjutsu. Watching what he did, all the instructors subconsciously took a step back and one of them stuttered.

Hel looked at them and undid the *Shadow clone Jutsu*


They stared at the place I vanished and after sometimes, undid the Genjutsu on the kids. One of them thought that this should be reported to the Hokage.

Both Ryu and Itachi are now planning to take the graduation exam. because of their performance we are being called the twin genius of the Uchiha.

They master any and every Jutsu that they were taught. Making the teacher to allow them to take the exam.

The exam didn't take much effort for them to pass. They received our head band as proof they were now officially ninjas.

Ryu smiled looking at the head band. it has been a year since he came to this world and he has finally taken his first step to the Ninja road.

They went back to the Uchiha compound meet a lot people on the way looking at us with respect as we passed. reaching home met itachi's mother looking at us with a bright smile.


"thank you mother/aunt" they replied.

"come let go we're having a celebration" she says walking into the house

They walked in behind her.


Sasuke was running at us or at Itachi that is ,he ran into his arms Itachi picked him up

"Nii-san did you pass the exam?"

Itachi smiled at him

"yes I passed"

"Wow!! so nii-san is a ninja"

"I passed too you know" Ryu said at the one year old ignoring him.

"Oh really!! but nii-san is still stronger" Sasuke says as he sticks out his tongue.

"What!!? last time I checked I was stronger" Ryu say holding his chin like he was thinking about something.

"No!! nii-san is "

Ryu started to argue with a one year old as they went into the dining room where his uncle was already seated reading while his aunt was still cooking. They went and sat down enjoying the peaceful silence.

"Itachi after dinner come with me there is something I want to show you" Fugaku said

'so he is going to take him to the Naka shrine' Ryu thought although he was called a genius the clan elders still refuse to allow him to join most of the clan activity.

Fugaku then look over to him.

"Ryu, there is something your mother wanted me to give after you became a ninja" He brought out a scroll and gave it to Ryu.

He took the scroll from him and looked at it has bloodline seal. It can't be opened by anyone but people from the same bloodline

'I guess this was from my father'

He put it away as it wasn't the time to open it

"thank you uncle" Ryu thanked him.

He nodded and continued to read

They ate dinner together it was a very nice feel eat with them but when Ryu thinks of what happens in future he is determined stop it he will not let my family suffer because of others.

After they finished dinner uncle took Itachi out with him while aunt took Sasuke to his room. Ryu also walked back to my room to open the scroll I was given

"let see what in side"

He used a kunai to cut his finger dropping blood on the scroll .it was opened.

inside the scroll were books about the Uzumaki history and books for advanced sealing technique. But the books were also sealed. One has to understand the seals to unlock them I could unlock three of them as they had basic seals on. As for the rest they were more advanced than the one Kushina gave me. They were other scrolls but they also had seals it was a useful gift.

He put them back in the scroll hide it inside the room.