
Tycoon Actor in Hollywood

"Tycoon Actor in Hollywood" unfolds the story of a failed actor from Earth who finds himself transmigrated into the body of a struggling young man in New York, USA, in a parallel world. Join us as we follow Lucas Knight's journey, step by step, as he ascends to stardom in the heart of Hollywood. --- [This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. While certain renowned figures may appear in this narrative, their portrayal is fictionalized and does not intend to represent their actual lives or actions.] If you are interested, you can check the advance chapters in my P@treon.com/NewComer714

NewComer714 · Película
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323 Chs


Lucas stepped into the spacious living room of his newly rented apartment, located on the highest floor of The Copper building in Manhattan. His eyes widened as he took in the breathtaking panoramic view of the cityscape below, visible through the floor-to-ceiling windows that doubled as walls. The sleek, modern decor of the apartment exuded an air of luxury and sophistication, but it was the stunning view that stole the show.

He walked over to the private pool, its water glistening under the city lights, and marveled at how it seemed to blend seamlessly with the skyline. The two spacious bedrooms, each with their own en-suite bathrooms, were havens of comfort and privacy, while the state-of-the-art gym was tucked away in a corner, complete with a sweeping view of the bustling streets below.

Lucas couldn't help but smile as he settled onto the plush leather couch, running his fingers along the soft leather. This was the life he had always dreamed of, and now it was within his reach. The hard work, the long hours, and the sacrifices he had made were finally paying off. He could almost taste the success in the air, as tangible as the cool night breeze that drifted in through the open balcony doors.

With a sigh of contentment, Lucas poured himself a glass of expensive scotch from the fully stocked bar and toasted the glittering skyline.

Lucas was just about to take a sip of his scotch when his phone buzzed on the marble countertop. Glancing at the caller ID, he saw it was Vincent and couldn't help but smile. "Hey, buddy, what's up?" he asked, expecting the usual small talk or maybe a casual check-in.

However, the moment Vincent started speaking, Vincent was actually informing him of a news. Lucas's relaxed demeanor vanished as he stood bolt upright, the glass of scotch forgotten in his hand. "What did you just say?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.


The TMZ website's homepage was ablaze with the latest juicy scoop, and this time, it was about the rising star, Lucas Knight. The source of the sensational news? His own personal diary, which a resourceful journalist had managed to get his hands on from Lucas old apartment.

The contents of the diary, accompanied by photos of the actual pages, were enough to send the internet into a frenzy. Usually, a celebrity's diary might pique some interest, but the contents of Lucas's journal were anything but ordinary.

In the entries, Lucas poured his heart out, detailing his daily struggles, including the heartbreaking moment when his father, under the influence of his stepmother, had kicked him out onto the cold streets. The diary also revealed the strained relationship he had with his family, particularly his step-mother and half-siblings, who despised him.

As the news spread like wildfire across social media, the public couldn't help but feel a surge of empathy and indignation on Lucas's behalf. They left comments expressing their support, sharing their own similar experiences, and calling for justice for the young actor.

"That's just heartbreaking," one user wrote, "I can't believe his own family could do that to him."

"He's been through so much," another commented, "no wonder he's so driven. He's a survivor."

The tables had turned for Myla Knight, as she now found herself at the receiving end of the internet's wrath. Hateful comments flooded her social media accounts, and even on news sites that had previously lauded her as a role figure. The public couldn't fathom how a woman could treat her step-son so cruelly, all because of jealousy and hatred.

"I always had a feeling that Vince's wife was up to no good," one user tweeted, "and now, with Lucas's diary out in the open, it all makes sense. She's been trying to sabotage him this whole time."

Another user chimed in, "No wonder Vince never really helped his own son. It just goes to show how hard Lucas has worked to get where he is today."

TMZ, sensing the growing interest in the scandal, released a segment on their television channel, further fueling the fire. The once-unknown actor was now the talk of the town, with even those who had never heard of him before stopping to take notice.

"Who's this Lucas Knight guy?" they asked, before diving headfirst into the rabbit hole of information available on the internet.

Lucas's name was on everyone's lips, but for all the wrong reasons. His private pain had become public fodder, and there was nothing he could do to stop it.

As the news segment about Lucas's diary aired on TV, viewers couldn't help but discuss the shocking revelations. "I can't believe it," one woman gasped, her eyes glued to the screen. "I always thought he was just another entitled celebrity, but look at what his own family put him through."

Her husband nodded, shaking his head in disbelief. "It's unbelievable how Vince could treat his own flesh and blood like that. No wonder he worked so hard to get where he is today."

Their teenage daughter, who had previously been glued to her phone, looked up from her device. "I remember Myla Knight was all over social media, accusing Lucas of being disrespectful and saying he cursed her and his father. Talk about karma, right?" she said, before returning to her screen.

"Well, the tables have certainly turned," the mother said, pouring herself a cup of tea. "I hope this teaches them a lesson about spreading lies."


In the opulent Beverly Hills mansion, Myla Knight sipped her glass of red wine, basking in the glow of the sun. However, her peaceful day was about to come to an abrupt end as her phone rang, displaying her daughter's name on the screen.

"Oh, hi Kathy, what's up?" she asked, feigning concern.

"Mom, you won't believe this," Kathrine said, panic lacing her voice, "have you seen Twitter?"

Myla's brows furrowed. "No, why? What's going on?"

"It's... it's about your stepson, Lucas. His diary, it's been leaked, and the contents... mom, they're not good for you."

Myla's grip on her wineglass tightened, and she felt a chill run down her spine. "What do you mean?"

Kathrine explained further, her voice shaking with anger, "The diary talks about how you treated him, how you made his life miserable. Mom, people are calling you a monster!"

Myla's world crumbled around her as she hung up the call, her heart pounding in her ears. She grabbed her phone and frantically scrolled through Twitter, only to find her worst nightmare had come true. Thousands of users were dragging her name through the mud, leaving no stone unturned in their quest for justice for Lucas.

Unable to take it any longer, she hurled her phone against the wall, shattering it into a million pieces. The beautifully decorated living room now mirrored the chaos in her mind.

"How could this happen?" she screamed, her fists clenched in rage. "This is all his fault! That ungrateful brat!" she spat, pacing the room in a frenzy.


Lucas's heart raced as he frantically rummaged through the boxes in his luxurious apartment, desperately searching for his old diary. He had never imagined that something so personal would be leaked to the public, but here he was, at the center of a media storm.

"Vincent, I can't find it," he said, panic lacing his voice as he called his agent. "I left it behind in my old apartment. I never thought... I mean, who would've thought someone would go through my stuff?"

Vincent sighed on the other end of the line. "Look, it's not ideal, but it could've been worse. At least now, your side of the story is out there. It clears you of Myla's accusations, and while it might not have been the way we wanted, it's done now."

Lucas ran a shaky hand through his hair, collapsing onto the couch. "Yeah, you're right. I just... I never thought my private thoughts would be fodder for the world to see."

"I know, buddy, but you're strong. You've been through worse. This too shall pass," Vincent said, trying to sound reassuring. "Focus on your work, and let me handle the rest, alright?"

"Yeah, but I'm still worried. She's going to counter this, questioning how a TMZ journalist got their hands on my diary in the first place," Lucas said, pacing the spacious living room of his new apartment.

Vincent sighed on the other end of the line. "It doesn't matter what she says. The public has already chosen sides, and in this case, they're with you. Besides, TMZ is known for their sensational scoops, and they've always been credible with their sources.

And besides, the journalist explained that the last entry in your diary was about you going for the 'Modern Family' audition. It's clear you didn't use it after that, so it's plausible that you forgot it when you moved out."

Lucas stopped pacing and sat down on the couch, massaging his forehead. "I guess you're right."

After hanging up with Vincent, Lucas's phone buzzed again, this time it was his manager, Neil, and then his girlfriend, Jennifer. He reassured them both that he was alright, but he knew they could hear the strain in his voice.

To distract himself, he headed to the gym in his apartment, pounding away his frustration on the punching bag. Sweat dripped down his face as he lost himself in the rhythm of his fists connecting with the leather.

As the sun set, he realized how long he had been at it and decided to call it a day. He took a much-needed shower, washing away the sweat and some of the stress, before collapsing into bed.

Lucas drifted off to sleep, thankful that he had managed to move out when he did, or else the paparazzi would have swarmed his old place like vultures.