
Love at First Sight?

Searching for Jaymesh, I couldn't find him in the Study room, so I decided to check the Common room. Looking inside through the glass panel in the door, I saw many other students all socializing comfortably. A part of me deeply wished I could easily socialize with other people specially girls. Scanning each person carefully I noticed Jaymesh still wasn't there. Then deciding to check the form classes above, there were still a number of lessons still going on, but still no sight of Jaymesh. Giving up my search I went back to my friends in the study area.

Walking back towards the Study room, Jade and her friends passed by a fair distant in front of me, the world slowed down as I see Jade's head ever so slightly begin slowly turning towards me, in a fit of panic I forced myself to instantaneously turn around pretending to walk the direction I just came from. My heart racing thumping back and forth ready to explode out my rib cage. Reaching the door, I very carefully checked behind me to see if they have passed. I let out a deep huff of relief seeing that they passed uneventfully.

Returning to the study area I could see the Jaymesh through the glass panel in the the door. "Hey Jay, We good for lunch?" I said trying to catch his attention holding the door open.

Turning around noticing me, "Ohhh Yo Dude, come here I want you to meet my new friends." He replied to me.

"Bro I've already spent like 10 mins looking for you!" I replied, my socially awkward personality tried to pass on the situation.

"Dude it's just gonna take two mins." he insisted.

'Fine' I agreed, walking towards him, as I approached he stepped to the side revealing in front of him were three girls. One Caucasian girl with freckles and red hair wearing an Arsenal T-shirt, one wearing a plain white tank top with ripped jeans, lightly tanned skin and curly hair from I guess a Latino decent. And lastly the most beautiful girl I have ever seen, an exotically beautiful brown skinned Goddess, wearing a tank top and combat trousers. My body instantaneously went into coward mode, as I felt an overwhelming sense of fear surging through my body. Too late now to turn tail and run, I fought my urges and stood next to Jaymesh.

"So meet my friend Gemma" Jay said pointing at the Red haired Caucasian girl with an open palm.

"Hi nice to meet you" she responded.

"Hi nice to meet you I'm Paul" I replied giving her the cool dude nod... which I instantly regretted as it probably came off as awkwardly as i feel.

"This is Louise." Jay added, pointing at the Curly hair girls from what I think is of Latino decent.

"Hi nice to meet you!" She said with a giant smile on her face.

"Hi nice to meet you too" I said nodding with agreement.

"And this is Emilia" he said pointing at the browned skinned Goddess.

"Hi nice to meet you Paul." she responded with a giant genuine smile revealing her braces and giving me a wave.

Her soft beautiful voice echoed through my body, causing me to seize up, all I could muster was what I think was a smile and a small wave.

"Dude guess what! Her Surname, her family is also from the same State my family is from, and get this, even crazier is they are also from the same street!" He informed me of the shocking coincidence of events.

Still stunned by her, I still didn't utter a word, but a small sinking feeling hit me like a sack of brick. Although obvious but it never really dawned on me till now, that normally their type of Asians generally stick to their own race when the comes to dating, much like my mum pushing me to find a nice Chinese girlfriend like some sort of propaganda influencing.

"Anyways we gonna head out for some food see you girls later." Jay said to them waving them goodbye.

"Later Jay and Paul." They all said watching us head out of the study area.

Giving them what I felt was a wave so discrete that they probably didn't notice and following Jay and exiting the study area, I couldn't help myself but take one last glance at Emilia before I left. Wondering when I might see her next and hoping we have either Chemistry or Economics together.

Exiting the school, "dude where do you wanna go to get food?" Jay asked me.

"No idea to be honest I don't know where any food places are only newsagents" I answered him.

"Let's go to the newsagent then there's one just up ahead." He decided.

"Yeah sure the one I passed on the way here is all the way at Shadwell station." I responded.

Making our way to the newsagent, I couldn't stop myself thinking about her and her smile, the feeling I got just from seeing her, is this love at first sight? Like when Romeo met Juliet (the Leonardo Dicaprio version).

"It's crazy right?, how Emilia and I are both from the same country, same state, same city, same street and surname." Jay said sparking up a conversation.

"Yeah I know pretty insane." I responded. "So are you guys like, related somehow? Long lost sister or cousin?" I asked mad with curiosity.

"Nah just same surname no relation, Patel is like one of the most popular Surnames in India." He answered.

"Ohhh that's quite interesting...." I replied. "Do you happen to know what she's studying?" I asked him secretly seeking information about her.

"Actually.... no I don't, it didn't occur to me to ask." he replied still unaware of my motives of questioning.

"Ohh... How did you meet them?" I tried to probe further.

"Ohh they came to me asking me for some directions and it started from there." He answered me again.

"So where were they asking for directions?" I asked trying to sound innocent.

"Where the business studies class was, but oddly they weren't in my lesson... maybe I remembered incorrectly." He answered.

DAMNIT.... Well that's a damn dead end, "Man I wish girls would come up and talk to me to be honest, I can't even imagine myself walking up to one and just saying hi." I replied hiding my frustration.

"Dude like you would even reply if a girl did." he joked but we both knew it was quite true. "Anyways the newsagents is around this corner." He added.

We entered the scruffy looking newsagent badly organized with a quite messy layout, but still somehow miraculously found some drinks and crisps for us to snack on.

"So when is your day over?" Jay asked me as we lined up to pay for our food and drink.

"Omg two more lessons, Economics then Chemistry." I replied with a sigh. "You?" I asked.

"I think I'm done, but I'll wait for you to finish we can walk back together." He replied.

"Yeah sure no worries." I replied pulling out my Nike wallet to pay the newsagent owner.

"Gives me more time to make friends." he added as we walked out the newsagents

Taking a look at my watch, I faked panic like I was late for my next class, "Dude I think i might be late for my next lesson." I informed Jaymesh in a fake panic, hoping that if we rush back we might be able to meet up with Emilia again and Jaymesh could strike up a conversation allowing me to find out more about her.